ICSMSU 2nd Meeting 2012-2013

29/06/12 – 18.00

Reynolds Building CX


1.  1.
1.2 / Introduction
Shiv Vohra
Megan Mackenzie
Neeraj Kalra
Paddy Mcgowen
Ken Wu
Dave Thompson
Rahul Ravindrum
Pete Davis
Steve Tran
Yannis Reissis
Shoaib Rizvi
Becky-May Curbishley
Ines Vaz
Nat Ilenokovan
Syb Rahim
Emily Hutchinson
Paddy Mcgowen / Chair
2.  / Minutes of the last meeting
Action Point: Shiv to get everyone on current & future exec Mingle Tickets
-  RAG Chair to sort out dates for 2013/2014 – Shoaib/Shiv to liaise with Lizzy/Suzie and contact Jo Williams DONE
Email Yannis regarding any ideas for themes by Friday 22nd June
DAVEà “Dr in the House”
Ines- Mums and Dadsà “How I met my Mother (or Father)”
T Shirt- Neeraj suggested bundling it with the Freshers Packs to ensure selling. Adding £5 onto each (cost price £3)
-  Ideas for Biomed integration (Steve suggested Metric night during 1st term)à Shiv suggests to leave with Nat to organise
Action Point- Nat K to organise BioMed night DONE
-  Neeraj to send round poll on colour choices
Keep branded colours
Navy blue with yellow contrast hoodies
Blue or red polo shirts
-  Everyone to send Megan their key plans for the year and things you have done by 20th June at the very latest- DONE
-  Send out contingency applications to Clubs & Socs- DONE
-  RAG to meet Jo Williams and John Laycock to discuss RAG dates- DONE
-  Discuss date for Summer Ball 2013- DONE
-  Bar managers to meet with Ents regarding Freshers’ and events
Action point- email Megan availability for Open day and Affirmation
-  Rahul/ Shiv to confirm Dominoes for SU/FEO social- IN PROCESS
Action point- everyone to email a photo and description of yourself and role to Giada
o  Ken Wu
o  Neeraj Kalra DONE
o  Syb Rahim
o  Becky May
Action point- everyone to do key information and finances overview training and quizzes. EVERYONE MUST DO THE KEY INFORMATION, FINANCES OVERVIEW and HOW TO SUBMIT A CLAIM. Also do anything for your role.
Action point- Megan to email links to SU / Chair
3.5 / Matters arising
Freshers Fortnight
Ø  Theme- Any more thoughts?
Ø  Handbooks- has everyone completed their parts?
Ø  Action Point- Everyone to complete Handbook bits by 9th July
Ø  Action Point- Yannis to resend email
Ø  Passport and event prices
216.1  Passport £69
216.2  Overall Packs <£100
216.3  Ball Separate, but bundle offered at a discounted rate
216.4  Bundling Mums and Dads Tshirts in with packs to make them worth purchasing
Ø  Action point- Socials to book ball and boat
Ø  Action point- Socials to make poster for ball for handbook
Ø  Action point- Shiv to book Queens Tower Lawns and Rooms
Ø  Venues for Freshers Ball (and Snow Ball)
216.1  Foundation Bar- Snow Ball 2009 – primary option
216.2  360 degrees
216.3  Penthouse
Ø  Renew with Dominoes
Ø  Any other suggestions
Ø  Discussion regarding who to contact. Don’t contact estate agents.
Rahul and Shiv are sorting out sponsorship
Action point- Ents and Shiv to approach Walkabout for sponsorship and Doctors and Nurses
Action point- get hold of Rahul if you are able to sort out sponsorship over the summer periodà Mango Lounge, Dominoes and Walkabout, Opal Bar? Grace Bar? – Rahul to send email to whole SU
Action point- FPR run of local businesses for sponsorship
Action point- Shiv- MDU/MDS/ Weselyn/ broadband advertisement for more sponsorship
Action point- make document regarding companies/ venues to look at sponsorship
Action point- publicise SU dropbox- Giada to invite everyone to Dropbox
Action point- in future upload docs onto Dropbox DONE
Action point- As soon as had handover email email Shiv to change name in account
Past Paper Bank
To be discussed at next meeting
Termly Calendar- Clubs and Socs dates / Shiv
4 / Officers’ reports and plans for the year
4.1 / President
·  15th Anniversairy ICSM Alumini Ball (July/August 2013) to raise money for Reynolds Refurb- Laura putting together a committee for SU alumini. Get in touch with Laura if you are interested in committee- she will be sending an email soon.
·  Affirmation (Sat 21st July- SK- SCR and Great Hall)- 1st official SU event courtesy of Suzie!
Drs take Hippocratic Oath etc
Reynolds Refurb
·  Space planning in process with Spacecraft- furniture and how it’s going to look.
·  Singapore Office may sponsor TVs.
·  Action point- Sites and Services to replace plasma screen in Reynolds Foyer
·  Phase I to go ahead this summer- £30k + VAT securedà quote for construction- £34k + VAT
·  Get it online and use Weds afternoons for posting and packaging (keen freshers??)
·  Neeraj suggests to still keep it open during Weds afternoons during first few months and then when necessary
·  Action point- Neeraj to contact Ali regarding stock and to make a poster for the handbook for the shop DONE
·  Action point- Neeraj to send shop price list to Giada and Rahul DONE
·  Action point- stock check and reordering to be done ASAP DONE
·  Aim to make it profitable and make profit margins on each
·  Regular stock checks
·  Revamp all newsletters and move to website
·  Phase out newsletter into Mailchimpà allows linking to website and more use of website
Dominoes or anyother suggestions – Mango Lounge or Walkabout (see above)
·  Freshers fortnight Theme?
·  Order of events to be kept the same
·  Ideas for “quiet nights” On Thurs 4th/ Sat 6th/Tues 9th/ Thurs 11th
·  Shiv and Shoaib had meeting with Jo Williams
·  RAG week to shift to earlier in the Year (wb Mon 28th Jan 2013, 3 weeks earlier than usual) RAG week ends with Circle Line
·  2days off- 1 for Dash (Feb 22nd) and 1 for Circle line (Feb 1st).
·  Dash to be done post lectures on Friday with coaches to club en routeà22nd/ 23rd /24th Feb (post 4th year exams)
·  Shift from March to Saturday 18th Jan 2013
Summer Ball
·  Whole med school event and final years have results
·  Keep in wb 24th June, traditionally. Drs must come back anyway to complete course with Elective Sign off. Shiv is working on getting halls over the period for the final years.
·  Also working on getting it on the dates when 4th and BMS have results
·  Plan on doing a combined event for Drs and end of Year 5 exams at the end of the fortnight in which the final years are back and when the final years are confirmed Doctors on 5th July 2013
·  Do summer ball need to have a separate website?
·  Action point- Giada to put summer ball photos on SU website
·  Mums and Dads Part 2- have sometime during 2nd term. Paddy suggested the children buying drinks for their parents. Giada suggested parents evening.
·  Personal tutor reform- esp for clinical years
·  Action point- Shiv to send a reminder about personal tutor survey
·  Education- “Survival Guides” for years 1,3 and 4 written by students for students- academic officers tp put together over the year
Action point- Ken to put together guide for year 1
Action point- Syb to put together guide for year 3
Action point- Paddy and Matt to put together guide for year 4
·  Shiv thinks we ARE the student experience
·  Finances- guide to common e-activites- mainly for Clubs and Socs eg Purchase Orders and Claims
Action point- Daruish and Rahul to put together guide
·  Room Bookings- guide to making room bookings at ALL campuses.
Action point- Nat to liase with Dr Mike Barrett with regards to making a guide
·  Action point- Daruish to finish getting full Clubs and Socs lists and to email Megan with full names / Shiv
4.2 / Deputy president
Officer report:
·  Ran shop on results day with Ali - took in £2000.
·  Attended the summer ball - brilliantly night, well done Yannis + Committee
Plan for the year:
·  New merchandise ideas
o  Necklaces/ earrings (Giada)
·  Action point- Neeraj to email for ideas for merchandise- particularly for woman DONE
·  Continue to support & advise the President when the need may arise
·  Continue to support all of the SU in the jobs that they do, and provide assistance where the need may arise.
·  Run the shop and continue to look for new merchandise options.
·  Teach somebody(aside from sites and services) how to run the Reynolds DJ Booth/Projector
·  Neeraj wants to teach Bar Staff and SU to use the DJ booth, including the projector
·  / Neeraj
4.3 / Treasurer
Officer report:
·  End of year chasing up all the ICSM clubs and societiesto getaccountsorganised(takesa LOT of time!)
·  Payment for Summer Ball venue and all extra entertainment
·  Getting payments from sponsorship for Summer Ball- looks like we have broken even
·  Deciding who gets contingency funding for the year-
o  Darts
o  Sub aqua
o  Woman hockey
Plans for year:
·  Hope to increase profit margins for the Union by reviewing the four key areas below and looking at where we can generate more income.
o  Shop
o  Alumni- opt out system? Would be good to encourage people to join alumni throughout Med school.
o  Events
o  Sponsorship
·  Create easy to use guides for how to claim money for purchases andhow to pay companies larger amounts of money for all club members
·  Creating a list of contacts for financial enquires and who to contact at which stage of each transaction for all club members.
·  Organising proper training for club treasurers (and captains) and holding 2-3 sessions so everyone is able to attend and learn everything properly.
Action point- ents to have meeting with Rahul and Shiv re money
Action point- Shiv to talk to Laura, Jac and Mark Chamberlain re an opt out system for joining Alumni- / Rahul
4.4 / Communications
·  Keep the website up to date and increase its use. Please contact Giada if you want anything going on the website. Don’t just assume that she knows that it needs to go on.
·  Teach people to use the website with Neeraj and Steve
·  Update clubs and socs pages before freshers
·  Update academic pages throughout year
·  Get the shop online
·  Freshers page
·  Make a “How to use the website” document for the person who takes over
·  Attempt to make it the homepage for everyone/get a shortcut on the main desktop. / Giada
4.5 / Secretary
Officer Report:
·  Finally had handover with Seetha
·  Done training
·  Started updating the calendar for next year
Plan for the year:
·  Make termly paper calendars for people to have on their walls
Action point- Megan to contact Rob RE printing a paper for printing and to meet with Giada RE making the Calendar
·  Keep the online calendar up to date
·  Try and encourage students to do things around London (particularly Medical things)
·  Introduce a “Scores Board” at Sports night where every team writes their score on (so we can all see who’s won)
Action point- Megan to look at options for a chalk board for the scores- behind the bar or on a wall.
·  Have a monthly “What’s been going on Newsletter” so we can appreciate how well the Clubs and Socs have done during the month
·  Make a calendar for Clubs and Socs events during freshers
·  Keep the Union up to date on events and meetings / Megan
4.6 / Alumni and Careers (Absent)
·  Continue planning and then advertising of Alumni Ball, depending what comes under my role on that committee.
·  Send survey to ascertain what new careers lectures people are interested in and when to hold them and who will go
·  Set up additional lectures and advertise/collaborate for the monthly careers lectures
·  Talk to Philippa re: careers weekend, fair and evening
·  Set up alumni evening (combined with careers evening again?)
·  Run Careers Society, shouldn't be much this year, just setting it up
·  Try and put on more reunion events?
·  Set up alumni stands at Results Day, Affirmation. Sort out Alumni packs.
·  Survey some doctors regarding how they view and will mark SJTs and the new application system
·  Work with Dr Shiv Chopra and others to help extend the extra-London information given to final years regarding deaneries
·  Work with Philippa to add to our careers aid for Biomedical students and Pharm students as they are now fully under our wing
·  Have a million meetings with people like MedEd, GradMed, Academic medicine application people etc.
·  Write Alumni newsletter to introduce myself and subsequent ones