Blackboard Hybrid Course Checklist

Instructor: ______Course: ______

Term: ______Date Completed: ______

Instructions: Use this checklist as a guide to carefully arrange your course for the upcoming term. All items on this list should be accomplished at least 15 days prior to the term start date. Complete one checklist per course.

Course Home Page
As a minimum the following navigation menu buttons should be created:
·  Faculty Information (include your contact information and a biography and a picture)
·  Course Documents (course content is designed into weekly modules that support the course learning objectives).
·  External Links (key web sites to support course learning objective are provided)
Welcome Announcement is added.
Course Information
Use the Atlantic Region hybrid syllabus template provided to create your course syllabus document. Upload your syllabus document in the Syllabus folder. Make sure that all of the required elements are contained in the document.
Verify the information contained in all of the Course Information items is present
Faculty Information Area
Upload your faculty “bio” in the Faculty Information folder. Provide contact information.
External Links Area:
Include a minimum of three external links/websites.
All external links are active and work properly.
Course Documents
Check all folders, items, links, and text for validity, readability, and errors.
Add course content. Course content is designed into weekly modules that support the course learning objectives.
Verify that your Week One folder/item and any supporting resources are available on the first day of class.
Content is available to students. If appropriate, the timed release of weekly material may be used.
Verify all assignment instructions. Be sure to specify the proper method of submission of assignments either via the DropBox or the Assignment Feature. For hybrid courses there are five approved methods of assignment submission:
1.  The DropBox.
2.  The Assignment Feature.
3.  The Discussion Board. (Used for Discussion Board postings.)
4.  Email
5.  Hardcopy delivery in class
Test Manager
Create any tests/quizzes that you wish. Test questions can be created on the test canvas or imported from a test Pool created by the instructor or provided by the textbook publisher.
Verify all answers to test/quiz questions are correct and there is some form of feedback to the student for both correct and incorrect answers.
The online gradebook is ready for student access. Set up all graded learning activities (by columns) in the online gradebook and have appropriate grade points assigned.
Discussion Board
Discussion forums created.
A.  “Student Lounge” forum should be created. This is where students can introduce themselves and socialize about topics not related to the class content.
B.  An “Ask The Instructor” forum should be added. This is where the students can ask questions directly to the instructor. Instructors should monitor this forum closely and reply to student questions in a timely fashion (at least within 48 hours).
C. Other class discussion forums or group discussion forums added as needed to support web based learning activities.
Verify the forum options “Allow Attachments” and “Allow New Threads” are checked.
“Allow Anonymous Posts” box should not be allowed!
“Allow author to modify message after posting” should not be checked in any forum which is used for grading or participation. Allowing students to modify posts creates an invalid chain of conversation if a record is needed. There is a spell check button on the text window and students can always post a “revised” posting.
“Allow author to remove own posted messages” should not be checked. Students should never be allowed to delete their messages once they have been posted.
Once course preparation is complete
Check the class from the normal course entry page which is the “Announcements” area. Look at the complete classroom from a student viewpoint as they will see it on the first day of class.
The course has been made available to students by using the Settings feature which is accessed by clicking through the Control Panel.