Rogers Girls Soccer

Players Handbook

Fall 2015


Head Coach:

Aaron Lindquist 612-867-0870

Assistant Coaches:

Todd Dusosky

Kristi Anderson

Craig Davis

Marissa Erdman

Coaches Responsibilities:

  1. The number one responsibility of the coaching staff is to teach the players how to play the game of soccer within a team format and within the rules set out by the National High School Soccer Federation and Minnesota State High School League. This includes:
  2. How to play the different positions.
  3. How to play within the team environment.
  4. The rules of the game.
  5. Proper conduct on and off the field.
  1. The coaches will be:
  2. Fair in their dealings with all of the players.
  3. Treat all players as they would expect to be treated.
  4. Instructive in practices and games.
  5. Willing to listen to concerns and suggestions of the players.
  6. Guide players with support and be a positive influence.

Player Expectations and Responsibilities:

  1. Players are expected to give their very best in all that they do. This includes the following:
  2. Class Work
  3. Practices
  4. Games
  5. Other activities that they are involved in.
  6. As members of the Rogers Girls Soccer Program, players are representatives of their family, team, school, community, and themselves and will be expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. All seniors must complete one community volunteer opportunity in order to be eligible for the section roster.

3. Expectations for Practices:

A. All players will be on time for practice

B. All equipment will be carried out for each practice.

C. Players will not interfere with any other teams that may be practicing at the same time.

D. If a player must miss practice, they must show just cause for missing. (Refer to Absence Policy)

4. Expectations for Games:

  1. Players will be on time to all pre-game meetings and bus departures.
  2. All players will participate in pre-game warm-ups. This means that all taping and other prep must be done before the field is taken.
  3. The Red card policy will be enforced at all games and at all levels. (Refer to Red card Policy)
  4. All players will be expected to be prepared for all games. This includes having all of their equipment and being mentally prepared.
  5. All players will be expected to dress up for school on game days. This will be true for all games on school days unless changed by the coaching staff.
  1. Expectations of behavior towards the Coaching Staff:
  2. Players will treat all coaches with respect. Whether the coach is the head Varsity coach or the Freshman Coach, players will treat all coaches as if they are the head coach. Disrespect of a member of the coaching staff will result in disciplinary action to be determined by the whole coaching staff.
  1. Expectations for off the field conduct:
  2. Players are expected to stay caught up on their school work and maintain a 2.0 average. (This is a C average)
  3. Players will be expected to follow the curfew policy. (refer to curfew policy)
  4. Players will be expected to follow all school and Minnesota State High School League rules. This includes any alcohol/tobacco/drug policies.
  5. Players are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in all out of school situations. Being a part of our program is a privilege, not a right, and your conduct reflects all coaches, our players and our school.

Team Policies:

  1. Lettering Policy:

A. Any player who makes the 22 player sections roster at the end of the regular season will letter.

B. Any player who plays in 1 more half than the total number of Varsity games will earn a letter. For example: If there are 16 games for the regular season, then a player will need to play in 17 halves. Overtime does count as a half.

C. Any senior who competes for 4 years without making the varsity team will earn a letter.

D. Discretion will be used to award any other letters determined by all staff coaches.

  1. Red Card Policy:

A. Any player who receives a Red Card will serve the suspension dictated by the Minnesota State High School League as well as an additional game suspension from the coaching staff if the red card is deemed to be unbecoming of our program.

Minnesota State High School League Red Card Suspensions:

1st: 1 game suspension

2nd: 4 game suspension

3rd: 8 game suspension

3. Violations of Minnesota State High School League Rules:

A. Violations of the Minnesota State High School League Rules will

result in suspension based on the guidelines set up by the MSHSL.

B. 2 violations of MSHSL Rules within a time period from the end of the

previous school year through the end of the season will result in

suspension based on MSHSL Rules plus the possible dismissal from the team.

4. Attendance at Practices and Games:

A. Attendance at games and practices is mandatory. This means arriving

at the times set by the coaching staff. If a player must miss either a game

or a practice, they must be excused by the coaching staff. Family

obligations and doctor appointments are acceptable excuses for missing practices. Work is not a legitimateexcuse for missing eitherpractice or games.

Please make sure that your work schedule is set so that it will not interfere with practices or games. The consequences for an unexcused absence are as follows:

  1. 1st unexcused: 1 game suspension
  2. 2nd unexcused: 3 game suspension
  3. 3rd unexcused: Meeting with coaching staff and athletic director and possible team dismissal.

5. Curfew policy during the season:

The curfew for players will be as follows:

  1. On weekdays, players must be in their houses by 10:00 p.m.
  2. On weekends, players must be in their houses by 10:30 p.m.
  3. Curfew on Friday nights with football games will be after the game, and on Homecoming, it will be after the Dance.
  4. Coaches may or may not call on nights before games. This will be at the discretion of the coach for each team.

Being part of a successful team means being mentally prepared. This is part of our mental team preparation.

6. Grade reporting:

It is important for players to keep their grades at a 2.0 G.P.A. To make

sure that players keep their grades up, the coaching staff may choose ask for grade reports. If a player is not keeping up on her school work,

she will be suspended, without loss of position, until the grades are made

up. Players that needs to catch up on homework will be able to attend practice, with their school work that needs to be completed, to be done on the field while their teammates practice. The 2.0 level is the level set by the school district to remain eligible to play.

7. Selection of Varsity Team Captains:

The selection of the team captains will be as follows:

A.Any player who will be a senior in the upcoming season or who has played Varsity in the current season is eligible to be Captain for the upcoming season.

B.Any eligible player will need to be prepared to give a speech regarding why they should be the Captain for the upcoming season.

C.The speeches will be made to the team in the days following the end of the section/state tournament.

D.Following the speeches, players will then vote for two captains.

E.Additional captains may be chosen by the coaching staff.

F.Parents of the Captains are expected to be a part of the booster club.

8. Expectations of the Captains:

A. Captains are expected to set the example of how to work on and off the


1. They are expected to work as hard in class as they do on the

soccer field. They are not expected to get straight A’s, but are

expected to do the best that they can.

2. They are expected to be in class and at practice on time.

3. They are expected to communicate with coaches

about things that are happening with the team. This includes positives and negatives.

4. They are expected to get practices started with the dynamic warm-up. They are to lead the warm-up and make sure all of

their teammates are doing it properly.

7. Captains are not expected to be the best players on the field.

They are expected to play the best they can and thus lead by


8. Captains are expected to do what they can to help the team play

as a team and not as a bunch of individuals.

9 Selection of the Varsity Roster:

A.The initial roster for the Varsity team will be chosen by the coaching staff after a minimum of three practice days.

B.The Varsity Roster can not exceed 22 players for any game during the

season. This number is set by the Minnesota State High School League and the National Federation.

C.Players will be evaluated on:

-Skill Level

-Knowledge of the game

-Work Rate

-Willingness to be coached

-How well the player works with in the team environment and with her teammates.

D.This roster is not frozen until the Section Roster is turned in during the last week of the regular season. As a result there can be changes to the varsity roster throughout the season due to injuries and the development of players at all levels.

  1. Playing time on the various Levels:

A. Freshman level: All players, barring any disciplinary actions or

injuries, will play in every game. This play time may not be equal,

but all will play.

B. JV II: All players, barring any disciplinary actions or injuries, will play in every game. This play time may not be equal,

but all will play.

C. JV level: All players, barring any disciplinary actions or

injuries, will play in every game. This play time may not be equal,

but all will play.

D. Varsity Level: There is no guarantee of any playing time at the

Varsity level. Play time will be determined based on performance,

attitude and the coaches decisions.

E. The coaching staff will not discuss playing time with any parents

during the season or offseason. Playing time is the coach’s decision. Coaches are willing to talk to players about what can be done to get more playing time.

F. 12 HOUR RULE – Before talking to coaches, give yourself time to think about your questions. Emotions run high after games and sometimes it is best to think about the most appropriate way to ask your question.

  1. Games played in a week:

A.As conditions warrant, players may be asked to play on multiple level teams. If this is needed, team policy will be that no player will play more than 9 halves in a week. This is equal to playing 1 half with one team and the whole game with another team for the 3 games in a week. For the younger levels that play on different days, they will play only 3 games in a week. The only exception to this is if there are 4 games in a week scheduled for the same team.

B.7th and 8th graders that make rosters will only play on the Freshman team. The only exception to this will be with parental permission to move the player up. Coaches will ask for permission from the parents when warranted.

  1. Contacting the Coaches:

The coaching staff asks that if you need to talk to the coaches about an issue, that you do it through the information given at the beginning of this handbook. Please be respectful that the coaches have families and use the numbers that we have given for contacting us.

Coaches are available to talk to parents about anything EXCEPT playing time. Talking about playing time is something that the player should do. This is a life lesson that we want our players to learn. Players and coaches have the most contact during the season to evaluate performance and being able to talk through these is something that will occur in life.

By signing the following, you are agreeing to the terms of the Rogers Girls Soccer handbook. You are acknowledging you have fully read the handbook and will abide by its contents. A copy of this signature will be kept on file for the entire season up until the start of the next season where a new signature will be required.

We look forward to continuing to build a program with all of our players and families in our community! This is done with:

Communication, trust, collective responsibility, care and pride.


The Coaching Staff

Player Signature:______

Parent Signature:______