Thursday, Oct. 19, 2006

7 p.m. Walter Johnson H.S., Bethesda, MD.


Dr. Bill Price – Officials Chair Mr. Warren House

Mr. Ronald Clarke – Vice Officials Chair Mr. Paul A. Scott

Mr. E. Alex Jupiter Ms. Sharon Good

Mr. Michael McCoy Mrs. Alma Jan Price

Mr. Victor E. Daniels Mr. Allen Naylor

Mr. Lloyd McMillan Mr. Kyle R. Brown

Dr. Bill Price, Officials Chair called the meeting to order and presented the agenda. Dr. Price said that he would let Mr. Ronald Clarke, Vice Chair, go first as Mr. Clarke has to leave early.

Mr. Clarke passed out a calendar and list of meets for the 2006 -2007 indoor and outdoor meets. The two U of Maryland meets, Jan 20 and March 31 were not on the list, but will be added. Mr. Clarke asked for anyone that had additions or corrections to the list to let him know ASAP as he is preparing to finalize the list and send it out by email to the PVA list of officials. It will also be placed on the PVA web site.

Dr Price made available the total list of 320 PVA Officials and their status. He also handed out a PVA Officials report the lists 47 Officials who have not completed their officials test, and consequently have not received their credentials. Those Officials are encouraged to complete their test and send the test to Dr. Price with their list of meets and positions worked if they have applied for either National or Masters status. If anyone thinks there is an error on the list, they should contact Dr. Price ASAP.

Dr. Price said he had considered a new and recertification officials clinic for Nov. 19, 2006, but now has a conflict in his schedule with that date. He asked if anyone could take on the responsibility for the clinic. No one being able to take on the responsibility, Dr. Price said he would try to schedule for a later date, possibility Dec. 9. However, after the meeting, Dr. Price talked to Henry McCallum, Youth Chair who works at the complex and it looks like Dec. 9 is busy at the PG Complex, and Sunday, December 17 was suggested. Dr. Price will try to finalize the December 17 date which will be the same day of the first All-Comers meet of the season at PG Complex.

Dr. Price brought up a question on reimbursement for PVA Officials that serve at college meets that come through PVA Officials, i.e., U of Md, UMBC, Howard Co Com College, Morgan State U, NE Conference and MEAC. Dr.Price said he has been suggesting to those that contact him $75 per official per day. He wondered what the feeling of the PVA Officials is on holding firm on this amount. After considerable discussion, it was concluded that for this season, if an institution can not meet the $75 reimbursement, we would negotiate their best offer, probably above $50. In order to address the longer term issue, Dr. Price appointed a committee consisting of Lloyd McMillan, Michael McCoy and Paul Scott to prepare a sample letter which could be distributed to institutions/conference requesting PVA to furnish officials for their meets. It is realized that some conferences for their championship meets, like the ACC have their own system for obtaining officials, and are not likely to reimburse most officials with anything other than a shirt, meals at the track, and possibly a room.

The upcoming USATF National Convention was discussed. Dr. Price said that because of having over 300 officials, PVA in addition to himself is entitled to 3 additional representatives to the Officials Committee. The extra delegates will be Lloyd McMillan, Michael McCoy and Alma Jan Price. Michael McCoy is on the National Officials Diversity Subcommittee. Dr. Price is on the National Officials Rules Subcommittee and on the National Officials Training Subcommittee for Initial Officials Training. Alma Jan Price has been selected by National Officials Chair, Linda Melzer, as an alternate delegate to represent the National Officials Committee to the Executive Committee of USATF.

Dr. Price noted that his original intent of having regional coordinators to work with him on clinics and assigning officials to meets has not worked out. So, to get more help in this respect, he appointed a subcommittee consisting of Ronald Clarke, Warren House, Paul Scott and himself. Dr. Price will provide more direction to this committee.

Alma Jan Price gave a summary of the September PVA meeting. She said the issue of background checks for coaches was discussed. President Brown has engaged a person to coordinate the effort for PVA. President Brown is to set up an Executive Board Meeting to interview and confirm the person for the job. That person will have to be bonded and approved by the USATF National. Ms. Price said that a big discussion took place on the raising of the National USATF dues to $29.95 from $15. The important thing that came out of the discussion was that persons who renew their USATF membership before November 1, 2006 will pay the old rate.

Dr. Price said that the USATF National Officials Committee allotted PVA six extra awards for PVA Officials for the 2004-2006 Olympiad. Mr. Al Naylor was one on those and received his certificate.

The next PVA Officials Committee meeting was tentatively set for 4 p.m. on December 9, 2006, in conjunction with the Officials Clinic. However, since the Officials Clinic had to be moved to December 17 (Sunday), the Officials Meeting will be at 4 p.m. on December 17 at the PG Sport and Learning Complex.

Respectively Submitted

Dr. Bill Price, PVA Officials Chair.