Flash N° 3/2007 - 23 April 2007
In this issue:
EuroCommerce activities:
- New ECOSOC President presents his priorities to EuroCommerce Board
- EuroCommerce delegation meets with Commissioner Mandelson
- EuroCommerce addresses the World Retail Congress on international trade issues
- EuroCommerce members join the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign
- The European Commission launches discussion on the use of market-based instruments for energy and environment-related policy purposes
Internal Market and Consumer Affairs:
- Commerce sector ready to voice its messages in the field of consumer protection
Food Policy and Consumers:
- EuroCommerce involvement in the future EU Forum on Alcohol and Health
Social Affairs:
- EuroCommerce submits its contribution to the Green Paper on Labour Law
- EuroCommerce response to the consultation on ECVET
Payment Systems:
- Payment Services Directive ready to go through - Breakfast meeting with MEPs
Integration of New Member States and Enlargement:
- TAIEX Conference "Introduction of the Euro"
International Trade:
- Antidumping reform debate: strong commerce contribution, but Member States support still insufficient
Public Affairs - Parliament
New ECOSOC President presents his priorities to the EuroCommerce Board of Administration on 20 March 2007
Dimitris Dimitriadis, EuroCommerce Board member, was elected as President of the European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) in November 2006.
During his address to the EuroCommerce Board on 20 March, Mr Dimitriadis indicated that his priorities as President of the ECOSOC are the following:
- the European Constitution
- the Lisbon agenda
- climate change and energy
- developing entrepreneurship with a human face.
Furthermore, Mr Dimitriadis pointed out his intention to cut down red tape.
Answering questions, Mr Dimitriadis stressed the importance of the ECOSOC as the link between the EU Institutions and civil society. He announced that the ECOSOC would celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2008 and sees this as an opportunity to further emphasise the need to develop the entrepreneurship spirit in Europe.
Xavier R. Durieu, Tel: +32 2 737 05 92,
EuroCommerce Delegation meets with Commissioner Mandelson
On 19 March, a EuroCommerce delegation led by EuroCommerce President Senator Feargal Quinn, met with Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson in an open and amicable atmosphere.
The Commissioner recognised the role and importance of the commerce sector in Europe, its particular potential for growth and the wealth it creates for consumers. He underlined the quality of EuroCommerce contribution to DG Trade's daily work and the contribution of Dr Bernert to the high-level group on textile. He was open to traders' need for more predictability and legal certainty, especially in the framework of trade defence instruments. However, he said much convincing work was still needed to enable a reform of the latter.
Mandelson particularly highlighted the importance of the new bilateral trade negotiations with India, ASEAN and South Korea for EU competitiveness. On the WTO negotiations, he identified the high degree of protectionism in the US and other countries as a major problem.
Eventually, EuroCommerce encouraged the Commissioner to reject any calls to extend the Chinese textiles quota by additional 12 months in 2008.
Xavier R. Durieu, Tel: +32 2 737 05 92,
EuroCommerce addresses the World Retail Congress on International Trade Issues
In a panel on the future after Doha, WTO Director General and former EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy emphasized that in the long term, the gains from a multilateral framework by far outweigh the price to pay. He insisted on the risk represented by the proliferation of bilateral agreements. He indicated that failure would largely be attributable to EU and US domestic politics.
Secretary General Xavier Durieu, in the same panel, highlighted the benefits of a successful conclusion of the Doha Round for the retail sector and encouraged companies to foster their lobbying actions for a rapid and sound completion of the Doha Round.
Xavier R. Durieu, Tel: +32 2 737 05 92,
EuroCommerce members join the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign
Following the publication of the "Energy and Climate Change Package" by the Commission in January and its formal endorsement by the heads of state during the Spring Summit, energy has become more than ever a priority on the EU agenda.
During its latest Environment committee meeting, EuroCommerce members agreed on joining the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign — a Commission initiative which aims to raise awareness and promote sustainable energy production to achieve the energy policy targets set by the European Union. The official signing of the campaign took place end of March during EuroCommerce Board meeting in the presence of Commission representative Pedro Ballesteros Torres and EuroCommerce President —Senator Feargal Quinn.
As campaign associate, EuroCommerce will raise awareness and spread best practices. Many retailers are already taking initiatives to use resources wisely — use of renewable, recyclable and biodegradable materials, optimisation of the logistics fleet to reduce CO2 emissions or communication to customers to encourage greener purchase decisions. By joining this campaign, the commerce sector will strengthen its effort to promote sustainable energy.
Géraldine Verbrugghe, Tel: +32 2 737 05 87,
The European Commission launches discussion on the use of market-based instruments for energy and environment-related policy purposes
The European Commission recently published a green paper on market-based instruments (M.B.I.) for environment and energy-related policy purposes.
The objective of this green paper is to stimulate a discussion on how MBIs – which encompass indirect taxes, tradable emissions rights etc. – can be used more effectively to achieve various environmental and energy targets.
One of the main ideas underlying this green paper is an environmental tax reform shifting the tax burden from welfare-negative taxes (e.g. on labour) to welfare-positive taxes (e.g. on environmentally damaging activities such as resource use or pollution).
Examples of MBI at EU level include the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for greenhouse gas emissions or the Eurovignette Directive.
In the area of energy the green paper focuses on the upcoming revision of the energy taxation directive and its interactions with other MBIs such as the EU ETS.
Regarding the environment, the green paper looks in particular at the environmental impact of transport, and how MBIs can be used more effectively to address pollution and protect resources, biodiversity and air pollution.
One interesting measure the green paper proposes is to set up an MBI forum. This forum would focus on exchanging best practices and experiences between Member States on environmental tax reform.
The deadline for the consultation is 31 July 2007. A Commission representative will also be invited to present the green paper at the environment and logistics committee meeting of 5 June, where the draft position paper will be discussed.
Christel Davidson, Tel: +32 2 737 05 90,
Commerce sector ready to voice its messages in the field of consumer protection
The European Commission has launched a process to modernise the rules applicable to contracts concluded with consumers, also known as the review of the "Consumer Acquis", contained so far in 8 directives.
By means of a consultation contained in a green paper, the objective is to do away with discrepancies in the consumer protection legislation and modernise the existing rules in order to increase confidence of business and consumers in the Internal Market. The consultation runs until mid-May and EuroCommerce is currently preparing its response to the green paper.
EuroCommerce had the opportunity to voice its preliminary messages on the review of the "Consumer Acquis" during a Hearing organised by the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee of the European Parliament held on 10 April.
EuroCommerce has welcomed the adoption of the green paper. The questions raised by the European Commission were topical and very relevant for the purpose of the review. EuroCommerce expects the review process to lead to the adoption of a horizontal instrument that will cover both cross-border and domestic transactions between consumers and professionals. The target is a full harmonisation that would concern some basic concepts of consumer law.
EuroCommerce sees this exercise as a genuine opportunity to simplify the regulatory environment for businesses so as to increase legal certainty. New concepts should only be introduced on the basis of evidence of need, in other words the review exercise should not serve as a pretext to introduce new obligations for operators.
Christianna Papazahariou, Tel: +32 2 737 05 96,
EuroCommerce involvement in the future EU Forum on Alcohol and Health
Building on the experience of the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, the EU Commission is now considering the setting up of an EU Forum on Alcohol and Health. The overall objective of the Forum is to provide a platform for all interested stakeholders at EU level to share existing initiatives to tackle alcohol-related harm and to discuss to which extent they are effective and replicable. The members of the Forum will also have to make commitments for action and monitor the implementation of their commitments.
First discussions held within EuroCommerce have shown that a majority of members believe it is of high importance to be a member of the Forum in order to monitor discussions that may, sooner or later, have an influence on national legislation.
EuroCommerce recently attended a preliminary stakeholder meeting with the Commission, where we highlighted the diversity of consumer attitudes towards alcohol consumption in Europe and the differences in legislation, which make it difficult to have one common answer. As a follow-up to this meeting, EuroCommerce stressed in a letter to DG Sanco Director General Robert Madelin the need to recognise the diversity of retailers' actions in the terms of reference of the Forum.
Before the official launch of the Forum (7 June), a EuroCommerce Working Group will be set up to discuss in depth members' input and involvement in the Forum.
Noëlle Vonthron, Tel: +32 2 737 05 84,
EuroCommerce submits its contribution to the Green Paper on Labour Law
The Commission issued a green paper late 2006 entitled "Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century". The green paper rewords a number of questions compared to the draft version, also putting more emphasis on flexicurity.
EuroCommerce has finalized its contribution to the green paper; these are the main comments:
- The EU should take up the role of promoting and exchanging national examples and monitoring national reforms rather than trying to introduce one-size fits all reforms to labour law.
- Promotion of self-employment opportunities is key to creating more jobs and growth across Europe.
- The green paper is an important opportunity to understand the impact of labour law on competitiveness and long-term prosperity.
- Regulation may not endanger flexibility; disincentives which discourage employers from offering flexible work options need to be identified.
The European Commission is currently going through the contributions received. Labour law is high on the agenda of the Employment Committee of the European Parliament at the moment as well.
Hoping to define "a set of common principles" on flexicurity by the end of 2007, the green paper will be followed by a Commission communication on flexicurity in June 2007.
Ann Vervondel, Tel: +32 2 737 05 81,
EuroCommerce's response to the European Commission's consultation on ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training)
EuroCommerce has submitted its response to the European Commission's consultation on ECVET. EuroCommerce welcomes the ECVET approach, aimed at facilitating the transfer of learning outcomes acquired in different learning contexts and in different countries.
Here are the main points made in EuroCommerce response:
- Building a more skilled Europe requires a partnership involving all levels: EU, national governments, business, education and training providers and individuals.
- Member States have a responsibility to deliver basic standards of literacy and numeracy. Despite improvements in recorded performance in schools, too many newly hired people in our sector still lack basic skills.
- Initiatives led by employers should be recognized by Member States as being equivalent to state initiatives.
Finally, EuroCommerce believes that more work needs to be done to increase the feasibility of a common European ECVET system based on the allocation of credit points.
Ilaria Savoini, Tel: +32 2 737 05 82,
Payment Services Directive ready to go through – Breakfast meeting with MEPs
On 23 March, the Council adopted on the proposal for a Directive on Payment Services. EuroCommerce supports the text and sees it as a good compromise between all stakeholders' requirements. In view of the vote in the European Parliament plenary on 23 April, EuroCommerce organised a breakfast meeting with MEPs this week. The event was a real success and a good opportunity to show support to Parliament before the vote next week.
MEP Wortmann-Kool made the keynote-address. She is very supportive of our arguments, especially on SEPA; she stated that the Payment Services Directive is a first step towards a real Single Market for Payments and that she will ask the Commission which concrete actions they are planning to take to make SEPA beneficial to everyone.
EuroCommerce placed a particular emphasis on fee transparency and the possibility for retailers to apply a surcharge, and guided the discussion to a broader dimension with SEPA-related problems.
Cécile Grégoire, tel: +32 2 737 05 86,
TAIEX Conference "Introduction of the Euro"
To make public experts and business more familiar with practical aspects of the introduction of the euro, EuroCommerce participated in a conference organised by TAIEX and the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bratislava in March.
The focus was given on the practical aspects of the euro introduction process and especially on the transfer of experience concerning the benefits and costs of the euro adoption.
TAIEX, the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange, is an instrument of the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission. TAIEX helps countries with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation. It is largely demand driven, it channels requests for assistance and contributes to the delivery of appropriate tailor-made expertise to address problems at short notice.
Mario Müller, Tel: 02 737 05 99,
Antidumping reform debate: strong commerce contribution, but Member States support still insufficient
The public consultation on a possible reform of antidumping, antisubsidy and safeguards (trade defence instruments = TDI) has shown a strong involvement of the commerce sector, coordinated by EuroCommerce. Our four priorities – rebalancing the Community interest test, more predictability, enhanced transparency and better rules for small and medium-sized importers – are however not yet supported by the necessary majority of Member States, reflecting growing protectionism in most Member States.
Our call for improved consideration of retailers' and importers' interests faces the stiffest resistance. A number of producers argue that a reform would weaken the EU compared to its trading partners. To ensure the support by a critical mass of Member States, it is therefore important to convince the 27 governments now that a "common sense" reform is needed, i.e. making TDI work better for both traders and producers, thus boosting the competitiveness of the EU as a whole.
Next steps: After its ongoing evaluation of the contributions to the consultation, the European Commission will publish its ideas on the way ahead later this spring.
More information:
Ralph Kamphöner, Tel: +32 2 737 05 88,
Following the Hearing on the Consumer Acquis, EuroCommerce made preliminary contacts with some key MEPs:
-MEP Lechner, EPP-ED, shadow rapporteur
-MEP Graf-Lambsdorff, ALDE, shadow rapporteur
-MEP Lehne, EPP-ED
-MEP McCarthy, SPE
-MEP Herczog, SPE
-MEP Handzlik, EPP-ED