New YorkState Reading Association

Regional Director Guidelines

  1. Responsibilities
  2. Attending all meetings of the Board of Directors as a voting member, and
  3. Becoming familiar with the bylaws of NYSRA;
  4. Networking with other Regional Directors;
  5. Preparing a written summary of regional activities to present at each Board meeting; and
  6. Assisting at the NYSRA conference as requested.
  1. Maintaining communication between the region and NYSRA by
  2. Encouraging participation at the Assembly of Delegates;
  3. Convening and presiding over no less than two regional meetings per year, including the semi-annual election for Regional Director;
  4. Communicating with council officers following Board of Directors meetings;
  5. Promoting and participating in NYSRA’s annual Leadership Workshop;
  6. Holding an annual election to select a person from the region to serve for one year on the NYSRA Nominating Committee;
  7. Developing, distributing to councils in the region, and posting on NYSRA’s website a regional calendar;
  1. Maintaining communication with the IRA State Coordinator by
  2. Referring interest in new council formation to the IRA State Coordinator and by
  3. Assisting councils who are having difficulties by making referrals to the IRA State Coordinator.

  1. Providing leadership to the councils in the region by
  2. Visiting each council at least once every two years;
  3. Providing guidance in long term planning;
  4. Assisting in developing and maintaining membership initiatives along with the NYSRA/IRA Membership Chairperson;
  5. Assisting in problem solving
  6. Exchanging information about speakers, programs, and projects;
  7. Encouraging councils to review and update their bylaws periodically;
  8. Providing guidance and assistance to councils in maintaining and preserving council records;
  9. Encouraging councils to make nominations and/or apply for NYSRA and IRA awards;
  10. Facilitating the selection of student ambassadors from the region to NYSRA’s annual conference when requested; and
  11. Including leadership development activities at all regional meetings.
  1. Facilitating the region’s Regional Director election by;
  2. Announcing the upcoming election in writing to each council president in the region by November 15th;
  3. Receiving nominations and vita for the position of Regional Director from councils by January 15th;
  4. Sending the nominees’ vitae to each council president at least two-weeks prior to the election;
  5. Calling a regional meeting before April 15th to hold elections, in accordance with NYSRA’s Bylaws, including the taking of nominations from the floor;
  6. Voting to break any ties;
  7. Reporting the name and sending the vita of the newly elected Regional Director to the incoming NYSRA president by April 15th;
  8. Preparing a packet of information pertinent to the office for the incoming Regional Director (such as the NYSRA Bylaws and various guidelines, directory, budget, goals and procedures, calendar, etc.).

  1. Regional Meetings
  2. Regional meetings shall
  3. Be held at least twice a year;
  4. Be open to officers, executive committees, and interested council members;
  5. Have at least one half of the member councils present for business to be conducted;
  6. Allow each council president or designee one vote;
  7. Be held if called by two or more council presidents, with notification in writing and with the Regional Director presiding;
  8. Have minutes kept and sent to member councils and NYSRA (President and/or NYSRA Headquarters); and
  9. Have as their purpose to

Discuss NYSRA business;

Elect a Regional Director for a two-year term;

Elect a member of the NYSRA Nominating Committee for a one-year term;

Share and exchange information about councils;

Discuss concerns pertinent to the region; and

Promote and support current and future council leaders through leadership development activities.

  1. Qualifications for the position of Regional Director
  2. Be a current member of a local council in the region;
  3. Be a past or current officer of a local council;
  4. Be a past or current attendee or delegate at NYSRA’s Assembly of Delegates;
  5. Demonstrate an awareness of the purposes and operation of NYSRA;
  6. Be a current member of the International Reading Association;
  7. Have participated in regional meetings; and
  8. Have experience and interest in professional development activities.
  1. Reimbursement of Expenses
  2. Personal expenses incurred by Regional Directors will be reimbursed in accordance with the policies currently in effect.
  1. Regional Directors will follow current procedures for submitting vouchers and receipts for reimbursable expenses.

Approved by NYSRA’s Board of Directors on 9/29/06