KS2-3 English Moderation: Guidance on Exemplar Profiles 2011
On the CD you will find copies of 4 exemplar profiles from the 2010 WJEC KS2-3 ENGLISH External Moderation Pilot along with commentary from the Chief Moderator. Please use this guidance to place the exemplar pilot profiles in context.
NB – Following the pilot the administration guidance has been reviewed. Whilst these profiles demonstrate some of the best practice from the pilot, clusters are encouraged to check their profiles against the revised guidance for the national external moderation process published on the WJEC website.
PROFILE A: KS2 Level 4 ProfileChief Moderator’s Comments:
Moderators fully agreed with the cluster’s best-fit judgement and sufficient evidence was submitted. This provides a useful exemplar profile for clusters of a learner profile at the lower end of Level 4.
The nature of the profile:
This profile, along with the others from the cluster was submitted in hard copy for the KS2-3 External Moderation Pilot.
Sufficient evidence: Cluster Commentary
Cluster commentary is included as a grid for each attainment target. Reference to adjacent levels is included and it is clear how the cluster has reached its best-fit decision for each of the three attainment targets and through that process, for the best-fit overall subject level. This is a clear and concise format for demonstrating the cluster’s judgements in a practical way.
Sufficient evidence: resource/stimulus materials and contextual information
Task information is included along with the cluster commentary for each task on the commentary grid. Resources are referenced e.g. the class novel ‘The Railway Children’ and the electronic sources for the research task on Victorian children.See also moderator comments below.
Sufficient evidence: Learners’ work
This is a concise learner profile that demonstrates a workable model for the cluster and for sharing more widely. Sufficient evidence for each of the attainment targets has been included. This comprises of three tasks for each attainment target demonstrating sufficient aspects of the range for Oracy, Reading and Writing according to the pilot guidance.
In responding to this learner profile moderators reported:
Moderators fully agree with the cluster’s best-fit judgement. An appropriate range of evidence is included for all three attainment targets and the cluster commentary includes clear information about the contexts in which the tasks were undertaken. However to strengthen the cluster evidence for further moderation the cluster should include the stimulus material for the poetry writing task.
The cluster commentary shows clearly why the best-fit judgement has been made. It includes appropriate consideration of adjacent levels.
Evidence reflects the 2008 national curriculum Skills and Range for English in Oracy, Reading and Writing providing the cluster with useful reference materials.
PROFILE B: KS2 Level 5 Profile
Chief Moderator’s Comments:
Moderators fully agreed with the cluster’s best-fit judgement and sufficient evidence was submitted. This provides a useful exemplar profile for clusters at the top end of Level 5.
The nature of the profile:
This profile, along with the others from the clusterwas submitted in hard copyfor the KS2-3 External ModerationPilot.
Sufficient evidence: Cluster Commentary
The cluster used the pilot’s optional cluster commentary form to summarise their judgements for each attainment target. In addition cluster commentary for each attainment target is provided in prose at the beginning of each attainment target. This provides the cluster and external moderators with a clear understanding of how the cluster reached their best-fit judgement for each attainment target and for the best-fit overall subject level.
In addition, for both Reading and Writing tasksthe cluster demonstrates how the cluster was involved in the moderation process through including commentary by individual teachers against individual tasks.
The cluster has also included highlighted copies of the level descriptions. However, with sufficient cluster commentary already included in their good practice, this is probably an unnecessary addition.
Sufficient evidence: resource/stimulus materials and contextual information
In addition the cluster has ensured that stimulus material is included where relevant. This included the full chapter used for the reading task on the novel ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’. This has been omitted for the purpose of this exemplification. Task information is included along with the cluster commentary for each task.
Sufficient evidence: Learners’ work
Two Oracy tasks are included including an individual and group activity. Evidence for Reading includes a literary response to the opening of ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’; and a response to a non-literary text (as exemplified in the National Curriculum Guidance document for English). Evidence for Writing includes a literary/narrative task, ‘a story entitled The Giants who Came’, and a formal letter as evidence of non-literary writing. This provides the cluster with sufficient evidence of the learner’s work for each attainment target.
In responding to this learner profile moderators reported:
Moderators agree fully with the cluster’s best-fit judgement for this level.
The cluster’s commentary shows clearly why the best-fit judgement has been made and includes appropriate consideration of adjacent levels.
The learner profile reflects the 2008 national curriculum Skills and Range for English over all three attainment targets. Both literary and non-literary Reading and Writing evidence are included for example a diary entry, a persuasive argument, a narrative and a formal letter.
Context and task-setting information is clear and concise and will provide a useful reference source for future school and cluster moderation processes.
Resource materials are included where appropriate and clearly labelled to relate to task.
PROFILE C: KS3 Level 5 Profile
Chief Moderator’s Comments:
Moderators fully agreed with the cluster’s best-fit judgement and sufficient evidence was submitted.
This provides a useful exemplar profile for clusters of a profile at the top end of Level 5.
The nature of the profile:
This profile, along with the others from the cluster, was submitted electronically on a memory stick for the pilot.
Sufficient evidence: Cluster Commentary
The cluster has chosen to scan the learners’ work for each of the three attainment targets and to support this with cluster commentary combined with highlighted level characteristics for each task. The commentary is concise and demonstrates the cluster’s understanding of the characteristics of the levels demonstrated – Levels 5 and 6. A best-fit judgement at the top of Level 5 is reached and supported through commentary and a summative grid hyperlinked to the learner evidence.
Sufficient evidence: resource/stimulus materials and contextual information
In addition the cluster has ensured that stimulus material is included where relevant. This is provided in a separate electronic resource file. Task information is included along with the cluster commentary for each task.
Sufficient evidence: Learners’ work
Three tasks are included as evidence for both Oracy and Reading. For Writing the cluster has decided that 5 tasks are sufficient to demonstrate the characteristics of Level 5 across a range of tasks. Some of these tasks demonstrate extended writing, others demonstrate extracts from tasks. Together these provide sufficient evidence to support the cluster’s judgements in each of the attainment targets and the overall best-fit level.
In responding to this learner profile moderators reported:
Moderators agree fully with the cluster’s best-fit judgement. The cluster commentary accurately reflects judgements at top end of the level. Appropriate references to adjacent levels are made.
The learner profile reflects the 2008 national curriculum Skills and Range for English over all three attainment targets. A range of literary and non-literary tasks are included for Reading and Writing. Secondary evidence for Oracy includes evidence from an appropriate range of tasks.
Context and task-setting is clear and concise. Resource material is included where appropriate, for example ‘Strange Fruit’ lyrics and an extract from Peter Kay’s autobiography.
This learner profile provides a useful reference source for teachers within the cluster.
Exemplar Profile: J – What happened after the Pilot Moderator Report? One Cluster’s example
PROFILE J: KS2 Level 4 Profile – Adapted for cluster use following pilot feedbackChief Moderator’s Comments:
This profile has been included to exemplify how one cluster responded to the feedback from the pilot.
During the pilot moderators were able to agree with the profile but identified issues – this resulted in anA(i) code on the moderator report.
The issues moderators noted were that:
- the profile was securely within Level 4 profile rather than top end of Level 4 as originally judged by the cluster; and
- resource material for Oracy and Writing would have made the evidence clearer for the cluster and moderators.
- adjusted their assessment identifying the profile as securely within Level 4 and refining their judgements as a result. This included reviewing their assessment of the writing profile and noting the Level 3 and 4 characteristics there resulting in a best-fit judgement at the lower end of Level 4 for this attainment target. They also reviewed their assessment of the oracy profile noting the Level 4 and 5 characteristics there resulting in a best-fit judgement at the top end of Level 4 for this attainment target; and
- included resource materials for the oracy and writing tasks based on ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
- agreed to scan the profile to share electronically as a cluster exemplar profile securely within Level 4;
- to use this as a model for future profiles for school, cluster and national moderation;
- added a summary of their cluster work in relation to the profile; and
- identified that although reading evidence included literary and non-literary evidence further tasks would make future learner profiles more effective. They now believe 2 tasks to be insufficient to fully demonstrate a learner’s reading profile.
NB - This profile is included as an example of ongoing cluster moderation and development work.