Standards Based Competencies for School Human Resources Departments

As examined by AASPA, American Association of School Personnel Administrators


SHRM, Society for Human Resource Management

A Standards Based School Human Resource Department that is high performing exemplifies the following characteristics:

  1. The HR department understands the purpose of the organization including mission, customers, and statutory mandate.

The department should be able to explain our district’s mission for our students.

We should actively implement customer service skills to internal and external customers. Our internal customers are teachers, principals, all certified staff, and all classified staff.

Our department should be keenly aware of all state and local mandates that affect hiring processes, benefits, policies, etc. (We currently do this by attending workshops and seminars that update us on a timely basis)

  1. The HR department keeps current on political and legislative activities that may affect the organization.

Our department should stay abreast of all legislative decisions that are made. We are often the first line of defense when people call and ask about certification, number of vacancies, etc. We are updated monthly on these political policies that affect us at our monthly HR meetings. Often, we are updated more frequently via email, etc.

  1. The HR department is able to conduct operations in a manner that provides equitable, decisive, and congenial employee relationships.

 The HR department should provide assistance to all employees in a timely manner. This includes listening to concerns from all employees. This does not mean that all decisions will always be seen as positive for each employee, but our responsibility includes providing an objective ear and point of view.

  1. The HR department is able to research future staff needs and makes projections for current and future employment needs of the organization.

 The HR department continually updates its recruitment and retention practices to reflect the hiring needs for the district. For example, we research each job fair that we attend every year to determine if anyone was hired from that area. We also determine what type of teachers we need and seek out job fairs that will have large numbers of those types of applicants.

  1. The HR department has the skill of seeing interconnections and patterns in complex situations, including the ability to keep in mind both short- and long-term issues.

 The HR Staff works with other departments to make sure all staffing needs reflect the current and future goals the school district has for the education of students.

  1. The HR department is able to communicate ideas and exchange information clearly, persuasively and in terms of results and goals.

 The HR department shares information across our organization with other employees in order to have a greater knowledge base. Even though we “own” our jobs, we also make sure others in the department have an understanding of how our jobs affect the organization. This standard solidifies the use of SOP manuals to document our job functions

  1. The HR department has the ability to establish a system to ensure employees are promoted on the basis of competency, performance, qualification, and potential for future growth.

The HR department shares information across our organization with other

employees in order to have a greater knowledge base. Even though we “own” our jobs, we also make sure others in the department have an understanding of how our jobs affect the organization. This standard solidifies the use of SOP manuals to document our job functions

  1. The HR department possesses the skill of helping others realize their greatest potential through optimistic attitudes and personal support.

 The HR Staff listens to potential candidates and assists them by providing their name and qualifications to principals and other department managers based on their individual qualifications and/or certification.

  1. The HR department possesses knowledge of the organization as a financial institution that adds value for stake holders.

 The HR staff has a working knowledge that we are a governmental organization. We obtain our funds from federal, state, and local sources. We must be fiscally responsible in order to provide the best possible education to our students.

  1. The HR department has understanding of how groups change and grow, and how to use these insights to accelerated needed changes in culture, practice, operations, and processes.

 The HR Staff has a working knowledge of how the needs of each department within the school system change with staffing, development, funding, etc. They understand that work responsibilities evolve based on the needs of the department.

  1. The HR department has the ability to work with staff to plan and implement activities that promote achievement of school goals while supporting instructional staff as they assume responsibility for their professional development.

 The HR Staff works with individuals to ensure that professional development has been included in their succession plan specifically in order to renew certification.

  1. The HR department approaches assigned HR program responsibilities with a broad perspective and is aware of the organizational culture of the district.

 The HR Staff has a working knowledge of how the needs of each department affect the education of students. They understand the importance of their responsibilities in working with teachers and other staff to create the best possible learning environment for students.

  1. The HR department applies knowledge of team behavior to help achieve organizational goals and objectives.

 The HR Staff understand that while each individual is the Subject matter expert in his or her area, all HR staff have and understanding of HR duties and work together to ensure that we provide the best possible customer service and information to employees.

  1. The HR department manages competing priorities and work assignments by continuously evaluating the needs of the organizations mission against pending work.

 The HR department uses sound work practices to manage time and meet deadlines based on the urgency of matters.

  1. The HR department applies whole systems thinking to work processes by ensuring consideration of all external and internal environmental factors in providing advice and solutions to customers.

 The HR department has a working knowledge of how each individual impacts the school district mission. The staff provides objective advice by looking at all angles and being an objective source of information.

  1. The HR department maintains awareness of current and emerging technologies which have potential to improve efficiency and/or effectiveness of the organization.

 The HR Staff continually works to improve workflow processes and implement new technology to improve workflow. The staff works to decrease paper flow and increase technology driven programs.

  1. The HR department analyzes multiplicity of data and information from several sources and arrives at logical conclusions.

 The HR Staff compiles data to determine the appropriate solution of a situation.

  1. The HR department takes the initiative in solving or helping to solve problems with a variety of problem solving techniques.

 The HR Staff acts as an objective third party to solve problems and situations.

  1. The HR department has integrity and demonstrates professional behavior to gain the trust and confidence of the customer.

 The HR Staff always does the right thing for the right reason.

  1. The HR department knows laws, best policies and practices in HR. Keeps current and understands statutory and regulatory requirements affecting HR programs.

The HR department should be keenly aware of all state and local mandates that affect hiring processes, benefits, policies, etc. (We currently do this by attending workshops and seminars that update us on a timely basis)

  1. The HR department understands, values, and promotes diversity and knows the potential a diverse workforce can make to a successful organization.

 The HR staff ensures that ALL employees are treated equally and without bias.

  1. The HR department has knowledge and background in various leadership techniques and styles and is able to apply them in the right situation.

 The HR staff has a working knowledge of how be flexible and put aside their own personality characteristics and work with other employees based on the other employees’ needs. The staff partners with the people they work with.

  1. The HR department has the ability to train administrators and supervisors regarding all HR policies, procedures and practices.

 The HR department provides to all supervisors the opportunity to ask questions that relate to practices and procedures.