Dr Vasudaven / Mrs Rosemary Burkill


The fifth meeting of the Patient Participation Group held on

Wednesday 14 June 2011 at 6pm

Meeting Room, Oakfield Health Centre, Off Windsor Road, Gravesend, KentDA12 5BW


Present: / Carol Mears (CM)
Balbir Channa (BC)
Rhonda Jones (RJ)
Peter Rayner (PR) / Peter Mears (PM)
John Cubitt (JC)
Gordon Liddiard (GL)
Attending: / Dr B Vasudaven (Dr Vasu)
Dr G Danish (GD)
Claire Munday (CEM)
Liz Read / Oakfield Health Centre
Oakfield Health Centre
Oakfield Health Centre

1.Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Welcomes and introductions were made. Apologies were received from members, Les Uden, Andrea Webb and Ann Allen and Will Farmer - Community Engagement Manager. Apologies were also received from Lynda Shuttlewood (Practice Manager) and Rosy Burkill (Nurse Practitioner).

2.To agree minutes of the last meeting (09/07/2010) and feedback on action points

The minutes were agreed and Claire confirmed that all action points were completed.

3.Feedback from GR@ND

The GR@ND have now completed their move from New Road accommodation in the Civic Centre with computers in the foyer for the public’s use. The job club is still running. However, they have had to cease a few of their projects but have enhanced other services. They are re-printing their information regarding work and staff. Information is also on their website A link to this website is to be put on the practice website.

Action: CEM.

Liz reported that a 12 week programme was taking place at various locations supporting adults to have an unhealthy weight to make sustained behaviour changes for a healthier weight. Sessions are one and a half hours per week and are designed and tailored around individual needs. The sessions also give a taster on ideas for how to increase activity. Sessions are held at Cascades, Northfleet and the Temple with discussions for a course to be run at Ebbsfleet. The GR@ND also has a trained walk leader running a Walk 4 Life programme. Referral forms are available as well as information leaflets which will be placed in reception.

Action: CEM.

4.Update from Mr Will Farmer – Community Engagement Manager (Gravesham)

In the absence of Mr Farmer, member John Cubitt informed members of the Forum and the work that it does in Gravesend East, Gravesend West & Northfleet and rural areas. In particular JC spoke about funds available to Northfleet. £74,000 of grant money is available to the local community (£30,000 for Gravesham East, West and Northfleet and £14,000 for rural areas i.e. Higham, Cobham, Meopham etc). The bidding process is quite easy and local communities should be encouraged to apply for funding for local events / equipment etc. The Forum newsletter to be circulated to members.

Action: CEM

5.PMS Contract Review – Dr B Vasudaven

Dr Vasu began by explaining that his PMS+ contract has been under review with the Primary Care Trust (PCT) cutting his budget by 40% over three years. Hence Dr Vasu will be going part time from October 2011 and shall job share with Dr Danish.

This has in turn led to Rosy retiring two years early and the practice back to offering core services only. New working arrangements shall be in the new Practice Leaflet which is being developed.

6.Retirement of Rosemary Burkill and appointment of Dr Gul Danish

Dr Vasu introduced Dr Danish to the members and informed them that she would be joining the practice on a part time basis from October 2011. Dr Danish said a few words and members welcomed her, stating that they felt from a female point of view it would be good for the practice to have a female GP.

Members discussed doing something for Rosy prior to her retirement but it was agreed that a book would be placed in reception for patients to write a message if they so wished.

7.Practice Changes with the new NHS – Dr Vasudaven

At practice level the above leads to Dr Danish joining the practice at the beginning of October with Rosy retiring at the same time.

Some staff hours have changed and the practice has lost its funding for phlebotomy receptionist. Judy (HCA / Phlebotomist) will be running the service by herself.

8.PPG – The Way Forward

Members had been furnished with a paper from West Kent PCT regarding developing a Patient Reference Group. This is to be a formality for all practices. The group is to be used as an advisory group with a set of priorities for the year. In this respect the PPG is already undertaking this function.

Priorities for this year will include looking at and identifying carers, producing a yearly newsletter to patients, looking at path results information and feedback on appointment waiting times. BC asked that the appointment / surgery times together with emergency appointment times be made clearer in the Practice Leaflet.

Action: CEM.

Although aware that there are a few gaps in the group i.e. young mums and carers, all patients of the practice were, and still are, invited to join the group. GL mentioned that he had done some work with young carers in the past.

Copies of the minutes of PPG meetings, the Practice Leaflet and Newsletter will be made available in reception and on the waiting room notice board.

Members were to have a month to decide whether there were any other priorities to be looked at this year and feedback to Claire.

Action: CEM / All Members

9.Any Other Business:

Newsletter: As mentioned above an annual newsletter is to be produced by the practice. This issue is to include Rosy’s retirement, staff changes, Dr Danish joining, surgery timings etc.

Patient Survey Report: Members had received a copy of the survey. Noted.

Hospital Trust Merger: JC asked whether there was any update on the proposed merger between DarentValley and Medway Maritime hospitals. Dr Vasu replied that the finances had not been agreed yet, although both Trusts were struggling financially. GP referrals were being monitored together with prescribing and follow up’s after an outpatient appointment. It was mentioned that public health monies were to be taken from the PCT and given to local authorities e.g. KCC.

GP Consortium: Dr Vasu reported that there was not a lot of interest amongst local GP’s, although a few have put their names forward. No actual budget is held as yet. A consultation will have to take place with the voluntary sector, Social Services, Nurses etc being involved. Mental Health, Learning Disabiltieis and Community nursing services will not be in the budget.

CycloPark: Members requested that Lawrence Tricker from the CycloPark development be invited to the next meeting.

Action: CEM

Summary Cards: Dr Vasu explained that patients will be receiving from their surgeries information about the summary cards which will hold personal details such as NHS number, date of birth, allergies, medications etc. This would prove extremely useful for joined-up healthcare i.e. when visiting an out of hours GP or attending the Accident & Emergency department. Some people however are concerned about patient confidentiality. A future meeting could be held to discuss this.

10.Date and Time of Next Meeting

To be Agreed