For Emergencies July 8-10

Dr. Rich Wright 706-392-0433

Wynnton's Window (USPS #554540) is published weekly (except Christmas and New Years) by

Wynnton United Methodist Church, 2412 Wynnton Road, Columbus, GA 31906-0469. Periodicals

postage paid at Columbus, GA 31908. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to

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Volume 18, Number 26 July 10, 2016


Dr. Rich Wright, Senior Pastor Rev. J Grantham, Associate Pastor

Helping Wynnton

Neighborhood Children

Wynnton UMC and Allen Temple AME have teamed up again to collect donations of school supplies for children in our Wynnton Neighborhood area. Rigdon Road Elementary School, Brewer Elementary School, Wynnton Arts Academy, and Fluellen Community Center participants will receive the donated supplies. A note will be in the bags letting the children and their families know that the supplies are gifts from our churches and that Christ loves them. Let us join forces again to make a difference in our community.

Please bring school supplies listed below (as suggested by the schools) to our church or make a monetary contribution between now and

July 24.

Crayons (small, box of 25) Glue Sticks

Crayons (fat, box of 8) Ziploc Bags (all sizes)

Pencils - Yellow #2 (12 or 24 pack) Scissors (blunt tip)

Fat Primary Pencils Colored Markers (fat, 8 box)

Large Pink Erasers Dry Erase Markers

Pencil Sharpeners (black and assorted colors)

(with shavings cover) Wide-ruled Notebook Paper

Hand Sanitizer (large) Folders with Pockets & Brads

Kleenex (boxes) (plastic & cardstock)

Composition Books (black & white without wire binding)

Thank you for your prayers and donations that let children know our churches care about them as we encourage them to learn. For more information about this project, contact Ralph or Nancy Hammond (706-568-3958).


July 10, 2016 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

8th Sunday after Pentecost in Kingdomtide Liturgical Color: Green

WELCOME, REGISTRATION ◊Rev. J Grantham +Dr. Rich Wright

CONNECT GROUPS…………………………………………………Bob Ottman

◊ORGAN PRELUDE………………………...…...“Song of Joy”.Robert J. Hughes

+PRELUDE..“Terzetto” (for Flute & Organ) Johann N. Hummel..Chancel Choir

Kipp Morris, Flute

◊CALL TO WORSHIP…….… “Give Thanks” Arr. Stan Pethel……Wesley Choir

Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He's

given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now let the weak say "I am strong;" let the poor say

" I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us." Give thanks

+ CALL TO WORSHIP…“What Shall I Give Thee, Master?”….

Homer Grimes/Arr. Ovid Young Claren Hill and Judy Davidson

What shall I give the, Master, Thou who didst die for me? Shall I give less of what I

possess, or shall I give all to Thee? Jesus, my Lord and Savior, Thou hast given all for

me. Thou didst leave Thy home above die on Calvary. What shall I give the, Master?

Thou hast give all for me. Not just a part or half of my heart, I will give all to Thee.

What shall I give Thee, Master? Thou hast redeemed my soul. My gift is small, but it

is my all surrended to Thy control. I will give all to Thee.

*HYMN NO. 185……...... “When Morning Gilds the Skies”


Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, King of my heart.

Christ within me, Christ below me, Christ above me never to part.

Christ on my right hand, Christ on my left hand, Christ all around me, shield in the strife.

Christ in my sleeping, Christ in my sitting, Christ in my rising, light of my life.

(SING TO TUNE OF "Morning Has Broken")

PASTORAL PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER ◊Rev.J Grantham +Dr. Rich Wright

CHILDREN’S SERMON……………………………………..….+Miranda Bray

(4 years old by 9/1/15 – 3rd grade go to Children’s Church in Chapel/Children’s Center-11:00)

*HYMN NO. 468…………………...………... “Dear Jesus, in Whose Life I See”

THE OFFERING - Prayer ◊Rev. J Grantham +Dr. RichWright ◊Offertory…………“Glorify” Arr. Stan Pethel………………..Wesley Choir Father/Jesus we love You, we worship and adore You. Glorify Thy name in all the earth. We will glorify the King of kings, we will glorify the Lamb. We will glorify the Lord of lord who is the great I Am. He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth. He is Lord of all who live. He is Lord above the universe, all praise to Him we give. Hallelujah!

+Handbell Offertory..“O Lord, Most Holy” C. Gounod..S. Holcomb/V. Capel +ANTHEM… “He’ll Never Let You Fall” R. Carmichael/Arr L Neinhaus...... Chancel Choir

David has his giants, Old 'Zekiel had dem bones. Daniel had the den of lions, Steven had his stones. But to every one of us, whether great or small, He gives the courage to be brave. He'll never let you fall.David up an' slew his giants, 'Zekiel’s bones just walked away! Lockjaw stopped those hungry lions, Steven's gonna wear a crown some day. So to every one of us, whether great or small, He gives the courage to be brave. He'll never let you fall. He watches over all.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

MESSAGE…...... “My Story”……...... Dr. Rich Wright

Jeremiah 1:5

HYMN NO. 454…………….……..…….“Open My Eyes, That I May See”


*SPOKEN BENEDICTION ◊Rev. J Grantham +Dr. Rich Wright

ORGAN POSTLUDE……………..………“Festive Finale” Walker Baylor

*Please stand as you are able ◊8:30 only +11:00 only

Sunday, July 10

7:55 a.m. Wesley Choir Rehearsal

8:30 a.m. Camp Meeting - Sanctuary

9:30 a.m. Fellowship Break with Coffee & Juice

9:45 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages

11:00 a.m. Camp Meeting - Sanctuary

11:00 a.m. Link Contemporary Worship - Fellowship Hall

6:00-8:00 p.m. The Basement Youth Group

Tuesday, July 12

9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting - Library

11:00 a.m. Morning Doves - Egg & I

6:00 p.m. Wynnton Neighborhood Housing – Sojourners

6:00 p.m. Board of Trustees – Library

7:00 p.m. Finance Committee - Library

Wednesday, July 13

7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, July 14

6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study - Wynnton Rd. Burger King

6:00 p.m. Staff-Parish Relations Committee - Library