St. Augustine Catholic School

Summer Math Learning Packet

Students Entering Grade 8


When you don’t use it, you lose it. You are away from school and focused mathematics for 10 weeks. According to one study, that means you will lose 2.6 months of the skills and knowledge that you had when you left school! For this reason, students need to practice math concepts and processes. Intentional practice will help you reach mastery of the material (how to do the math) and increase fluency (how easily and quickly you can do it). The problems in this set are based on the skills from last year, and what you will need for the upcoming year.

What Parents Can Do to Support
Make a plan for completion, especially with concerns about family vacations.
Help your child to identify the areas in which your child is both strong and weak.
Check in with your child periodically, reviewing their progress in completion.
Create a system to monitor your child’s progress.
Student Accountability
I spent at least 10 minutes a day, 3 to 4 times a week, for at least 8 weeks, reviewing math topics. I completed at least 250 minutes of math practice over the course of the summer. This includes completion of the calendar problems. I recorded my minutes on the tracking sheet. I have the journal, solution page, and work as evidence of my progress.
Student Signature Date

Apps for iPad / iPhone:Websites to Explore:

No, this is not an excuse to buy either a smart phone Again, the whole point is to use the math, so I’ve

or a tablet. Some of you do have access, so I’m providing listed these websites as another place to explore and

this section as one more way for you “to get a little math” practice math skills that may need some work. They’re

while having some summer fun. another way to get beyond paper/pencil drill.

My Math Flash Cards (Free)IXL ( )

This is a simple app to review math facts for all operations:IXL provides practice for every major skill and standard.

(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).You can purchase a month subscription for $9.95, but

the site allows trial before purchase!

Sudoku ($0.99)

This interactive version of the puzzle develops deduction.The Math Forum ( )

The Math Forum includes a Student Center with resources

Vault Breaker (Free)and grade-level material, including Dr. Math and Math Tips

This is another logic game that uses hints to deduce a code.and tricks.

Middle School Math HD ($2.99)That Quiz ( )

This is an interactive math app that provides practice in theThis website provides math activities for all concepts, skills,

the major pre-algebra topics.and operations from basic arithmetic to calculus! (And

there’s a science review, too!)

Conundra Math (Free)

A number game in which you combine a series of numbers toMath Illuminations (

get a specified value.The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers a set

of games and activities in specific grade ranges.

Math Pentagon (Free)

This app provides worksheet practice in several areas.Figure This( )

In the Challenge section, students at the middle school level

Symmetry Stacker ($1.99)tackle real word math problems.

This develops the ideas of translation, rotation, and reflection.

Math Doodles ($2.99)

This app helps develop abstract ideas about numbers by using

symbols to represent sums, leading to algebraic abstraction.

July 2013 (Eighth Grade Math)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
What is the prime factorization of 64? / 2
Twice a number (n) minus nine is ninety-five. Find n. / 3
Record the price of gas from one station on 4 different weeks during the summer. Find the mean, median, mode, and range. / 4
Lemonade for 4th of July! An average-sized lemon has 1/8 cup juice. A recipe uses ¾ cup of lemon juice to make 2 quarts of lemonade. How many lemons will you need to make 4 gallons of lemonade? / 5
6 + 4 (7 – 3) + 52 – 30
Find the sum of the prime numbers between 50 and 75. / 9
Look around your environment. Find an acute, obtuse, straight, and right angle. / 10
How many two-digit multiples of four are there, such that the number is still a two-digit number when its digits are reversed? / 11
The sum of 4 consecutive numbers is 230. What are the numbers? / 12
When Marla left for school, it was 5 times as many minutes before 9:00 a.m. as it was after 7:00 a.m. What time did Marla leave for school?
Record the time and the number of pages you read for summer reading forone day. Figure out the pages per minute. / 16
Which is a better price, $1.79 for 15 oz, or $1.49 for 12 oz.? / 17
Using a grocery store receipt, figure what fraction of the bill was spent on junk food. / 18
When Marla left for school, it was 5 times as many minutes before 9:00 a.m. as it was after 7:00 a.m. What time did Marla leave school? / 19
16 2/3 % is the answer. What is the question?
The pages of a book are numbered consecutively from 1 to 275. How many times is the digit 8 used in numbering the pages? / 23
What is the sum of the interior angles of a stop sign? / 24
Aaron answered half the test questions correctly. Beth got 40% of them right. Dan answered 3/8 correctly. Who answered the most questions correctly? / 25
Use the Internet to find out about the number “e”. For what is this number used? / 26
A rectangular rug measures 35 ft by 28 ft. How can the same length be cut from each side so that the ratio of the shorter side to the longer side is 3:4?
The ratio of boys to girls at a party is 1:5. When 2 additional guests arrived, the ratio became 1:4? There were fewer than 30 guests. How many guests were there? How many boys were there? How many girls? / 30
Ronald can do a job in 4 hours. Linda can do the same job in 2 hours. How long will it take them to do the job together? / 31
If 1000 gumballs cost $20, how much would ten gumballs cost?

August 2013 (Eighth Grade Math)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
At a contest, 2 points are awarded for each shot made, and 3 points deducted for each shot missed. Carolyn took 20 shots and scored 0 points. How many shots did she make? How many did she miss? / 2
Use the Internet to find out what a fractal is. Give two examples of fractals in nature.
4w + 7 = 20 / 6
Order the following from least to greatest:
3/7; 50%; 0.4; 0.04 / 7
Mr. Andrews drove his new car 2700 mi in half a year. If he continues at the same rate, how far will he have driven it after 40 months? / 8
Rite Aid/Thrifty ice cream sold for $0.10 per scoop in 1970. What is the cost now? What is the difference in price? / 9
Maureen noticed that 3 years ago, she was 1/3 her mother’s age, and that in 7 years she will be ½ her mother’s age. How old are Maureen and her mother now?
How many triangles are there in which the three vertices among the array of dots given below?
. . .
. . . / 13
Find something in your environment with two lines of symmetry. / 14
Jan read 40 pages in 80 minutes. How many minutes did it take her to read the entire book if it has 759 pages? / 15
The area of a rectangular rug is 14 square feet. The rug is 3.5 feet wide. What is the perimeter of the rug? / 16
Jessica wants to plant 480 fruit trees, with the same number of trees in each row. They should be as close to a square as possible. How many should be in each row?
Horace rode his bicycle 5 miles in 25 minutes. What was his average speed in miles/hour? / 20
Naomi had an average score of 70 on her science tests. On her next test, she got a 90, and her average went to 75. How many science tests has she taken? / 21
Atlantic is 15 mi west of Carter. Carter is 8 mi north of Brookville. What is the linear distance fromBrookvilletoAtlantic? / 22
At an opening, every 3rd person receives a balloon, every 4th gets a mug, every 5th gets a t-shirt, and every 20th gets a clock. Which customer will be the first to get all the gifts? / 23
Name one thing you might measure in milliliters.
Dan’s salary is $70 less than Sam’s, whose weekly salary is $50 more than Tom’s. If Tom earns $280 per week, how much money does Dan earn per week? / 27
Look around your house. Find two examples of parallel lines. / 28
What is the product:
(a-x)(b-x)(c-x)…(z-x) / 29
Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in a single game, before the 3-point line. He made 64 baskets in all. If field goals are 2 points, and free throws are 1 point, how many of each did he make? / 30
On a 33-question test, you get 8 points for a correct answer and lose 3 points for a wrong answer. You answered all the questions and scored 0. How many questions did you get right?