Text in italics generallyrefers to instructions created to support you in preparing your response to the respective section. Text highlighted in yellow refers to space in which you should provide input with regards to your case study.
Title of the case / Insert nameeg. programme, project, initiative…Please insert your response here
Sales pitch / Insert a one-two line summary of the case (to grab attention of reader) Finish one of the following:
‘How to…’
“An example of..’
Please insert your response here
Organisation(s) / Insert name(s) of the primary organisations involved in the case study
Please insert your response here
Country / countries / Insert the countries that are involved in the case
Please insert your response here
Date / Insert date of writing the case
Please insert your response here
Author(s) / Please insert the name(s) of the case study’s author(s)
Please insert your response here
Nature of interaction / Please select one or more of the following (simply place an “x” between the brackets):
[ ] Collaboration in R&D
[ ] Academic mobility
[ ] Student mobility
[ ] Commercialisation of R&D results in science
[ ] Lifelong learning
[ ] Curriculum development and delivery
[ ] Entrepreneurship
[ ] Governance
[ ] Other (please specify)
Supporting mechanism / Please select one or more of the following (simply place an “x” between the brackets):
[ ] Strategic instrument
[ ] Structural instrument or approach
[ ] Operational activity
[ ] Framework condition
Case study
The case study profile description should be around two pages longso that the committee members can evaluate your case in detail. Please feel free to put additional information in the appendix.
1.Background & Objectives
Describe the background and/or context for the case including the development of the institution(s)/organisation(s)/network(s) up until the point of the case. Please name the primary objectives of the program/initiative/strategy.
Please insert your response here
2.Strategy & activities undertaken
Please describe the case in terms of the strategies behind the case and then the actions / activities undertaken.
Please insert your response here
3.outcomes / impact
What are the concrete outcomes / deliverables that have come out of the case? Please try to be precise and use lists rather than text paragraphs. What sort of impact (benefits or disadvantages) has the program had on stakeholders both direct and indirect? Where possible, please provide statistics or examples and separate short and long-term impacts.
Please insert your response here
4.Further Information
Please provide links where more information on the case can be found.
Please insert your response here