Address: 34420-A Fremont Blvd, #A
Fremont, CA 94555 / Email:
TEL: 510-816-8738
FAX: 408-273-6083
Welcome to TOPRAM
TOPRAM, Inc. is a leading computer memory distributor / OEM manufacture in the United States. Since 1999, TOPRAM, Inc. has been a memory module specialist. We provide the latest technology and full line of memory module products including DDR, OEM, SDRAM, Flash Memory, and USB drive, etc. With high quality and market leading memory products in stock, TOPRAM, Inc. is your reliable one-stop memory supplier. With our strong relationships with many premier manufacturers, TOPRAM, Inc. is able to provide you with low prices, special promotion programs, prompt delivery and quality services.
1. Please complete the following Account Application Form.
2. Please return your complete Account Application Form to TOPRAM either by fax or mail.
3. CA reseller please also fax reseller permit.
4. Once your application is reviewed, you will receive a call from one of our Account specialist.
Account Application
Legal Business Name (same as business license) / President/OwnerDBA (Doing Business As) / Vice President
Shipping/Billing Address (No P.O. Boxes please) / Financial Controller
City / Authorized Purchaser
State Zip Code / E-mail Address
Business Phone Number / Business Website Address
Business Fax Number
Date Business was founded: ______
Length of time at this address: ______Year(s) ______Month(s)
Business Profile
(1) Which category best describes your company’s business? (Please mark one)
q System Integrator / q Distributor / q Retail Store / q Corporate Resellerq VAR/System Consultant / q E-Commerce / q Dealer / q OEM
q Educational Reseller / q Exporter / q Gifts / q PR/Trade Show
(2) Which of the following best describes your company’s total monthly computer and components purchases with all sources? (Please mark one)
q Less than $10,000 / q $10,000-$49,999 / q $50,000-$99,999q $100,000-$299,999 / q $300,000-$499,999 / q $500,000-$999,999
q $1,000,000-$10,000,000 / q $10,000,000+
(3) How many employees does your company have? (Please mark one)
q1-5 / q6-10 / q11-20 / q21-50 / q51-100 / q101-300 / q300+(4) What were your company’s total revenues last year? (Please mark one)
q Less than $100,000 / q $100,000-$499,999 / q $500,000-$999,999q $1,000,000-$4,999,999 / q $5,000,000-$9,999,999 / q $10,000,000-$49,999,999
q $50,000,000-$100,000,000 / q $100,000,000+
(5) Is there a parent company? q Yes q No
If Yes, Parent Company’s Name: ______
Address: ______
Does Parent Company guarantee debts? q Yes q No
(6) Does your company have any branch offices? q Yes- we have ____ branch offices q No
Please list the addresses of any branch offices your company has. If your company has more than 3 branch locations, please attach a separate sheet with the addresses of those branches.
Street Address / Street Address / Street AddressCity, State, Zip Code / City, State, Zip Code / City, State, Zip Code
(7) How did you find out about TOPRAM?
q Referred by another company (which company?) ______
q Advertisement (please describe) ______
q Internet (which site?) ______
q Other (please specify) ______
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