Problem Based learning BGY 2001 July 2001

1. Living things display organizational complexity (molecules à cells à tissues à organs à (organ systems?)à organism)

2. What is a cell? Smallest living unit of structure and function of all organisms

3. Give an example of functional tissues? __ (muscle tissues)

4. A human heart is an ______(organ)

5. List the characteristics of organisms: Exhibit the following:

Movement, Cell repair, Reproduction, Growth, Homeostasis

6. What is the function of DNA? (stores the materials of heredity)

7. List 3 different source of energy for organisms (photosynthesis, feeding on producers, break down of dead organisms)

8. Organisms require energy for ______?

- Movement

–  Cell repair

–  Reproduction

–  Growth

–  Homeostasis

9. The smallest unit of all physical material is known as ______? Atom

10. What is the biological importance of oxygen ? necessary for cellular respiration, component of water – necessary for life

11. _Phosphorus______form the back bone of nucleic acids and important in energy transfer

12. As we age, lack of __calcium______will cause osteoporosis

13. Chronic deficiency of ___iron____ can cause anemia

14. Atoms has equal number of ___proton ______and ___neutron____

15. Accumulation of noble gas in the house can be detrimental to the occupant of the house. Name the noble gas __radon______

16. Ionic bonds formed when one atom donate electron to another atom True

17. When oxidation and reduction occurs together, it is known as __redox reaction______

18. Water is commonly known as universal solvent

19. Water has two positive poles and one negative pole false

20. Water is the commonest cure for various ailments true

21. Give example of non polar molecules oil

22. Drinking acidic carbonated drink such as Coca cola, Pepsi can cause premature osteoporosis True

23. When pH is <7 it is known as _acidic__ and when it is >7 it is known as _alkaline__

24. Most of the biological molecules are based on __carbon___

25. Why carbon atom forms the backbone of organic substance?

Can form four covalent bonds

Can bond to more than one atom

Basis for many biological molecules

26. Organic molecules can assemble or disassembled by addition or removal of water.

27. Give two commonly used microscopes used by student compound and dissecting microscope

28. What are functional groups? – ready-made molecules with distinct chemical properties

29. List three functional groups – hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino

30. Glucose has how many carbons? 6 carbon

31. Name one functional group that can be found in glucose – hydroxyl

32. What is the function of starch and glycogen? Reserve food in plant and animal

33. Cell wall of plant contained _cellulose

34. Named the type of carbohydrates that can be found in exoskeleton of certain animals Chitin

35. Give two examples of good fats cold fish oil and coconut oil

36. Give two examples of bad fats _margerine and sun flower oil

37. Omega 3 is good for patient with cardiovascular conditions true

38. Omega 6 is good for wound healings true

39. Consuming too much omega 6 can caused blood to thickened true

40. Fats ( in solid forms) consist of glycerol and saturated fatty acids

41. Fats (oil in liquid forms) consist of glycerol and unsaturated fatty acids

42. Phospholipid is a component of cell membrane

43. Cholesterol and estrogen is examples of _steroids

44. All cholesterol is bad for our health. True or false

45. All steroids is bad for our health. True or false

46. Fats contain more energy than carbohydrates. True or false

47. Eating too much rice increase the risk of diabetes. True or false

48. Maltose in grain (rice and wheat) when hydrolyzed will produce more glucose. True/False

49. Large complex molecules can be synthesized by linking series of smaller molecules through dehydration synthesis

50. Examples of monomers are glucose and amino acids

51. During dehydration synthesis one molecules of water is removed

52. Large molecules can be broken down to many smaller units of molecules though hydrolysis synthesis

53. When a unit of sucrose is hydrolyzed it will yield one unit of glucose and one unit of fructose

54. DNA and RNA is example of nucleic acid

55. Carbohydrates contain carbon, _hydrogen and oxygen

56. When chemical bonds in carbohydrates molecules is broken up energy is released.

57. carbohydrates are stored in plants and glycogen are stored in animals

58. Gave examples of carbohydrates that are used for structure: cellulose in plant, chitin in crustaceans and fungi

59. In carbohydrate, the hydrogen:oxygen ratio is 2:1, in lipid the ratio is higher than 2:1 true /false

60. When the substance is non polar, will it dissolve in water? Yes/No

61. Give two example of polyunsaturated oil: rape seed oil (canola oil), cod liver oil

62. Between rape seed oil (canola oil) and cod liver oil, which one is more beneficial to human

63. Virgin coconut oil and butter are examples of beneficial saturated fats

64. Margarine and creamer (as in teh tarik) are foods to avoid

65. Three main forms of proteins are enzymes, peptides and structural proteins

67. Commonly known enzymes are amylase, protease, insulin

68. Three commonly known peptides in humans are vasoactive intestinal peptide, secretin and glucagon

69. Examples of structural proteins are silks, keratin and collagen

70. Proteins can be denatured and lost its functionalities by heat and certain chemicals such as 70% alcohol and sodium hypo chlorite

71. Smallest living unit of structure and function of all organisms is the cell.

72. Typical human red blood cells is 7-8 mm in diameter.

73. Which cells has larger surface area to volume ratio? A. small cells B. large cells

74. List the 4 main characteristics of all cells

•  A surrounding membrane

•  Protoplasm – cell contents in thick fluid

•  Organelles – structures for cell function

•  Control center with DNA

75. Two types of cells are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

76. Prokaryotic cells can be found in eubacteria and archaea

77. List the three main characteristics of prokaryotic cells

•  No membrane bound nucleus

•  Nucleoid = region of DNA concentration

•  Organelles not bound by membranes

78. List the three main characteristics of eukaryotic cells

•  Nucleus bound by membrane

•  Include fungi, protists, plant, and animal cells

•  Possess many organelles

79. Label the main part of animal cell

80. Water, Carbon dioxide, Ammonia can moves freely across plasma membrane.

81. Nucleus is surrounded by double membrane containing chromosomes and nucleolus

82. DNA is a hereditary material

83. What are the two types of endoplasmic reticulum? Smooth ER and Rough ER

84. When ribosome attached to surface of endoplasmic reticulum, it is called Rough ER

85. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesized lipid and carbohydrates

86. The functions of Golgi apparatus is packing and shipping stations of materials in the cell True

87. Vacuoles is commonly found in plant and it may contains water, food and waste

88. Bacteria like organelles that can be found in plant and animal cells are mitochondria and chloroplast

89. Mitochondria break down fuels molecules such as glucose and fatty acids and release ATP

90. Chloroplast fixed energy from the sun to produce glucose

91. Mitochondria is absent in bacterium cells. True/False

92. List 4 different ways molecules move in and out of the cells

93. Diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion are three different types of passive transport.

94. Plain water is a hypotonic, there is tendency for water (lower solute concentration) to enter cell (higher solute concentration) thus hydrating the cells.

95. Too much water entering the cells can caused the cells to burst True/False

96. Drinking hypertonic solution can caused cells to dehydrate true/false

97. Isotonic refers to similar concentration of solute outside and in the cells .r true/false

98. Facilitated diffusion does not require any energy to bring in molecules into the cells by means of special transport proteins.

99. One example of active transport mechanisms is sodium-potassium pump

100. Differentiate endocytosis – bring in materials into cell and exocytosis export material out of cells

101. Differentiate phagocytosis – large particle, and pinocytosis – smaller particle

102. Visible light wave length of _400 nm__ to __700 nm__ is useful for plant photosynthesis

103 Two groups of plant pigments are __chlorophylls___ and _carotenoids____

104. This equation 6CO2 + 6H2O (light energy) C2H12O6 + 6O2 refers to-Photosynthesis

105. List the two chemical reactions occurring during photosynthesis

•  Light dependent reactions

•  Light independent reactions

106. What is the role of chloroplast in photosynthesis – to capture light energy from sun

107. Nutrients are needed by our body for Growth , Repair, Maintenance, Reproduction and providing energy

108. Without __water_ for 3 days human will die. What is this nutrient?

109. List the 6 types of essential nutrients for our well being. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, mineral and water

110. What is macronutrient? Nutrients those are required in large amount

111. What is micronutrient? Nutrients those are required in small quantity

112. What is our daily requirement of carbohydrates? 45-65% of daily energy

113. What kind of food supplies protein for our diet? Animal meat, fish and beans

114. List the different types of fats

Monosaturated , Polyunsaturated, Saturated, Trans fats

115. Partially hydrogenated fat is a good fat or bad fat

116. Vitamins are organic substances that are require in small quantity and essential for normal body function and well being

117. Excess of vitamin _A_ is toxic to our body

118. What is the major function of Phosphorus in our body? Component of bones and teeths, and ATP

119. What food is a rich source of Magnesium? Green vetetables, milks

120. What enzyme can be found in mouth cavity? Salivary amylase

121. What kind of digestion can be found in stomach? Mechanical and chemical

122. Labels the human digestive system

123 Lactase, maltase, sucrase, pancreatic amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsis, carboxypeptidase, and lipase are secreted by pancreas.

124. Pancreatic insufficiency or malfunction is always associated with diabetes

125. What is the function of large intestine? Temporary storage of fecal matter, absorption of water and sodium ions