STAR Quality Expectations
Week 7: I am Safe in the Hallway
I always walk while staying on the right side of the hall, keeping my eyes forward and allowing for the personal space of others.
Tell: Read the weekly expectation from matrix. Discuss the rationale behind our expectation. (It is important to stay safe in hall so that we can get to where we need to go quickly and quietly. This way we continue learning and allow others to continue to learn.)
Show: Invite a small group of students to model correct way of walking safely in the hall. Discuss with the class what they saw, and why it was a model of being safe in the hall.
Practice: Role play-What should being safe in the hallway look like at McAuliffe?
Example: Mrs. Hammond’s class stayed on the right side of the hall as they moved from the MPR back to their classroom after lunch. All of the students had their eyes forward and there were no gaps in their line.
Non-Example (TEACHER MODEL): When walking down the hall, Dr. Peach noticed a student touching the posters on the wall. When the beginning of the line began to walk, this student continued to look at the posters and didn’t notice when the line had moved. To catch up with the class, the student ran in the hall.
Feedback: Continue to look for students who are showing our expectation of being safe in the hallway. Pass out star cards using positive performance feedback.
Reteach Ideas:
· Use morning announcements as a discussion launch pad to remind students how to walk in the hall with voices off and hands safe.
· Precorrect student behavior and remind them of our expectation each time they walk in the hall.
· Make posters illustrating how students walk in the hall using our safe expectation.