EDL Reading Core Vocabulary Assessment

The EDL Reading Core Vocabulary is composed of words introduced in the more widely used basal reading series and/or found on frequency lists. The list is arranged in alphabetical order and includes only the words introduced on the specific grade level.

EDL Reading Core Vocabulary Fourth Grade

Check indicates automatic word recognition with word meaning:

accent / dictionary / language / realize / toe
accept / difficult / lantern / refrigerator / tomato
accident / dignity / laughter / regular / ton
according / dim / lawn / reindeer / tongue
accuse / dinosaur / league / reins / toothpaste
ache / direct / leap / relief / tore
acorn / disappointment / least / remind / touchdown
acre / discovery / leather / remove / tough
acrobat / disease / ledge / rent / towel
action / disgrace / legend / report / trailer
actor / disgust / lemon / represent / tramp
actually / dismay / lemonade / reservation / transfer
adjust / distance / length / responsible / tray
admire / distant / lettuce / result / treat
admit / disturb / level / retreat / treaty
afford / dock / lever / riddle / trim
agree / doe / lick / ridge / tropical
alligator / doubt / lid / rifle / trout
alphabet / dozen / lightning / rim / trudge
although / dragon / lime / rise / trumpet
amount / drawn / limp / roam / tub
ancestor / dreadful / link / rob / tuck
anchor / droop / lip / robin / Tuesday
ancient / dull / lit / rocket / tug
anger / duty / locate / rodeo / turkey
anxious / earnest / locomotive / rough / turnip
anybody / earthquake / lodge / royal / twelfth
anyhow / Easter / lonesome / ruby / twinkle
appearance / eastern / lord / rude / twist
approach / echo / luck / rug / type
aquarium / editor / magazine / ruin / typewriter
area / effect / magician / rumble / umbrella
argue / eighteen / magnet / rustle / umpire
arithmetic / eighth / maid / sack / uneasy
arrangement / electric / mama / saddle / unicorn
arrest / electricity / mane / sake / uniform
article / elegant / manner / salad / unit
artist / encourage / manners / salute / upset
ashamed / encyclopedia / marble / sauce / urge
ashes / endurance / mare / sausage / valentine
astronaut / enemy / married / savage / vanish
attention / engineer / marsh / scale / vase
attic / enormous / mast / scamper / velvet
August / entire / material / scenery / victory
avenue / envelope / mattress / scientist / view
avoid / equal / meanwhile / scissors / vine
awkward / equator / measure / scold / volcano
awoke / Eskimo / medal / scoop / voyage
aye / especially / medicine / scooter / waddle
bacon / eve / mention / score / wail
badge / examination / mesa / scout / waist
balance / examine / messenger / scowl / walrus
bamboo / exchange / midnight / scramble / wand
bandage / expensive / million / screech / warrior
banner / experience / minstrel / screen / watermelon
bare / experiment / mist / scythe / weary
basement / expert / mistress / seal / weave
bathroom / explanation / mitten / seaport / web
bathtub / explode / mixture / self / Wednesday
battery / explore / moccasin / sentence / wee
battle / express / modern / September / weed
bay / eyebrow / mood / servant / western
beak / eyelash / moose / service / wharf
beam / eyelid / mop / setting / wheelbarrow
beef / fact / moss / settle / whether
beetle / factory / motion / settler / whine
bellows / fade / mound / seventeen / whirl
beneath / familiar / movies / seventh / whiskers
bet / faucet / mug / sew / whittle
bid / favor / mule / shallow / whom
bike / favorite / mumble / shark / wicked
billow / fiery / murmur / shawl / wig
birch / figure / museum / shelter / wiggle
blame / fin / music / shepherd / wigwam
blaze / final / musician / sheriff / wilderness
bleat / firm / musket / shift / willow
blend / fist / mustache / shiver / wine
blink / flare / mutter / shone / witch
blizzard / flavor / mysterious / shoulder / wizard
blubber / flicker / mystery / shove / wobble
bob / flight / myth / shower / woodpecker
bonnet / flint / national / shriek / worst
bound / flock / natural / shrug / sound
bracelet / flood / nature / sight / wrinkle
braid / flute / naughty / silence / wrist
brain / flutter / navy / silk / yawn
brass / folk / necessary / sill / yell
breathe / fond / neighborhood / sink / yesterday
broom / forehead / nephew / siren / zero
brownie / forever / nervous / sixth / zone
bruise / fork / news / ski
buck / fort / newspaper / skill
buckle / fortunate / nineteen / skim
buggy / fought / ninth / skirt
bugle / freckle / nonsense / skunk
bullet / freedom / noon / slam
bun / freight / nor / slant
burro / friendship / northern / sleeve
burrow / frontier / nuisance / slender
burst / frozen / nurse / slid
bury / fry / oar / slipper
bushel / furnace / oasis / slippery
business / furniture / oatmeal / slope
cabbage / further / oats / snarl
cable / fuss / obey / sneak
calves / future / object / sneeze
cane / gallon / October / sniff
canvas / gallop / officer / snort
canyon / gang / onion / soak
capture / garbage / opinion / soar
cargo / gasp / opossum / soldier
carnival / geese / opposite / solve
carpenter / general / orbit / somersault
carriage / gentlemen / orchard / somewhat
cast / ghost / ordinary / sore
castle / giggle / ornament / sour
celebrate / giraffe / overhead / southern
champion / glare / owe / spank
character / gleam / ox / spear
charcoal / glide / pad / speck
check / glisten / paddle / spectacle
cheerful / gloomy / pain / speech
chimpanzee / glossary / palm / spell
china / glow / pant / spelling
choke / gobble / pants / spent
chore / god / papa / spike
chosen / golden / parachute / spine
churn / gourd / paragraph / spool
citizen / government / parrot / sport
claim / grade / particular / sprang
clam / gradually / partner / spy
clatter / grand / pasture / square
claw / grape / patient / squat
clay / grasp / pattern / squawk
climate / grateful / pause / squeal
clover / gravy / peace / Sr.
clump / graze / peaceful / stable
coax / greet / peach / stack
cobbler / grind / pear / stagger
cocoa / grip / pearl / stake
coin / groan / pedal / stalk
collar / groceries / peel / stall
collect / grocery / pepper / stallion
collection / grumble / perfect / stampede
colonel / grunt / perform / starve
colony / guest / period / statement
comfort / guitar / permission / statue
command / gull / person / steadily
committee / gypsy / persuade / steady
companion / habit / phone / steel
condition / hadn’t / pigeon / stern
cone / Halloween / pilgrim / stockade
contain / halt / pillar / stocking
continent / handkerchief / pinch / stole
control / handsome / pinto / stolen
convenience / harvest / pioneer / stomach
convenient / hatch / pirate / stool
coral / health / pit / stove
cord / heap / pity / strain
cork / hearth / planet / stranger
corral / helpful / platform / strap
cot / hesitate / playful / streak
cottage / hind / playground / strength
cotton / hinge / playmate / stride
council / hire / plug / stripe
counter / hitch / plum / stroke
couple / hoarse / plunge / stumble
court / hobby / poison / succeed
cove / hog / polar / success
coyote / honest / polish / suffer
crab / honesty / poppy / sugar
crag / honk / popular / suggest
crayon / horrify / port / suitcase
crazy / hotel / porter / sum
creak / however / position / sung
creature / howl / possession / supplies
creep / human / possibly / supply
crew / hump / postman / support
crib / hunger / pottery / surface
cricket / hurricane / powder / surrender
cripple / husky / prairie / surround
crisp / hut / praise / suspect
crocodile / icy / prance / swamp
crooked / imagination / pray / swan
crop / imitate / prayer / swarm
crouch / immediately / precious / sweater
cruel / impatient / preparation / swell
crumb / improve / preserve / swept
cub / improvement / prick / swoop
cupboard / information / pride / sword
cure / ink / prince / swung
curiosity / inning / prison / syllable
curly / insist / prisoner / tailor
current / instant / private / tale
curve / instrument / problem / tame
custom / interrupt / professor / tan
customer / introduce / program / tangle
cute / invent / pronounce / tape
dairy / invention / proof / tar
daisy / jacket / property / target
damage / jail / protect / tea
dandy / jam / protection / telescope
dangerous / janitor / protest / temperature
dangle / January / pump / tenth
date / jaw / pumpkin / tepee
deal / jealous / punish / terror
death / jeep / pup / thankful
debt / jingle / pupil / Thanksgiving
December / Jr. / purpose / therefore
declare / jungle / quarrel / thorn
decorate / kayak / quart / threaten
deed / kettle / quarter / thrift
defend / kid / queer / thrifty
degree / kingdom / quill / thrill
deliver / knee / quilt / throne
delivery / knit / quit / thumb
demand / knives / quiver / thump
den / knot / racket / thunder
department / knowledge / rage / tide
design / lad / ragged / tiger
dessert / lame / rake / tile
destroy / lamp / range / tilt
detective / landlord / rare / tin
develop / lane / rat / toad

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Columbus State University Technology Training Center