Borough of Poole Allocations Policy
Dorset Home Choice
Common Allocations Policy
Version 5
Common Allocation Policy v5
1.Introduction and Background
2.Joining the Housing Register
3.Assessing Housing Need AND BANDING......
Appendix 1 Definition of Terms
Appendix 2 Partner Housing Providers
Appendix 3 Local Authority Contact Details
Appendix 4 Statutory Overcrowding Definition (Housing Act 1985)3
Appendix 5 Medical AND WELFARE Considerations5
Common Allocation Policy v5
1.Introduction and Background
1.1The Dorset Home ChoiceCBL Partnership
This document sets out Poole Housing Allocations Policy set within the Dorset Common Framework Allocations Policy on behalf of theDorset Home ChoiceCBL Partnership(referred to as ‘the partnership’ throughout this document) and explains:
- Joining the Housing Register
- Eligibility for housing
- How applicants will be assessed and prioritised
This policy will be reviewed again once the detail of the Localism Bill has been confirmed and any relevant guidance issued.
All applicants for social housing across the Dorset Home Choice partners willcomplete the same application form and will be assessed against the criteria as set out within this policy. Depending on their circumstances applicants will be placed into one of three bands and in very small number of cases an Emergency Priority band.
1.2Aims of Dorset Home Choice
- help meet the housing needs of households within the Dorset Home Choice partners in the most effective way;
- maximise housing opportunities for households within the Dorset Home Choice partners;
- meet the statutory requirements of the Local Authorities within the current legislative framework, whilst workingwith partner housing providers to deliver a common vision for a fair and accessible service;
- have a common housing register assessment framework across all Dorset Home Choice partners;
- provide a simple to use, customer-friendly lettings service for social housing vacancies within the partnership;
- investigate opportunities to maximise the efficiencies in the provision of services to customersand improve the customer experience of the service.
- widen the choice of properties for customers beyond the previous district and borough boundaries and provide seamless access to one housing register for the Dorset Home Choice partners;
- give preference to those with a local connection to the relevant Dorset Home Choice partner authority;
- simplify processes and procedures for housing providers advertising their vacancies across Dorset;
- take full advantage of the economies of scale available through joint working and commissioning and procurement services to generate savings.
- A policy which aims to enable applicants to make informed choices about their options.
1.3Equal Opportunities
The partnership will ensure its policies and practices are non-discriminatory and will aim to promote equal opportunity by preventing and eliminating discrimination on the grounds of gender, colour, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age, HIV status, sexual orientation or marital status. (See Appendix 8 for Equality Impact Assessment).
Information about the scheme will be provided in a range of formats and languages to applicants upon request, to ensure that all have equality of opportunity in accessing the service.
1.4Information sharing, confidentiality and data protection
In accordance with the obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998, all applicants will be made aware when they apply that their personal information will be held and may be shared across all Dorset Home Choice partners and housing providers for the purposes of consideration of an offer of accommodation.
All personal information will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the
Data Protection Act 1998 or other relevant legislation
Applicants have the right to inspect personal information held about them under section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 and via Subject Access Request.
1.5Exceptional cases and Policy changes
Whilst the aim of Dorset Home Choice partners is to provide choice in the allocation of social housing in Dorset, there will be a number of exceptional situations where this will not be possible. For example, where a housing provider needs to make an urgent management move or there is a requirement to make a direct offer to deal with an emergency case. In such cases the home will be let as a direct offer rather thanbeing advertised through Dorset Home Choice. Delegated authority is given tothe relevant Head of Service in this regard.
Thepartnershipiscommittedtoensuringthattheirapproachtolettingpropertiesisfair,accountable,providesequalityofopportunityandmaximisesthepotentialformakingthebestuseofalltheavailablehousing. However there may be cases where officers need to make decisions outside of the policy and in these instances there will be delegated authority to the relevant Head of Service in each partner authority to make such decisions and where relevant to consult with the appropriate cabinet portfolio holder
There is delegated authority for the Head of Housing & Community Services to make all but major or significant changes to the policy as changing service needs arise, undertaking consultation as appropriate.
2.Joining the Housing Register
2.1How to apply?
Anyonewishing to bid for a home mustapply to join the Dorset Home Choice housingregister.
Thefollowingevidenceisrequiredatthepointofallocation and at point of application in some circumstances.
- Proof of identificationforeverypersononthe register
- Proofofaddress
- Where relevant, proof of immigration status
Acceptable documents for proof of circumstances are set out in the housing register application form.
In exceptional circumstances verification may be proved by other means.
Applicantsmustinformtheirlocalauthority housing team of any changes in theircircumstancesstraightaway. A reassessment of their housing needs and eligibility may be required. This could result in the applicant’s band changing.
AlllocalauthoritiesinDorsetwillreview the applicants on the housing register atleastonceevery3years.
2.2Who can apply
Anyone over 16 years of age who is eligible may apply. All applicants will be subjectto an assessment to determine eligibility. Multiple applications will not be allowed.An individual can only be included on one application at a time.
Applications from employees / elected members and their close relatives are allowed; any relationship must be disclosed and is subject to the usual eligibility restrictions.
Some moves are exempt from this policy and will be dealt with separately. This includes assignment or succession by a relative and mutual exchanges.
2.3Who is not eligible?
TheHousingAct1996(asamendedbytheHomelessnessAct2002)states that accommodation can only be allocatedtopeoplewhoareeligible.
Certainpeople from abroad with limited rights to remain in the United Kingdomarenoteligible.
Peopleassessed by DorsetHome Choice’s partnersasbeingguiltyof unacceptablebehaviour. For example, significantrentarrears orbreach oftenancy obligations,conductlikelytocauseseriousnuisance,annoyanceorharassmentto neighbours, committingdomesticabuse.
Applicantswho are not eligible toregisterwithDorsetHome Choice or have had their banding priorityreducedwithinDorsetHome Choice willbeinformedinwritingof the decision and the reasons behind it and theirrighttoappealandhowtodothis.
2.4Which Dorset local authority will manage my application?
Thelocal authority that will manageanapplicationwillbedeterminedby the authority that the applicant lives in or the authority that they most wish to live in if they are applying from outside the county.
2.5Giving false information or deliberately withholding information
It is a criminal offence for anyone applying for housing from a housing authority to knowingly or recklessly give false information or knowingly withhold information which is relevant to their housing application (Section 171 of the Housing Act 1996).
Anyone found guilty of such an offence may be fined up to £5,000 and could lose the tenancy if they have been re-housed as a result of providing false information or deliberately withholding information.
Applicants, who are found to have made fraudulent claims in this way, will be removed from the Register for a period of 12 months, after which a fresh applicationcan be made. This decision will be subject to review and the applicant (or their named advocate) will be informed in writing of the decision and of their right to request a review of that decision in writing.
2.6Review Procedure
Applicants have the right of reviewof any decision made in relation to their housing application, and must request this within 21 days of the decision. A Senior Officer who played no partintheoriginaldecision willcarry out a review of the case and respond in writing, within 56 days.
Common Allocation Policy v5
3.0Assessing Housing Need & Banding
The following section provides details of the four bands. The band in which an applicant is placed will be determined by their housing need as set out in the paragraphs below. A summary of the banding scheme is provided here for information only. Each case will be assessed on its own merits in order to assess the appropriate banding.
Emergency Band / Gold Band / Silver Band / Bronze Band- Exceptional housing need that takes priority over other applicants;
- There is an urgent need to move the applicant for financial or operational reasons;
- Emergency Disrepair issues;
- Urgent health/wellbeing issue;
- Witness protection scheme applicants;
- Applicants accepted as homeless after they have been in temporary accommodation for 12 months*
- Overcrowded by two or more bedrooms;
- Under occupation;
- Severe and/or persistent harassment;
- Applicants in Supported housing ready for move on
Care Leavers Move on
- High Medical/Welfare needs;
- High Disrepair needs;
- Combined medical/welfare needs;
- Cumulative needs (4 or more silver band needs);
- Decant applicants
- Tenancy Succession
- Efficient management of housing stock
- Homeless/Threatened with Homelessness;
- Medium medical/welfare needs;
- Medium disrepair needs;
- Shared facilities;
- Overcrowded by one bedroom;
- Split families;
- Need to move for work/support
- Service personnel
- Applicants with no local connection to Poole
- Deliberate worsening of circumstances
- Applicants that are adequately housed/no housing need
- Applicants with substantial rent arrears
- Applicants who can meet their own housing needs using their own financial resources
*These timescales may be subject to change
The section below sets out specific examples of circumstances that may fall within the four bands.
Common Allocation Policy v5
3.1General statement on banding
When making a banding assessment, the band may be reduced for the following reasons:substantial rent arrears;
no local connection;
deliberately worsened circumstances;
or have the means (financial capability) to resolve their own housing problems.
Applicants may request a review of their banding after a year.
3.2Emergency Band Housing Need
-Exceptional housing need that takes priority over other applicants;
Toescapeviolenceorthreatofviolence,threats to life, seriousharassment, serious anti-social behaviour, vulnerable witnesses, racial or homophobic harassmentora traumaticevent, or any other significant or immediate need to a move to suitable alternative accommodation wherethere is immediate and serious risk to a household.
-There is an urgent need to move the applicant for financial or operational reasons;
Emergency status may also be awarded where the tenant of a ‘sheltered’ or ‘adapted’ property for the disabled has died leaving another family member in the property and the landlord wishes that family member to be moved quickly to enable the property to be let to an applicant who requires it.
-Emergency Disrepair issues;
-Urgent health/wellbeing issue;
-Witness protection scheme applicants;
-Applicants accepted as homeless after they have been in temporary accommodation for 12 months*
Applicantswillbegiventhispriorityfor 8 weeks.After this time they will be made a direct offer. The time at which homeless applicants are awarded priority and the length of time of that priority may be amended depending on service needs.
3.3Gold Band Housing Need
Overcrowding / Lackof2 or more bedrooms
Applicants who lack 2 or more bedrooms, or have been confirmed as overcrowded (defined as a category 1 hazard and/or Statutory overcrowded) by a Local Authority officer, UNLESS evidence exists that proves the overcrowding is deliberate.
Social housing tenants in Poole under occupying by one or more bedrooms.Harassment
The applicant is a victim of severe and/or persistent harassment or violence (including racial harassment) at their current property within the Dorset Home Choice area.Medical/Welfare
The applicant is awarded a 'high' medical priority (see appendix 6).Disrepair
Your home has the presence of Category 1 hazards, Bands A - C (Housing Health & Safety Rating System) that CANNOT be resolved or reduced to a Category 2 hazard within 6 months.Supported Housing Move On
The applicant resides within a short-term Supported Housing project (usually up to a maximum of two years) and is seeking to 'move-on' into independent accommodation with the provision of social housing. The number of cases that will be placed in gold band in these circumstances is subject to an annually agreed quota.Care Leavers Move On
Where a young person in Poole has had a duty of care accepted under the Children Act.The number of cases that will be placed in gold band in these circumstances is subject to an annually agreed quota.Combined Medical/Welfare:
The applicant has been awarded a 'medium' medical/welfare priority, combined with a 'medium' disrepair award from the Silver Band (See Appendix 6).Cumulative need
The applicant is awarded four or more silver band housing needs with the exception of those applicants that are found to be intentionally homeless by the relevant local authority.Decants
Social housing tenantsin Poole whose existing properties are subject to major works or re-designation.Tenancy Succession& assignment
Where there is no legal right to succession, discretionary awards can be applied. See appendix 9.Effective managementof social housing within Dorset
Thispriority will be awarded in a number of situations for example those set out below, to aid theefficientmanagementofsocial housingstock.
- Those moving from one bed general needs property to one bed sheltered accommodation.
- As a management tool to resolve issues affecting a block or estate.
- As a tool to help partner organisations address their housing responsibilities contained within employment contracts;
Applicants will also be placed in the Gold band if there is a proven socialneedortosupportthedeliveryofanotherservice. Thisappliestoapplicantswho,forexceptional reasons, fall outside of the restofDorsetHome ChoiceAllocations policy,andneedtobefound securealternativeaccommodation.Thismayinclude children at riskorconcern issues where children would otherwisebeaccommodated
bysocial services.
3.4Silver Band Housing Need
Applicant awarded a 'medium' medical priority (see appendix 6).
Based on the conditions identified by the local authority, it has been shown that the applicant’shome has Category 1 hazards, Bands A - C (Housing Health & Safety Rating System) that CAN be resolved or reduced to a Category 2 hazard within 6 months and/or has shown that thehome has at least 4 Category 2 hazards, Band D (Housing Health & Safety Rating System).
Applicants who lack one bedroom in their current home.
Homeless/Threatened with Homelessness
Peoplewhoarehomelesswithin themeaningof the 1996 HousingAct(asamendedbytheHomelessnessAct2002).Thisincludes people who are intentionally homelessandthosewhoarenotinpriority need;
Shared facilities
Applicantsin accommodation with facilities that are being shared with separate households unless part of a supported housing scheme.
Applicants who, not by choice, are living in separate homes due to the lack of suitable accommodation available.
Applicants who need to move nearer their place of work or support within Poole. This will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Service Personnel
Applicants that have a planned or pre-agreed date to leave the armed forces due to injury, retirement or special circumstances.
3.5Bronze Band Housing Need
No local connection
Households that have no local connection to Poole.
Deliberate worsening of circumstances
Households that have been assessed as having deliberately worsened their housing circumstances.
Adequately Housed
Applicants wholive in a property which is adequate for their needs in terms of size and facilities.
Financial Capability
Social Housing provided throughout the Dorset Home Choice partner areas isforpeoplewhoareconsideredtohaveinsufficientresourcesto meet theirhousing need.
Applicantswithahouseholdincomemorethan five times higher than the relevant Local Housing Allowance levelprevailing in the relevant Dorset local authority area atthe time will normally be considered to be able to meet their own housing need, through either renting privatelyorowneroccupation.
Theapplicant’scapital,savingsandequity will also be taken into account when determining whether an applicant can resolve theirown housing need within the local housing market.
Anexemptionfrom thefinancial assessment may apply on a case by case basis.
3.6Local Connection
Applicants are required to live or work in Poole in order to have a local connection.
All applicants that do not live or work in Poole will always be placed in Bronze ban unless they fall within the following 3 categories:
TheyneedtomovePoole togiveor receive support where failure to do so would cause hardship;
Therearespecialcircumstancessuchashealthorsupportneedsthatare only available within Poole.
An applicant who has no local connection in any other district within the United Kingdomwill be deemed to have a local connection to Poole.
3.7Size of property for a household
Applications will be assessed to determine the size of property that their household requires. Ahouseholdis defined as “any other person who normallyresideswiththeapplicant(s)as a member of his/her family or any otherpersonwhomightreasonablybeexpected to reside with the applicant” (HousingAct1996).
Additionaladults(definedasbeing18yearsoldorover)living permanentlyin ahouseholdwillrequireanextrabedroom.
Thefollowing assessments will normally be made abouttheagesandsexofchildren(who are under 18) who can share a bedroom,orwhoneedseparatebedrooms:
Children whoare of different sexes and are more than 7 years apart: Separate bedroom
Children of different sexes where one or more is over 7 years old: Separate bedrooms
Children of the same sex under 18 yrs
Share 1 bedroom
Examplesoftheproperty sizesthathouseholdsareeligible and abletobidforaresetout below:
Household make up / Assessed Property SizeSingle applicant / Bedsit / Studio
Single applicant or couple with no children / 1 Bedroom
Single applicant or couple with 2 children same sex ( both 18 or over ) / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 2 children same or mixed sex (both under 7) / 2 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 2 children mixed sex both over 7 and under 18 and more than 7 years apart / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 2 children same sex both over 7 and under 18 / 2 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 2 children mixed sexes ( both 18 or over ) / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 3 children ( mixed sexes, one male under 18 and two mixed aged 18or over) / 4 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 3 children (mixed sexes, two males both over 7 and under 18 but less than 7 years apart and one female aged 18 or over). / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 3 children (2 mixed under 18 (older than 7 and more than 7 years apart) and 1 male aged 18 or over). / 4 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 3 children (mixed sexes, two mixed under 7 and one male aged 18 or over.) / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 4 children (2 mixed sexes under 7, two mixed under aged over 7 and under 18 but more than 7 years apart). / 4 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 4 children (2 same sexes under 7, two same sex under aged 18. / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 4 children (2 same sexes under 18, two same sex over 18). / 3 Bedrooms
Single applicant or couple with 4 children (3 mixed under 18 2 Male, 1 female, 1 male over 18). / 4 Bedrooms