2017 Membership Form
Only Active and Associative members in good standing shall be eligible to vote and to hold office. All members who fly or otherwise operate model aircraft at any club flying Site, or who are representatives of the club at any public or private demonstration or contest of model aircraft flight, are required to hold valid Academy of Model
Aeronautics membership or Sport Flyers of America membership and, if applicable, a
current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license.
A one time Initiation Fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) from all applicants,
excluding applicants, 18 years or younger, or person between 18 and 22 years
old and still a full-time student.
There shall be a grace period for all new member applicants between October thru
December, where club dues shall be waived for the remainder of the year. However the
Initiation Fee shall not be waived.
Persons joining the club for the first time shall pay-rata the dues rate for their class of membership per three month period of the year remaining. This rate will not apply to persons who have ever been members of this club before. New members will be issued a membership kit consisting of the club Constitution and Bylaws, supplemental rules and Regulations as they apply, and a club patch.
2017 Membership Form
Date: ______
Name: ______
Address: ______
Email Address: ______
Telephone: (Home) ______
(Business) ______
(Cell) ______
AMA Number: ______
FAA Registration Number: ______
Date of Birth: ______
Radio channels used: ______
Please check appropriate selection:
______Family Membership $50.00 per year
______Open Membership $45.00 per year
______Senior Membership (over 62 years of age) $35.00 per year
______Student Membership $25.00 per year (full time student)
______Junior Membership $20.00 per year (18 years and younger)
Family Members:
1. ______AMA#______
2. ______AMA#______
3. ______AMA#______
4. ______AMA#______
5. ______AMA#______
6. ______AMA#______
Newsletter Preference: (Check One)
Email______Hard Copy______
Please make checks payable to the 'Fredericksburg Aeromasters'
Send to:
43 Royal Hill Dr.
Fredericksburg, VA 22406