One Book/One School Informational Sheet

The NYE PTA is excited to present our first One Book/One School event. This is a program where our entire school community will read the same book simultaneously—parents to children, older children to the family, and school staff to spouses. The program is designed to create a school-wide "buzz" about books.

The PTA will be providing every family with the book titled The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School by Candace Fleming, as well as a bookmark with the reading schedule. On the bookmark, your child(ren) can check off the reading when your family has completed a section. This program will begin on Monday, January 10th and run for 6 weeks, with various activities planned along the way. The premise is that the reading will be done at home as a family to encourage everyone to read. Additionally, podcasts of each chapter, read by different staff members, will be available for listening on the Nancy Young Elementary School website.

Summary of the book: The book is about a group of rambunctious fourth graders that nobody wants to teach, until a new teacher comes along and changes things. Each chapter has a moral based on an actual Aesop Fable.

Fabled Friday events: During this reading event, we will have “Fabled Fridays,” which will include trivia questions read over the P.A. in the morning, as well as other fun events and prizes.

·  Ideal Teacher day (Thursday, January 13 - we are off on Friday) - Be Like Principal Struggles looking for the ideal teacher to teach the 4th grade class and write a “Want Ad” for your ideal teacher. Use the attached sheet of paper and think about what he/she would dress like, act, do, teach, etc. Bring this “ad” back to school and one from each grade will be chosen and displayed in our hallway.

·  Rose Day (Friday, January 21) - Rose ended up wearing a very eclectic outfit on picture day. Review pages 22-30 in the book and come to school dressed like Rose (ie: wear a cowboy hat, tube socks, silk scarf, bow tie, sunglasses, etc.)

·  Fable Day (Friday, January 28) - All the chapters in this book are based on an actual Aesop Fable. With your parent’s permission, visit or visit the school or public library and read some fables.

·  Poem Day (Friday, February 4) - Lillian Ditty is always writing short poems. Write a poem on paper and bring it to school. We will bind them into a book to be kept in the LMC and also make a copy for the author.

·  Valentine’s Day (Friday, February 11) - The kids make Mr. Jupiter a Valentine. Make your teacher a Valentine and give it to them.

·  Favorite Character Day (Friday, February 18) - Dress up like your favorite character from the book. At school you will receive a label to wear so others know who you are. The AUTHOR WILL VISIT OUR SCHOOL for an assembly that day.

This is going to be a great event and we hope your family enjoys reading together!

If you have any questions regarding this program, please feel free to contact Carolyn Fichte at or 630-978-4106.