CAV 382 Airport Managementt r 1:40- 2:55
Spring 2004 Gibson Gunn 128

Instructor: / Julie Clark
Gibson-Gunn Office 122
Telephone 846-4216
Office Hours: / M W; 8:30-12:00, 1:00-3:00
T R; 8:30-9:20, 3:00-4:00
Course Objective: / To provide the student with a knowledge of airline, commuter, and general aviation operations, terminal utilization, support facilities, disaster plans, noise abatement plans, community relations, airport financing, legislation, and the legal environment.
Supplies: / Airport Planning & Management, Alexander T. Wells, 5th edition.
Attendance: / The maximum allowable absences is 7. Anyone Who exceeds 7 absences will be withdrawn from the course and will receive a "f" for the course. This is in accordance with the policy set by the V.P. of Academic affairs. Three times tardy equal to one absence. A tardy is recorded if you come in late after I have called your name. It is your responsibility to make sure you are recorded as tardy and not absent when you are late.
Cheating: / Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for that test with no make-up test given. Plagiarism is cheating and will result in a zero.
Make-up test: / Will be given for excused absences only and must be scheduled immediately upon returning to class. Excused absences require a medical excuse or notice of official school business by the V.P. of Academic Affairs.
Grades: / There will be 5 tests worth 100pts each. There will be pop quizzes worth 100pts total; There will be a term paper worth 100pts. There will be a comprehensive final worth 200 pts.
Grade scale: / 100-90 / A
89-80 / B
79-70 / C
69-60 / D
<60 / F

Airport Management

Day / Date / Lesson / Homework / Notes
Tuesday / January 13 / Introduction / Read chapter 1
Thursday / January 15 / Chapter 1 lecture 1 / Review chapter 1
Tuesday / January 20 / Chapter 1 lecture 2 / Read chapter 2
Thursday / January 22 / Chapter 2 lecture 1 / Review chapter 2
Tuesday / January 27 / Chapter 2 lecture 2 / Read chapter 3
Thursday / January 29 / Chapter 3 lecture 1 / Review chapter 3
Tuesday / February 3 / Chapter 3 lecture 2 / Read chapter 4
Thursday / February 5 / Chapter 4 lecture 1 / Review chapter 4
Tuesday / February 10 / Chapter 4 lecture 2 / STUDY
Thursday / February 12 / TEST 1 CH 1-4 / Read chapter 5 / Term Paper Topic due in class!!
Tuesday / February 17 / Chapter 5 lecture 1 / Review chapter 5
Thursday / February 19 / Chapter 5 lecture 2 / Read chapter 6
Tuesday / February 24 / Chapter 6 lecture 1 / Review chapter 6
Thursday / February 26 / Chapter 6 lecture 2 / Read chapter 7
Tuesday / March 2 / Chapter 7 lecture 1 / Review chapter 7
Thursday / March 4 / Chapter 7 lecture 2 / Read chapter 8
Tuesday / March 9 / Chapter 8 lecture 1 / Review chapter 8
Thursday / March 11 / Chapter 8 lecture 2 / STUDY
Monday-Friday / March 15-19 / SPRING BREAK / NO CLASSES
Tuesday / March 23 / TEST 2 CH 1-8 / Read chapter 9 / TERM PAPER DUE IN CLASS!!
Thursday / March 25 / Chapter 9 lecture 1 / Review chapter 9
Tuesday / March 30 / Chapter 9 lecture 2 / Read chapter 10
Thursday / April 1 / Chapter 10 lecture1 / Review chapter 10
Tuesday / April 6 / Chapter 10 lecture 2 / Read chapter 11
Thursday / April 8 / Chapter 11 lecture1 / Review chapter 11
Tuesday / April 13 / Chapter 11 lecture 2 / Read chapter 12
Thursday / April 15 / Chapter 12 lecture 1 / Review chapter 12
Tuesday / April 20 / Chapter 12 lecture 2 / STUDY
Thursday / April 22 / TEST 3 CH 1-12 / Read chapter 13
Tuesday / April 27 / Chapter 13 lecture 1 / Review chapter 13
Thursday / April 29 / Chapter 13 lecture 2
Tuesday / May 4 / Review / DEAD WEEK
Thursday / May 6 / Review
Friday / May 14 / 8:00 am / Final Exam / Chapter 1-13