Students should take the following items on the bus with them:

  • play lunch
  • lunch packed in disposal containers
  • named water bottle

  • Sleeping bag

  • Single bed fitted bed sheet

  • Pillow and pillowcase

  • Sun smart clothing (no singlets) for 4 days to cater for hot and cold weather

  • Socks and underwear for 4 days

  • Pyjamas

  • Warm jumper

  • Old bathers

  • Broad brimmed hat

  • Warm jacket in case of wet or cold weather

  • Shoes suitable for walking

  • An old pair of runners for water activities and closed shoes for all other activities Thongs/sandals are not acceptable for activities

  • A pair of jeans or other long pants for horse riding

  • A pair of regular length shorts for activities that require a harness
“Short shorts” cannot be worn as the harnesses will rub exposed skin
  • Towel for showering

  • Beach towel for water slide and tubing

  • Old T-shirt or rash vest for water slide, survivor and tubing

  • Toiletries

  • Sunscreen and insect repellent

  • Plastic refillable drink container

  • Torch

  • Clothing and any other items required for the concert

  • Plastic bags for wet and dirty clothing

Bring at own risk. We take no responsibility for these items.
  • Wetsuit

  • Digital Camera

  • iPod or small MP3 player(for travel only)

  • Small Hand held game (for travel only)

We request that students DO NOT bring along additional food items, such as lollies, sweets, biscuits, drinks etc. Catering at the camp will provide students with breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea and supper. Senior staff will also have a few sweet treats for students. Camp Howqua has indicated that any excess cleaning charges incurred due to removal of food and drink stains will be forwarded to parents.


  • Clearly label all items of clothing and equipment with your child’s name
  • Have your child take the responsibility of packing their own bags to help alleviate problems of unclaimed clothing and equipment at the end of camp
  • Take extra precaution in the week leading up to camp to ensure that your child’s hair is free of head lice.