Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th January 2017 held at Bryn Offa School, Pant.
17/001 PRESENT: Chairman (Cllr Mrs. Dilys Gaskill) Councillors Ken Allcock, Adam Brown, Robin Hitch, Terry Mason, Ian Pollitt, Peter Roberts, Barry Robinson, Mrs. Janet Smith. Shropshire Councillor, Arthur Walpole, Mr. Mark Vickers and Architect Osian Jones.
17/002 APOLOGIES: Cllr P. McConville, (hol). Apology was accepted.
17/003 MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC. Osian Jones, Bsc. Architect for the Barley Meadows development spoke on the Reserved Matters being placed before the Council. There will be 35 dwellings on the site, ranging from 2 bedroom houses to 5 bedroom detached with balconies, these would match the existing houses which back onto the Montgomery Canal. The design and brick types would be the same as the existing houses and it will be the same Builder. The Chairman asked for a sign to be erected on the parking area for the village hall, to make residents aware it is designated for the hall. Osian explained that the Right of Way will be diverted to the other side of the hedge, which will be started before the houses are sold. Questions were put to Mr. Jones about the swale, and the land drainage in the area, also the pedestrian access to the hall being shown incorrectly on the plan.
17/004 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT. Cllr Arthur Walpole mentioned the new head of Economic Development, Gemma Davies and he has a meeting with her next Monday. He hopes to raise the formal status in the Council to drive the Montgomery Canal project forward. Also the dropped bridge at School House in Crickheath. He had attended a meeting with Highways England and Robert Jaffier was present, He asked about the status of the A483 and was told there was a strategic review taking place. Cllr Walpole mentioned the planned visit of the Under Secretary of State for Transport to the area on the 2nd March arranged by Owen Paterson MP, when Pant and Llanymynech would be included in the visit. Shropshire Council is undertaking a Review of the Strategic Local Plan and the consultation is open until March. He had dealt with the complaint of building rubble being dumped at Underhill Lane car park and that had been removed. He had made further contact about the hedge at the rear of Mr. Beeston’s bungalow. The Chairman raised the item of the car park at the Heritage Area, which the Llimeys were keen to resurface this as economically as possible, but the Canal and River Trust have a more ambitious scheme in mind, so Cllr Walpole was asked to bring this matter up at the meeting next Monday. The Clerk raised the issue of a dropped kerb opposite the entrance to Bronwylfa estate at Red Lane, as a resident using a mobility scooter is driving up the A483 to Pant as she cannot access the pavement. The Parish Council had requested this in the past to no avail. Also the Clerk had been contacting Highways England since last April to get repairs to failed lights and blocked grids on the A483 also without success. Cllr Walpole asked for copies of these reports to be sent to him.
17/005 POLICE REPORT. PCSO Kurt Mabe gave the report. 35 calls, 2 of these were duplicates and of the total 4 have been crimed. 13 of the calls related to highway incidents, which included obscured number plates and bad driving. Also requests to attend while pothole repairs were carried out, due to the HE amber lights not being sufficiently visible, the blue lights were needed. Thee were 4 reports of suspicious incidents of people calling at houses. The Police request that caror van registrations numbers are taken to assist detection. 4 Police reports, which were generated from other forces requesting information or visits. There was 1 RTC, non injury and non reportable. Others were domestic, ASB and missing person, all resolved. PCSO Mabe was thanked for his report and was asked if he could obtain more stickers to deter doorstep hawkers.
17/006 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllrs Gaskill and Roberts again Declared Interests of possible bias concerning the planning application for a phone mast and pole near to Stargarreg Lane.
17/007 PLANNING 16/05258/TEL for a cabinet and pole mast at Stargarreg Lane, Pant. Agreed to comment that the plans as presented will cause accidents at this busy junction due to the lack of visibility. The area marked 'entrance' and described as a splay on the drawing, is not merely an entrance and does not have a splay. It is Stargarreg Lane, which leads to over 60 properties and whereby the residents gain access to the main road - A483. Opposite is Briggs Lane, which does have a splay and the difference can be seen on a satellite view of the area. It was agreed to propose two alternatives. The first was a suggestion that the cabinets may be better aligned horizontally to enable a sight line. The second was a Proposal that the cabinet and pole be sited on an unused area of the village playing field, to the right of the locked entrance gate. The area is large enough and the equipment would be unobtrusive in that location. There are no ground works there, and in the past there was a phone box sited in front of that part of the playing field. The suggested site is almost opposite the one at Stargarreg Lane, but would be far less dangerous.
16/05302/REM - Land east of Barley Meadows, reserved matters.
Agreed to request that a sign be erected on the parking area designated for the village hall, to prevent the residents claiming it for their use.
It was noted that the right of way will be diverted at a later date to the other side of the hedge, and this will be started before the houses are sold. This promise must be adhered to otherwise problems or disputes may arise.
The pedestrian access to the rear of the village hall, must have a kissing gate installed to prevent cycles being ridden at speed where children are playing. This needs to be of the type that will allow prams through, but not motor bikes.
17/008 CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR. Mr. Mark Vickers of Llanymynech was Proposed by Cllr Mrs. Gaskill to fill the vacancy by co-option, 2nd by Cllr Mason with all in favour. Mr. Vickers signed an Acceptance of Office and the Clerk gave him the initial information for his induction pack.
17/009 PLACE PLAN REVIEW. The Clerk explained that Shropshire Council were reviewing part of the Local Plan and she would be attending a presentation on this. The Place Plan for Llanymynech and Pant to be reviewed and these matters to be placed on the next agenda.
17/010 ROADS. The data obtained from the VAS was requested, but was no longer submitted to the Parish Council. Proposed by Cllr Roberts and 2nd by Cllr Robinson with all in favour that a Freedom of Information request be made to Shropshire Council for the speed data from this sign.
17/011 DEFIBRILLATORS. Cllr Mrs Gaskill thanked Cllr Robinson’s wife Karen for the donation of £160 from the sale of her jam to start the fund. She then outlined a fund raising event of a walk in the Heritage Area on Sunday, 26th February and circulated a draft poster. Participants of all ages would be welcomed to walk and give donations to do so, with sales of teas or coffee in the stable block. The Clerk had put an article in the Parish Magazine inviting donations, and the local paper would be informed. Cllr Robinson said the Co-op Shop would be holding a raffle towards the fund.
17/012 MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held on the 24th November 2016 were proposed by Cllr Peter Roberts and 2nd by Cllr Robinson, with all in favour and duly signed.
17/013 BUDGET AND PRECEPT The Clerk presented papers on the budget for the past year, spending to the end of March and the proposed budget for 2017/18 together with the balances in the Neighbourhood Fund and spending against s106/CIL funding. She explained the anticipated costings for the ensuing year and the Balances held in Reserves. It was Proposed by Cllr Roberts and 2nd by Cllr Robinson that the Budget be accepted and a Precept set of £24,700 the same amount as the previous year. This would equate to £37.82 per Band D property a decrease from the previous year. All voted in favour.
Therefore RESOLVED to Precept £24,700 for the financial year 2017/18
17/014 WIND FARMS. Cllrs Gaskill attended the first meeting of the Community Benefit Trust to decide on how the fund will be distributed, The Terms of Reference were being decided.
17/015 SHROPSHIRE RURAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. The building work had commenced.
17/017 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. Accounts for payment as list totalling £3,532.27 were proposed for payment by Cllr Terry Mason and 2nd by Cllr Pollitt with all in favour. The Financial Statement for expenditure v Budget for January was circulated.
17/018 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. Llanymynech KGV Playing Field still has the gate unhinged at the bowling green end. Cllr Hitch agreed to investigate this.
17/019 RIGHTS OF WAY. None to report.
17/020 STREET LIGHTING. Penygarreg Lane light survey had not been received as yet. The Clerk was waiting for a response from Highline on the light timing control, The Rectory Lane light had still not been progressed, as the resident had not yet signed the wayleave form.
1419 / Highline Electrical / 359.28 / Lighting Nov maint & repairs.1420 / V E Byrne / 493.60 / Dec Salary
1421 / HMRC / 123.40 / Tax & NI
1422 / Scottish Power / 173.27 / Lighting energy Inv 104532414
1423 / VEB recharge dinners / 209.78 / Councillors payments.
1424 / Lawrences / 50.15 / Ink cartridges & envelopes.
1425 / Highline Electrical / 502.56 / Lighting Dec maint. & Repairs
1426 / Scottish Power / 178.98 / Lighting energy Inv104580256
1427 / V E Byrne / 493.60 / Jan Salary
1428 / HMRC / 123.40 / Tax & NI
DD / Public Works Loans B. / 824.25 / Loan instalment.