Hedgerow Farm News..

8328 Valmont Road, Boulder, Colorado80301 303.666.6397 June 2, 2004 Distr. Week #1


Welcome to the 2004 season. We're happy you've joined with us to support local agriculture and land stewardship. This year promises to be spectacular. The snow pack is holding strong and steady, our ditches are running with pristine mountain water and Mother Nature and Sister Frost have cooperated so far.

What's New This Year

This year we've added a few new things to the CSA to make it an even richer experience for you. Our fruit share was extremely popular last year, and left those without a fruit share wishing they'd ordered one. This year we'll have extra fruit available for purchase at some of our CSA pick-ups. We've also made it easier for you to purchase boxes of fruit if you'd like to buy in bulk. Simply sign-up and pay one week in advance with our folks, and a box of fruit will be waiting for you at the next CSA pick-up.

If you're picking up at NaropaUniversity we'll have a farmer's market stand in addition to your CSA share during weeks when we have extra bounty. If you'd like more salad mix, or have a friend that wants some veggies, look for those special weeks when wehave extra for you to purchase.

If you're picking up at Hedgerow we'll have several local producers offering their goods this season. From Colorado fruit, to locally roasted coffee beans, you never know what you might find at the next CSA pick-up.

Who We Are

Anne P. Cure Farm Manager

Connie Findley Business Manager

Mark Jackson Caretaker

Tawnya LaVeta Education & Outreach Manager

Meet Our Partners


This season the fruit you receive will largely come from Thomas Cameron's Rancho Durazno, an organic orchard located in Palisade, CO. Palisade is arguably the best place on earth to grow fruit. Like Hedgerow Farm, Thomas is committed to being a good land steward and treating his labor equitably.

Thomas, along with his daughters will be sampling his fruit from time to time at our pick-ups. He'll also be taking orders for boxes of fruit. If you have a hungry family, are planning on doing some canning or are having a party, consider buying a box from Thomas. This season you can look forward to luscious cherries, peaches, pears, plums, apricots and apples, grown right here in Colorado. We'll also be offering peach and cherry jam, made from Rancho Durazno fruit.

Workshop News

Permaculture Certification will be offered again this year by Bill Melvin& Marco Lam, August 1-14. Participants will explore many realms including composting, mulching, water resource management, off the grid energy production, alternative building structures, patterns of nature and much more. Upon completion of this course, students will earn a Certificate of Permaculture Design and be on their way to creating interactive, sustainable systems. Cost is $850 + $20 materials fee. Breakfast and lunch are offered each day. Call Tawnya at 303-666-6397 x4 to register.

Recipes Of The Week

Garlic ScapesKnown as stems, scapes, spears, or tops, these tender green "flowers" are the seedpod that forms on hard neck garlic plants in June. This delicious stalk has a taste that is milder than garlic cloves, and has a broad spectrum of uses from soups to salads to garnishes.

Raw Scape Pesto

½ lb. scapes (chopped into 1" sections)
1½ c. olive oil
2 c. grated parmesan cheese

In a blender, combine the scapes and olive oil. Pour mixture into bowl and blend the cheese in by hand. Can be used as a cracker or pizza spread. Can be frozen in plastic ice cube trays and used later - this applies to the other pestos, dips, and dressings as well. Wrap cubes individually with plastic wrap, place in a freezer bag and return to freezer. Use all year for making bruschetta, with pasta or pizza.


7 scapes of green garlic

3 small potatoes, chunked, with skins

2 Tbs butter

3 cups of chicken or vegetable broth

2-3 Tbs white wine vinegar

Cut the scapes into thin rounds. Sauté in butter for about 10 minutes at low heat. Place the potatoes and sautéed garlic in a sauce pan and add broth. Cook covered for about 30 minutes. In small batches in your blender, puree the soup until it is smooth. Return soup to the saucepan and add more broth if it is too thick. Add salt and pepper to taste, reheat. When hot, add white wine vinegar and serve. Serves 2.

Recipes courtesy


Braising Mix

Wondering what the heck to do with braising mix? These robust little greens can be eaten raw, like salad mix, or cooked. Try sauteing them in olive oil, soy sauce or balsamic vinegar and enjoy.


If you're not planning on making the world's next great stir fry this week, don't fret. There are plenty of other ways to use your scallions. Try putting them on the grill. After only three minutes, you'll have a tasty addition to your dinner. They're also a great ingredient with baked, mashed or cubed potatoes.

Kids Summer Camp

Hedgerow is again offering our unique kids summer farm camp for ages 6-9. One week sessions start June 21st and run through July 29th. Your children will get to feed the chickens and goats, collect eggs, plant and harvest food for Boulder’s Elder Share program, cook and bake indoors and out, work with natural fibers and meet some other really wonderful kids. For more information, please contact Tawnya at 303.666.6397 x4.

Apprentice News

Do you or someone you know want to learn how to make things grow? Become a Hedgerow Apprentice. The apprenticeship combines classes and fieldwork to provide a fundamental education in the basics of small-scale organic farming and gardening in the RockyMountain region. This unique opportunity allows apprentices to gain valuable hands-on experience while offering intimate learning opportunities with our staff and resource people from the community. Our apprenticeships require a commitment of 30 hours per week and the capacity to do physical work in a rigorous farm setting on a daily basis. Tuition is $400/month. If you want to know more about gardening, if you want to develop a deeper relationship with the land or if you’d like to see if a career in farming is for you, please give Anne a call at 303.666.6397 x2 to set up an interview.

Words To Live By

excerpt from Spring

NOTHING is so beautiful as spring—

When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;

Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush

Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring

The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;

The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush

The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush

With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.-by Gerard Manley Hopkins