/ NAHNAt a Glance
The Monthly Newsletter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
September 2008 / Volume 2, Number 9
In This Issue
  • Resources for Uninsured
  • Featured Chapter?
  • Meet the Board
  • NAHN Student Association
  • NCEMNA Update
  • Hispanic Medical Associations Meet in DC
  • Health Policy and Legislation
  • Industry News Links
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Important Resources for Uninsured

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano recently released the new Arizona Health Guide: Resources for the Uninsured. The booklet was published by the National Association of Hispanic Nurses with a grant from the Pfizer pharmaceutical company.
"There are a lot of resources out there, but there's never been a compilation until now," says Phoenix Chapter President, Annabell Castro. Arizona has an above-average portion of its citizenry uninsured, about 20 percent of the population, compared with 18 percent nationwide. About a third of uninsured people are Hispanic, and the vast majority of the uninsured are working families.
By placing this information in a single guide, Arizona hopes to raise awareness of the valuable services available to uninsured children. The guide, written in English as well as Spanish, also lists health services available for homeless people, veterans, Indians and senior citizens, and information on affordable insurance plans.
For more on the Guide, visit:

Featured Chapter San Antonio?

Meet the Board: Paul Ocon

While attending the Boston conference, I was reminded of why I am a member of NAHN. I belong to a slew of professional organizations: AONE, ACHE, CCRN, etc. These define my nursing practice and career path. NAHN has been different, as it defines me as a person, and coming to the conference always feels like I am coming home. My parents immigrated from Chihuahua, Mexico in the late ‘50’s and I was born in East Los Angeles (6th child from a litter of 8). Our 2006 conference in Industry Hills was the area where I grew up as a teenager (yes, I stole away from some speakers to visit my Mamasita, who lives still in West Covina).
I received my nursing degree from Cal. St.Los Angeles and my Masters in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco. Most of my 20+ years as a Critical Care nurse has been in pediatrics, working in Los Angeles, Palo Alto, Chicago, and Atlanta (I guess you can call me a migrant worker).
I am currently the Director of Critical Care at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. As National Treasurer I am pulling from career and life experiences to create a financial foundation for NAHN to mature into. The board has been working on some initiatives from the conference, and we hope to update you all before the end of the year. Feel free to contact me at:

NAHN Student Association

The Students Association, an Affiliate of NAHN willbe focused, in part,on the impact of student and professional affiliations in the development of the nursing profession as we know it today.
Jacqueline Perry is looking for personal anecdotal experiences from nurses which reflect on this topic. She says, “I am interested in stories that can demonstrate how much the level of involvement in professional affiliations has contributed to the development of today's scope of practice, changing the face of the profession.” For example: any stories that focus on professional dynamics, dress, working shifts, gender relations, legal aspects, etc.
Ms. Perry states, “I am firm believer that by bringing a little bit of history, not only we will be honoring the hard work and efforts of nurses through theyears, but we can also create awareness about the importance of our contribution, even if is just a little bit”
Jacqueline Perry encourages you to send your story, and feel free to forward thisinformation to anybody that you think can help craft this part of the presentation. If you have any other question do not hesitate contact Jacqueline at: .

Hispanic Medical Associations Meet in DC, Discuss Common Mission

On August 19, 2008 The National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) hosted the National Coalition for Hispanic Health (NCHH) meeting in Washington D. C. NCHH was joined by members of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) as well as the National Hispanic Medical Association of Medical Doctors (NHMAMD). NCHH is a nonpartisan coalition actively working to reduce health disparities, improve access to healthcare, advance cultural competency of the providers, and increasing diversity in the health professions. A primary issue of concern was SCHIP and the ramification of its August 17, 2007 directive (see Legislation & Policy section in NAHN newsletter).
The NHMAMD mission is improving access to quality care, cultural competence, increasing opportunities in medical education and research for Hispanics. “NHMAMD works closely with the Federal government and Congress, the private sector, private foundations as well as national Hispanic organizations. As a member of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, we meet regularly with Federal officials to hold them accountable on Hispanic issues” stated Michael Bernard, Associate Director of Government Affairs. It is important for these membership organizations to work together where there is common ground.
NHMAMD will hold their annual conference in Brooklyn, New York scheduled for March 19-22, 2008. Abstract submissions and/or speaker requests relating to these issues are encouraged; more information will be available as soon as possible.


NCEMNA is pleased to announce its Fifth Annual Conference, “Creating Research Careers: Leading The Way.” The goal of this conference is to stimulate and inform ethnic minority nurses to growing opportunities in research. The Conference will be held at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown, Albuquerque, NM March 13-15, 2009.
Mentee/Mentor Program: Funding for this program covers travel, lodging, food and conference costs. This award is available only to those belonging to NCEMNA member organizations.
Abstract Presentations: we invite ethnic minority nurse researchers and students to submit abstracts for poster presentation during its 4th Annual research conference. Abstracts of completed or on-going studies focusing on expanding the knowledge base to alleviate health disparities of ethnic minority populations are invited. NAHN President Norma Martinez-Rogers will help anyone interested in presenting or joining the mentorship program.
For more information, visit NCEMNA on the web at:


The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) program is accepting applications for their annual scholarship. The GMS program selects 1000 students per year in the fields of public health, mathematics, science, computer science, engineering, education and library science to receive the award. Nomination forms as well as information concerning eligibility can be found at:
All applications must be postmarked/submitted by January 12, 2009.For information on more scholarships available through the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, visit:

Health Policy & Legislation

SCHIP and its August 17, 2007 directive are still subjects of concern. Its implementationmakes it difficult or impossible to cover more moderate income students who are still lacking coverage. The directive is explicit in instructing the state to enroll 95% of the low-income children, whose families are 200% below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), prior to enrolling children whose family incomes are greater than 250% of the FPL. Even if this requirement is reached, the eligible moderate income children must wait 12 months prior to the coverage being activated. Numerous elected officials and advocacy organizations have voiced their disapproval, numerous court cases are currently being fought over the directive.
Now Congress may move to walk this directive back. Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) is sponsoring Senate Joint Resolution 44 to cancel out the August 17 directive. It is being cosponsored by 40 Democrats, 2 Independents and 8 Republicans. According to Michael Bernard, Associate Director of Governmental Affairs (NHMAMD), “Word from the Hill is that they’re going to try to tack it on anything that moves. However, it seems unlikely that SCHIP will see any substantial congressional action given the shortened legislative calendar throughout the remainder of the 110th Congress”. Nonetheless, this should be an issue to follow when the new Congress begins next year.

Industry NewsLinks: