Maine Lobster Dealers Economic Impact Worksheet

Maine’s Department of Marine Resources has awarded Colby College Professor of Economics Michael Donihue a grant from the Lobster Research, Education and Development (RED) fund to trace out the lobster distribution supply chain in Maine. This project will focus on the work of Maine’s lobster dealers and estimate the total economic impact of their business practices related to delivering lobsters from the dock to their customers.

This worksheet is designed to do two things: (i) gather information to help trace out the ‘upstream’ and ‘downstream’ activities that define the lobster distribution supply chain; and (ii) collect data needed to model and estimate the economic impact of lobster dealers in Maine.

Please answer all of the items in this worksheetby providing actual data, your best estimates, or a narrow range of estimated values, for employment,business expenses, and revenue in2015 OR 2016.

All of your answers will be considered confidential, proprietary information and will not be publicly shared, identified, or distributed in any fashion at an individual level. Results from this worksheet will be presented in summary fashion only. All identifying information for your business will be kept separately from your responses on an encrypted computer accessible only by Professor Donihue.

Company Name:
Your Name:
Your Title/position:
Physical Address:
Mailing Address:
Business phone/cell phone:
Email address:

Circle the year for which you are providing your information:2015or2016

Number of years your company has been in the lobster business:

What percent of your total business operationsare directly attributable to the distribution of lobsters and/or lobster products? %.

What were the primary activities of your company related to the distribution of lobsters in Maine? (check all that apply)


Shipping to other dealers

Shipping to restaurant or other product distributors

Shipping direct to customers

Export to other US states

Export out of the country

Processing for use in other products (picking, freezing, etc.)

Processing into other products (describe)



Maine-based Employment (check the boxes or write in an approximate value; leave blank if does not apply or $0)

Owner/CEO/President / Management / Administrative Support (e.g., bookkeeping, secretary, etc.) / Drivers / Shipping & Packaging / Dock Workers / Cooks / Processing / Other 1 / Other 2 / Other 3
Number of employees
Total Wages & Salaries Paid
< $5K
$5K - 10K
$10K - $30K
$30K - $50K
$50K - $100K
$100K - $150K
$150K - $200K
$200K - $250K
$250K - $300K
Benefits (check all that apply)
Sick Pay
Vacation / Holiday Pay

Other Maine-based employee expenses(e.g., background checks, recruiting, training, etc.):


Total Utility Expenses (check the boxes or write in an approximate value; leave blank if does not apply or $0)

Cell Phone / Landline Telephone / Business Internet / Electricity / Heating: Propane / Heating: Fuel Oil / Heating: Wood (including pellet & biomass) / Sewer & Water
< $100

Other Operating Expenses (check the boxes or write in an approximate value; leave blank if does not apply or $0)

Business Insurance / Marketing & Advertising (including help-wanted ads) / Legal & Professional Services / Interest Payments / Rent (office space, dock, out-buildings) / Building Maintenance, Repairs & Improvements / Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs / Crates
% Maine-Based Expenses
< $100

Additional Operating Expenses (check the boxes or write in an approximate value; leave blank if does not apply or $0)

Motor Vehicle Fuel (gasoline and/or diesel) / Boat Fuel / Bait / Ice & Salt / Rubber Bands / Postage (not product shipping) / Office Supplies / Business Taxes & Fees (incl. dealer’s license)
% Maine-Based Expenses
< $100

Additional Operating Expenses (check the boxes or write in an approximate value; leave blank if does not apply or $0)

Business Entertainment (company parties, meals) / Packaging Expenses: Seaweed / Other Packaging (e.g., cardboard boxes) / Product Shipping Fees
% Maine-Based Expenses
< $100

Maine Capital equipment purchases (describe – e.g., office equipment, vehicle/boat purchases, office equipment, tools, tanks, pallet jacks, coolers, etc.):

Description / Amount / Local Purchase (Yes/No)? / Producer, Wholesaler, or Retailer? / New or Used?

Other Maine business expenses (amount/description):

Maine Contracted services (Describe, e.g., truck/vehicle rentals, sub-contractors):

“Up-stream” activities

Live lobster purchases :pounds$

Lobster product purchases:pounds$

Where did you buy your lobsters?

Name / Pounds / Dollars
Company-owned dock/pound
Other dock/pound/co-op (name & town):
Direct from harvesters (name & town):
Other dealers (name & town):
Other sources (e.g., Smack boat) (name & town):

“Down-stream” activities

Who directly received your product?

Name / Pounds / Dollars
Company-owned processor
Other processors:
Other dealers:
Other sources:

How much did you pay in non-payroll related taxes and government fees for the year?

Other income/revenue (describe):

Net profit (loss): $

Name the three biggest challenges for you as a lobster dealer in Maine:

Are there any other economic aspects of your operation that we didn’t ask about(describe, including the $ value)?

( Use back side of this page if necessary )

Thank you for participating in this project. Your responses will help model and estimate the economic impact of the lobster distribution supply chain in Maine, focusing on your role as a dealer. Your information, along with other participants holding lobster dealer licenses in Maine, will be used as inputs into a model of the multiplicative effects your activities have on the Maine economy in terms of jobs supported and dollar value added.

As mentioned at the beginning, your responses are completely confidential and considered to be proprietary information. No attempt will be made to identify you or your company with the data you have provided. All of the modeling and analysis of results using your data will be reported in summary fashion only.

If you have any additional questions or information pertaining to this project, please do not hesitate to contact Professor Michael Donihue via email at or by telephone at 207.859.5232.

If you have any concerns about your rights as a participant in this project, please contact the Chair of the Colby Institutional Review Board for Research with Human Subjects, TarjaRaag ().

Maine Lobster Dealers’ Economic Impact Worksheet (long form)Page 1