ANNEX A: Project Plan
1. Project Summary
Project Title: Prevention of Child Separation through Radio
Project Location: CSZ
Implementing Agency: Soiden
Funding Agency : UNICEF
Beneficiaries: Children in SCZ
Time frame: 2 months
2. Background and Justification
Central and Southern(CSZ)Somaliawas strongly affected by flash floods which began in November 2006 and continue to date. The CSZ is also currently embroiled in armed conflict. Due to these circumstances, thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes. In response to this emergency situation, UNICEF trained its key partners in methods to prevent the separation of children from their families and to identify and refer for tracing children who have been separated.
In a training on preventing and responding to the separation of children, held in Bosaso in December 2006, UNICEF partners identified the radio as the best means to disseminate prevention messages on child separation. Participants in this training determined that it would be important to air prevention messages on the radio to urge parents to teach children identification information such as their full names, home address, clan affiliation, and family lineage. For very young children (under 2), participants deemed it important to encourage parents to make sure these children carry some form of identifying information on them at all times in case of separation. Another prevention message that was considered important to share with parents through the radio is to have a plan with their children in case separation occurs (i.e. meeting point, communication means, etc.)
Soiden organization in Mogadishu participated in the above mentioned training and also has experience in developing radio programming. For these reasons, Soiden has been selected to develop a prevention message spot on child separation with the above mentioned content/focus. Soiden will work with Horn Afrique, with whom UNICEF already has a PCA, to develop and disseminate this message. They will also identify other radio stations on which to air this message in areas of the CSZ where Horn Afrique does not have coverage.
3. Project outcome:
Parents and children at risk of separation due to flooding and conflict in 10 regions of Somalia have instituted family based methods to prevent separation.
4. Project Strategy:
The project strategy will be to prevent the separation of children from their families through the frequent airing of specific and targeted radio announcements coving all communities at risk due to flooding and conflict in CSZ.
This project strategy will be complemented by community based prevention and response to separated children projects by other partners, namely Greengates, Kanava, Hapo Child and Sacro.
5. Project Activities :
Activity 1: Soiden to develop prevention radio message (spot) with support of UNICEF CFD staff and Horn Afrique in first 2 weeks of contract.
Within the first two-weeks of the contract, Soiden will develop a radio prevention message(spot) to be aired by Horn Afrique. This message will be developed with the support of UNICEF CFD staff and with the support of Horn Afrique. The message will be tested among the local population for impact and comprehension prior to being aired and content will be reviewed and endorsed by UNICEF Child Protection staff before final airing.
This message will be directed at parents and will focus on the importance of children learning their identifying information (full name, address, clan affiliation, lineage) and on families developing a plan in case separation occurs (for example, what should children do if conflict explodes and parents are not at home).
Three focus groups consisting of 10 persons each will be convened for the pre testing of the messages. One group will consist of women, specifically mothers of young children, one group with adolescents and youth, and one group a mixture of men including fathers, religious leaders and community elders.
Activity 2: Air message on Horn Afrique and other station in CSZ in areas where Horn Afrique does not have coverage three times daily for thirty days.
Horn Afrik radio covers Mogadishu, Merka, Belet Weyne, Kismayo, Baidoa and Jowhar.
One radio spot endorsed by UNICEF will be aired 3 times per day for 30 days on Horn Afrique.
Efforts will be made to identify suitable channels to broadcast these messages in the three remaining regions: Gedo, Bakool, and Middle Juba.
Activity 3: Monitor impact of radio messages in selected communities
Soiden will gather information from each geographic areas to understand the extent to which families have understood the radio messages and the extent to which families have put in place methods to prevent the separation of their children. This will be done together with the youth groups who have been trained by Greengates on the prevention of separated children. Youth group members will provide Soiden with feedback on the radio broadcasts in their area and on the number of families who have understood and taken action. (see attached reporting format)
Logical Framework
Activity Description / Indicator / Means of Verification / AssumptionDevelop prevention radio message (spot) / # radio spots tested and endorsed for airing / Endorsementby UNICEF
Air message on Horn Afrique and other station in CSZ in areas where Horn Afrique does not have coverage three times daily for thirty days / Radio spot aired 3X daily for 30 days covering 10 regions in CS Somalia / Airing report from radio station
Field report from UNICEF CP and CfD APO
Field report from youth groups in 10 regions / Radio airwaves remain open during conflict
Monitor impact of radio messages in selected communities / # at risk families in 10 regions understand prevention messages aired
# at risk families institute prevention measures
# of separated children re-united with their families
Reduction in reports of children separation from their families. / Field report from youth groups in selected high risk areas
Specific monitoring reports from Soiden staff in selected high risk areas / Area remains secure enough for Soiden to monitor
6. Project output:
Radio prevention message (spot) developed and aired in all regions with radio coverage in CSZthree times daily for 30 days.
7. Project Monitoring and Reporting:
CFD and CP staff will monitor development of radio message. CP APO in CSZ will monitor regular airing of message in CSZ.
Soiden will carry out regular monitoring of:
- Radio broadcasts in 10 regions of CSZ
- High risk families adopting prevention measures
Soiden’s monitoring strategy will be two fold through direct monitoring by Soiden staff and through frequent contact with collaborating partners and youth groups in each of the regions.
Annex B: Project Budget
Description / Rate / Qty / Unit / TotalDevelopment and testing of radio message / 100 / 1 / pers days / 100
Air time for Horn Afrique three times daily for a month / 12.5 / 90 / time / 1,125
Montoring / 300 / 1 / month / 300
Sub total / 1,525
Project Support @10% / 153
Total / 1,678
Budget Notes
Development and testing of radio message:The cost of one person from SOIDEN to develop and test during one day the developed messages is estimated at $100. This includes a fee for the developer, stationary associated with development and testing of messages, transport for the pre testing and revision if necessary.
Air time Horn Afrik: Horn Afrik charges $12.5 for each radio spot of less than 3 minutes. 3X per day for 30 days equals 90 radio spots in one month.
Monitoring: Soiden will be expected to report against the indicators stipulated in the logical framework. Costs under monitoring include one month person days to communicate with and make field visits to recipient communities to ascertain the impact of the radio messages and any related transport costs for field trips.
Project Support: 10% project support covers staff time and related costs for developing the message, communication costs, management oversight of PCA.
Annex C: Project Reporting Formats
- Programme Reports
Monthly and Final Programme Report Format
Information on airing
For each radio station airing the prevention of child separation spots, fill in the set of X questions below
- Name of Radio Station:
- Describe the areas reached by the radio station:
- Estimate the listenership of the radio station (who listens, how many listen daily, weekly, monthly etc):[Is it possible to estimate listener ship in terms of numbers?]
- # broadcasts on prevention of child separation during month:
- When were the broadcasts aired (time during the day, days of the week etc)?
Information on families at risk
- How many youth groups were contacted in at risk areas?
- How many child protection networks were contacted in at risk areas?
- How many families were contacted (either through Soiden or contacts in the region)?
- How many families heard and understood the radio broadcast? How do you know they understood?
- How many families had put in place measures to prevent the separation of their children? What measures did they put in place?
[Point 4 and 5 can be difficult to determine without some kind of rapid assessment which might involve more than the costing allocated i.e. transport as well as stationary and communication]
6. How many cases of family separation and re-unifications have been reported?
Logframe Report
Using the indicators as a guide, report achievement against the indicators
Activity Description / Indicator / Description of achievementDevelop prevention radio message (spot) / # radio spots tested and endorsed for airing
Air message on Horn Afrique and other station in CSZ in areas where Horn Afrique does not have coverage three times daily for thirty days / Radio spot aired 3X daily for 30 days covering 10 regions in CS Somalia
Monitor impact of radio messages in selected communities / # at risk families in 10 regions understand prevention messages aired
# at risk families institute prevention measures
# of separated children re-united with their families
Reduction in reports of children separation from their families.
Should include how to over come constraints
Should give an overview of the achievement of the project outcome
2.Reports providing liquidation for advances
If possible, UNICEF much prefers to reimburse our partner agencies rather than to provide cash advances. However, in cases where cash advances are agreed upon by UNICEF, the following reporting procedure is required.
After an initial advance is remitted to, no further advances are permitted unless and untilSOIDEN provides satisfactory documentation (original receipts and summary of expenses duly certified) of previous expenditures, in accordance with Article VI, paragraph 1.
More than 50 percent of an advance must be utilized before SOIDEN submits its documentation and a request for another advance. The amount of the subsequent advance cannot be greater than the amount of the prior advance which has been accepted by UNICEF as satisfactorily liquidated.
The following gives a typical pattern for advances and liquidations:
A.First advance given by UNICEF, normally based on estimation of expenditures to be incurred under this agreement bySOIDEN for a period not greater than one month.
B.Submission of original receipts, summary of expenses and request for second advance bySOIDEN . The summary of expenses should be organized according to the Budget presented in Annex B:
Budget line itemReceipt NoDescription Amount
SOIDEN must number the receipts or other supporting documentation serially and organised these in groups according to the Budget line items.
C.Review of the receipts and the summary of expenses by UNICEF:
The Project Officer responsible for this advance must be satisfied on behalf of UNICEF that each receipt is valid and that the expenditure was correct within the agreed-upon intentions of the project agreement. Any unacceptable receipts are to be returned to
SOIDEN with an explanatory memo, and the expenditure incurred must not be charged to UNICEF. The Summary of Expenditure is then to be signed by the Project Officer, with the statement "I have examined these receipts and/or documents and hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge they are valid for acceptance within the terms of the Agreement (Serial NO.NWZ/YI500/111/01/02 …….) signed betweenSOIDEN). The expenditures correspond to the amounts agreed upon in the Budget of the Agreement". In case SOIDEN has incurred expenditures which exceed the agreed Budget line items by more than ten per cent (see Article IV, Para.4), UNICEF has the right to refuse to accept these expenses; if they are considered acceptable by UNICEF, then the original Agreement must be amended immediately prior to acceptance of the liquidation. In addition, the Project Officer is responsible for physical verification of the progress of the project, on the basis of field visits and any other appropriate monitoring methods.
The Finance Officer of that UNICEF office (or sub-office) is then responsible to review the receipts and the Summary of expenditure to verify that the accounting is correct; the Finance Officer must also draw attention of the Project Officer or the Resident Programme Officer (RPO) any apparent anomalies. The RPO will then certify the liquidation on the basis of the verifications of the Project Officer and the Finance Officer; a written notification to UNICEF of the amount acceptably liquidated must be delivered.
D.If SOIDEN so requests, it may then be given a subsequent advance not greater than the amount acceptably liquidated, provided the advance is covered under the present Agreement.
ESubsequent liquidations and advances are to be handled in the same manner.
F.Final submission of original receipts and summary of expenses bySOIDEN. UNICEF reviews the final submission and ensures that full liquidation is achieved. No subsequent Agreements will be issued to this Agency if there are completed Agreements which have incomplete liquidations for cash advances from UNICEF, or if any other terms (such as accounting for supplies) are not yet satisfied. Note that any advance which is not fully liquidated within 5 months must receive special attention from the RPO and project officer involved.