3:00-4:45, McGowan 1059

Senators present: Phil Jenkins, Tom Kent, Bill Conlogue, Alex Vari, Agnes Cardoni, Sr. Mary Ann Zimmer, Shelby Yeager, Lori Swanchak, Rick Hoffenberg, Stephanie Wise, Linda Partridge, Annette Fisher, Frank De Matteo, Kerri Tobin, Jen Barna

Excused: Alex Dawoody, James Eckler

Others present: Stephen Garrison, Amanda Metro, Charles Truitt, Andrea Novak, Sr. Margaret Gannon

Minutes submitted by: Linda Partridge, Rick Hoffenberg, Lori Swanchak

REVIEW OF MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 4 MEETING / There was a lengthy discussion regarding the wording: “Concern was expressed at the apparent lack of communication and dialogue with faculty on the designs and plans for the Learning Commons.” / The word “apparent” was replaced with “perceived” to change the statement to: “Concern was expressed at the perceived lack of communication and dialogue with faculty on the designs and plans for the Learning Commons.” The vote was 11 in favor, 1 opposed.
ANNOUNCEMENTS / Linda Partridge made the following announcements:
  • Ross Novak needs faculty to help train student leaders for orientation. He has sent out an e-mail soliciting volunteers.
  • The 2014-15 calendar draft has been approved. The fall 2014 start date is 8/25/14. Spring semester is a week later than usual, with a start date of 1/14/15 (Monday classes meet); spring break is 3/9/15-3/13/15; and Commencement is 5/16/15, a Saturday.
  • Alan Levine has notified us that students are complaining that some faculty members are not ending classes in time to allow for travel to the next class. Please be considerate and conclude classes in a timely fashion.
/ No formal action necessary
Student meal prices / Tom Kent had a meeting with the Student Government Association and gave them information comparing our meal prices to those at neighboring institutions. It is now up to students to determine whether they wish to take the matter further. / No formal action necessary
Bookstore / Joe Garvey is out of town and will attend the December meeting to discuss faculty issues with the bookstore. Mary Ann Zimmer offered Survey Monkey feedback from her college. Senators can reach out to their colleagues for additional information to pass on to Linda Partridge and/or to present at the December meeting. / No formal action necessary
ESL Tutor / Linda Partridge read an e-mail from Deborah Brassard expressing the need for tutors to serve students whose first language is not English. Senators discussed the possibility that tutoring might become an internship position in our ESL program, and therefore a new faculty line would not be required. The consensus is that the need is great: would one tutor be sufficient? Would the tutor help with writing, speaking, and/or comprehension? / Tammy Brown and Nancy Hemmler will be invited to join the discussion at the December Senate meeting.
Curriculum Lab / Agnes Cardoni noted that the Curriculum lab is closed evenings. Also, it was scheduled to be moved to the library over Christmas break, although now the move is delayed until after spring semester. The current space is 2200 square feet, and the prospective space would be only 400 square feet. The current, large room in McGowan is needed for CSD’s growing program. The Education faculty expressed concern about the move, which also affects Psychology (they have materials in that lab that will need to be returned to the Psychology Department). Andrea Novak and Dave Schappert have discussed the move(Andrea Novak provided information regarding the explanation for and timing of CSD acquiring the present curriculum space)space is being sought for the lab. Senators were concerned that there has been a perceived lack of communication about the planned relocation and its impacts. / After issues were aired at the present Senate meeting, Senators expressed that they were more comfortable about the move. We need to assure more open lines of communication in the future.
Communication concerns / Some faculty noted larger concerns about perceived communication lapses, in particular when administrative decisions are made that affect faculty and students. One Senator proposed a survey to gather data about faculty concerns and attitudes regarding allocation of resources, decision-making, and communication. Alternatively, this sort of open-ended survey might be less constructive than we intend, and may inhibit our effectiveness. / No action taken
Learning Commons / Linda Partridge read two e-mails from faculty members who expressed deep concerns about L.C. issues. Sister Margaret Gannon, from the floor, questioned if the Senate was consulted about the Learning Commons. She offered a policy from the AAUP, which states that key groups need to be consulted about new buildings and other major campus planning. This should be a process that involves the Faculty Senate, since it is our primary organ. Senators’ discussion centered around: their concerns that the faculty needs to feel engaged; that they believe they need to be considered asexpert consultants (in addition to hired consultants) on the way a facility is designed and used; that the perspective and context on the Learning Commons has changed over the last three years (for instance, the plans were initially discussed in relation to plans for the South Campus); that some L.C. space was going to be allocated for departmental uses (although those spaces would not be well enough reinforced to support stacks); and the hope that it may be possible to contribute ideas for—and perhaps augment—the 2-5% of the collection that is available on the open stacks and not consigned to the automatic retrieval system. It was recommended that we check whether the Senate was, in fact, consulted on the issue. The membership list for the L.C. Committee, dating back to 2010, was cited, but a faculty member nominally on a committee did not recall substantial opportunities to shape decisions. How do we move forward? / We need to address concerns over both communication issues and the specifics of the L.C. plan. At a future meeting we intend to look closely at AAUP language as a model for drafting our own statement regarding process; and, in the interim, we will form a task force to investigate the possibility of shaping or augmenting those stacks that are planned for the L.C.
Linda Partridge announced that on Monday, November 25, Sister Anne will host two focus group sessions on the L.C., at 8:00-10:00 a.m. and at 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Other issues /
  • Faculty Development funds have been cut, and this appears to value one type of scholarly contribution over another. Will that be reflected in assessment of our F.A.R.s?
  • Our ratio of full-time to part-time faculty is very low: concern was expressed.
  • Concern was expressed that Chartwells employees who are working less than thirty hours are losing their benefits.
/ No action taken
ADJOURNMENT / Meeting adjourned at 4:45