COIL2018. Assessment Action Lab #3 Courtesy
Overall quick impression
- Overall, at the end of the CLICKS component of this course I felt:
Delighted- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Somewhat satisfied- Quite dissatisfied
- Overall, my students’ results from the CLICKs module were…..
very worthwhile – somewhat worthwhile -- about the same as without -- somewhat unsatisfactory – very unsatisfactory
Key details:1.Strongly Agree-2.Agree-3.Neither Agree nor Disagree-4.Disagree-5.Strongly Disagree
- This experience introduced me to new knowledge and skills related to globalization and teaching in a global classroom. 1 2 3 4 5
- This experience improved my ability to integrate technology into my teaching. 12 3 4 5
- This experience will improve my teaching as a whole. 1 2 3 4 5
- This experience provided skills and knowledge that I will use in other courses I teach. 1 2 3 4 5
- I am convinced that my students can learn as much of the subject matter in CLICKs+course as in a regular course. 1 2 3 4 5
- This experience provided skills and knowledge beyond the course material that will benefit my students in other courses and in their extracurricular interactions. 1 2 3 4 5
- Through this experience I made connections with international partners that I am eager
to maintain.1 2 3 4 5
- The cultural aspects of the collaboration with faculty and students in the other country were more difficult than I expected. 1 2 3 4 5
- The technology demands of the experience were less difficult than I expected.1 2 3 4 5
- The overall technology/ies chosen felt appropriate for the needs of the experience.1 2 3 4 5
- The design workshop was important in making the CLICKs module work. 1 2 3 4 5
- My teaching partner(s) worked well with me/us and helped resolve issues as they arose. 1 2 3 4 5
- The amount of time invested in the CLICKS component of this course was worthwhile. YES NO
- I would recommend my colleagues to teach a course with a CLICKS component. YES NO
- I would like to teach a course with a CLICKS component again. YES NO
- This experience increased my interest in further international opportunities …
- Increasing student cultural exchanges such as leading a study abroad program. YES NO
- increasing faculty exchange, my going there and hosting them here. YES NO
- considering a global track for my students to pursue. YES NO
- other ideas …..
Open-ended – highlights, challenges, technologies, overall
- What was the most significant success you encountered during the CLICKs component of this course? And others worth mentioning?
- What was the most significant challenges you encountered during the CLICKs component of this course? And others worth mentioning?
- What was the most significant learning that your students gained from the CLICKs component of this course? And any others worth mentioning?
- What technology tools did you choose to implement the CLICKs module?
- If there were one thing you would do differently, what would it be? What difference would it make?
- Do you have any further comments you’d like to share regarding your CLICKs experience?
Gazelle International SUNY-COIL conference March2018