ElsleyPrimary School

Job Description

Upper KS2 Phase Leader

+ responsibility for area(s) of whole school development

All duties to be carried out in accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and policies for Elsley Primary School.

A: As Phase Leader and member of the School Leadership and Management Team:

1)Strategic Direction and Development

  • Implement the school’s policies and practices which reflect the school’s commitment to high achievement and effective teaching and learning.
  • Create a climate which enables all staff working in the phase group to develop and maintain positive attitudes.
  • Use data effectively with other staff in the phase group to track pupil progress and attainment, and where necessary create and implement effective plans of action to support pupils who are underachieving.
  • Ensure that staff within the phase group understand, contribute to and follow whole school aims, policies and practices, including those in relation to equal opportunities, behaviour, discipline and bullying.
  • Monitor the progress made in achieving plans and targets, evaluate the effects on teaching and learning, and use this analysis to guide further improvement.

2)Teaching and Learning

  • Ensure that the curriculum has breadth, depth, and relevance and that there is good continuity and progression built in for all pupils within and between phases, including those with SEN, EAL and G&T.
  • Ensure that long, medium and short term planning for each year group within the phase is recorded on Fronter and in hard copy year group folders at the expected times and where appropriate, provide advice and constructive feedback.
  • By lesson observation, work scrutiny, shared evaluation and other relevant methods, ensure consistency and high quality teaching and learning across the phase.
  • Work with staff within the phase to implement the school’s policies for assessing, recording and reporting on pupil achievement and attainment, and use this to set targets for future improvement.
  • Ensure that information on pupil progress and attainment in previous classes and schools is used effectively to secure good progress.
  • With subject leaders, build up and maintain an up-to-date portfolio of assessed and moderated work within the phase.

3)Leading and managing staff

  • Help staff in the phase group to achieve constructive working relationships with children.
  • Establish clear expectations and constructive working relationships among staff working in the phase group, through team working, mutual support and evaluating practice.
  • Manage the performance of staff as required by the school policy and use the process to develop their personal and professional effectiveness.
  • Ensure that the Headteacher, other members of the school leadership and management team and subject leaders are well informed about the work of the phase group as appropriate.

4)Efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources

  • Ensure that effective and efficient use of learning and teaching resources, including ICT.
  • Help staff in the phase group to use accommodation to create an effective and stimulating environment for learning and teaching.
  • Ensure that there is a safe learning environment in which risks are properly assessed.
  • Co-ordinate organization within the phase group of timetabling of classes, staff working in the phase group, resources, activities and visits.
  • Support phase group colleagues in their pastoral work.
  • Support new staff in the phase group and assist their understanding of the school’s policies and procedures.
  • Co-ordinate inter-phase liaison to promote continuity of learning and pastoral care, especially at the beginning and end of the school year.

B) As a member of the School Leadership and Management Team with responsibility for area(s) of whole school development:

1)Strategic Direction and Development

  • Review, develop and implement policies and practices for teaching and learning which reflect the school’s commitment to high achievement and effective teaching and learning.
  • Review, and with the involvement of relevant staff, develop long and medium term plans for the development of teaching and learning.
  • Use data effectively to track pupil progress and attainment throughout the school, and where necessary support staff in creating and implementing effective plans of action to support pupils who are underachieving or who are most able.
  • Monitor the area(s) of development across the school and the progress in achieving targets, evaluate the effects on teaching and learning, and use this analysis to guide future improvements.
  • Develop effective relations with parents, governors and the local community to promote high quality teaching and learning.

2)Teaching and Learning

  • Ensure curriculum coverage, continuity and progression for all pupils, including those of high ability and those with special educational or linguistic needs.
  • Review, develop and implement clear policies and practices for assessment, recording and reporting on pupil achievement.
  • Seek opportunities to develop use of ICT, creativity, global and cross-curricular links into plans for teaching and learning.

3)Leading and Managing Staff

  • Lead professional development of staff through example and support, and co-ordinate the provision of high quality professional development in school and elsewhere.
  • Enable all teaching and support staff to achieve expertise in all aspects of teaching and learning.
  • Manage the performance of staff as required by the school policy and use the process to develop their personal and professional effectiveness.
  • By lesson observation, work scrutiny, shared evaluation and other relevant methods, ensure consistency and high quality teaching and learning throughout the school.

4)Effective and efficient deployment of resources

  • Establish resources needed for teaching and learning and advise the Headteacher of likely priorities for expenditure.
  • Allocate available resources with maximum efficiency to meet the objectives of the school and to achieve value for money.
  • Maintain existing resources and comply with current financial regulations and delegated responsibilities in the ordering of new resources.
  • Ensure that there is a safe working and learning environment in which risks are properly assessed and recorded.

C) Carry out the duties and responsibilities expected of all teachers, including any duties as may reasonably be directed by the Headteacher.

Agreed by:

Headteacher……………………… Postholder………………………..

Date:………………………………. Review Date…………………......