Bridgehaugh Park, Stirling. FK9 5AP

Telephone 01786 478866.

Reg.No 184989

Date as Postmark


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held in

the Clubhouse, at Bridgehaugh, on Thursday 22nd June 2017, following the Annual

General Meeting of Stirling County (Bridgehaugh) Limited.


1.0 Apologies for absence.

2.0 Minutes of AGM held on 26th May 2016

3.0 President’s Report

4.0 Club Captain’s Report.

5.0 Directors' Reports (Including the Finance Director’s Report & presentation of the 2016-2017 Accounts)

6.0 Motion 1:-To change Company Article 21 to read “the number of Directors shall be

not less than three and not more than fifteen”.

7.0 Election of Directors and Club Officials. (Nominations must be given, in writing,

to the Secretary, not less than 14 {Fourteen} days before the meeting. )

Motion 2:- To re-elect Mr John Wright as Club President and a Director of SCRFC Ltd

Motion 3 :- To re-elect Mr Lorne Boswell as Vice-President and a Director of SCRFC Lt

Motion 4 :- To elect Mr Jonathon Hope as Club Captain of SCRFC

Motion 5 :- To re-elect Mr John Gibson as a Director 0f SCRFC Ltd.

Motion 6- To re-elect Mr Alastair Cunningham as a Director of SCRFC Ltd

Motion 7 :- To re-elect Mr Richard Adams as a Director of SCRFC Ltd..

Motion 8:-. To elect Mr Craig Bulloch as a Director of SCRFC Ltd

Motion 9 :- To elect Mr Richard Grayburn as a Director of SCRFC Ltd.

Motion 10 :-To elect Mr Pete Mudie as a Director of SCRFC Ltd.

Motion 11 :- To elect Mr Keith Watson as a Director of SCRFC Ltd.

Motion 12 :- To elect Mr Colin Forsyth as a Director of SCRFC Ltd.

Motion 13 :- To elect Mrs Jenifer Spinks as a Director of SCRFC Ltd.

Motion 14 :- To elect Mrs Donna Paterson as a Director of SCRFC Ltd

Motion 15 ;- To elect Mrs Amanda Harrison as a Director of SCRFC Ltd

Motion 16 :- To re-elect Mr Ian Cuthbertson as Hon. Secretary of SCRFC


8.0 A.O.C.B

Ian D. Cuthbertson

(Company Secretary )

Note :- Any Honorary, Life or Full Member of the Club desirous of moving any Motion or Resolution at the AGM shall give notice thereof, in writing, to the Secretary, not less than 5(Five) days before the meeting.