Year 8 Common Task –Colonisation and Contact

Part 1 Time Line Questions 10 Marks


·  Refer to the Timeline to answer the multiple choice questions

·  Write the letter of the best answer on the answer sheet

·  The words in bold in the timeline and the questions are explained in the glossary at the end of the questions.

1. During the period from 1788 to 1805

a) Race relations between the British and indigenous people were friendly

b) Peace treaties were signed to end hostilities

c) The indigenous people were dispossessed of their land

d) Early British governors were careful to prevent conflict over land.

2. The response by the indigenous Aborigines to Phillip’s first arrival in Botany Bay can be described as

a) Vague curiosity

b) Wild enthusiasm

c) Fanatical resistance

d) Polite and proper

3. The response of the British authorities to smallpox outbreaks in 1789 in the Aboriginal population of New South Wales was

a) Prompt and efficient

b) Slow but decisive

c) To ignore it completely

d) Impressive in its efficiency and effectiveness

4. Tedbury was

a) the son of Pemulwuy

b) an Aboriginal resistance fighter

c) involved in guerrilla warfare

d) all of the above

5. As the demand for farming land in the colony increased the

a) British settlers signed treaties with the Aboriginal peoples

b) Aborigines were more than happy to allow the new arrivals to use vacant hunting grounds

c) Ex-Convicts adopted Aboriginal methods of managing the land

d) The traditional hunting grounds of the indigenous peoples were seized by the whites

6. Governor Phillip

a) Decided to reward Pemulwuy for his contributions to the colony

b) Completely understood the frustration of Pemulwuy’s tribe

c) Wanted to punish the gamekeeper for coming onto land that did not belong to him

d) Wanted to punish the Aborigines for attacking a European.

7. The punitive action taken by Phillip meant that

a) Armed force was sent to protect the aboriginal people who were being dispossessed

b) The actions of his gamekeeper were regarded as illegal

c) The settlers were punishing those who stood up to the loss of traditional land

d) An illegal gang of rough-necks and vigilantes were secretly attacking the indigenous peoples

8) Governor King

a) Had a similar attitude to the Aboriginal people’s loss of land as Phillip

b) Was beloved by the Aborigines for his caring attitude and compassion

c) Organised a special treaty of settlement for the land problem

d) Refused to allow his soldiers to use weapons against the aborigines

9) The government Proclamation in 1802

a) Allowed the settlers the right to use force to defend themselves

b) refused the settlers the right to use force to defend themselves

c) gave official protection to the aborigines who were under attack

d) insisted on wanton cruelty and injustice for the Natives.

10) Statement 1: Most European settlers believed Pemulwuy was a freedom fighter

Statement 2: Aboriginal people believed Pemulwuy was a freedom fighter

a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false

b) Statement 2 is true and Statement 1 is false

c) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true

d) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true 10 x1 =10 marks


Smallpox=infectious disease that Europeans were accustomed to and had some resistance to

Gamekeeper= old English term for the servant who hunts game animals for his master.

Punitive=designed to punish offenders for breaking the law

Guerrilla=an un-official war, irregularly fought, without official armies or uniforms

Dispossessed= forcibly removed from their own land

Proclamation= official government statement of policy

Wanton= unnecessary

Uncivilised= not living according to the “civilised” ideas of the time

Insurgents=rebels fighting against the official government of the time

Name: …………………………. Class: ………………………

Part 1 Answers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2 Written Response 2x10=20 marks

Write at least two paragraphs (each) on TWO of the following:

a)  Describe Aboriginal culture before the arrival of the Europeans.

b)  Compare the way Aborigines felt about their land and the British (European) attitude to land and property.

c)  Describe the main features of another indigenous culture before contact with Europeans. You could write about the Maori, Zulus, Native Americans, Aztecs or another society you have studied.

d)  How did colonisation affect any ONE of the Indigenous peoples you have studied? You could write about the Maori, Zulus, Native Americans, Aztecs or another society you have studied.

e)  Compare the experiences of colonisation of the Australian Aboriginal people with one other indigenous society you have studied.

The first Question I am writing about is ………………………………. 10 marks





























Write your next answer over the page

The second question I am writing about is ……………………………………………. 10 marks



























