AT Committee Notes


  1. Success stories: Made it through the week! Rock on!
  1. Proposals: None
  1. SETT
  2. Questions/Concerns? None at this time
  1. Workshops/Training
  2. Upcoming
  3. KRESA AT Playground 2/12/16
  4. Agenda review from Nancy G.
  5. Agenda will be posted on basecamp
  6. Also encourage WMU students/interns to attend, Mark will look into notifying their supervisors
  7. Positive Experiences from ones that committee members have attended
  8. Other sharing of information
  9. Personalized Learning Conference: Grand Rapids, May 1st week
  10. CEC: Grand Rapids, March 1st week
  11. MACUL: Grand Rapids, March 2nd week
  1. Logo Design for AT Committee
  2. Update/discussion on template
  3. Nancy following up with Ann
  4. Ann is tweaking it and will send it out shortly
  1. Assistant Technology Repair Concerns: (follow up)
  2. Point Person: Gary?
  3. Process?
  4. Form on-line now, form is just for dedicated devices
  5. Button linkis on the main AT website
  6. When form is submitted for repairs it goes to Mark Dersch
  7. Note on this process- include on newsletter and ideally on the box with the device
  8. Forms committee will write up the process for repairs on loaner and dedicated devices
  1. Subcommittee-break out
  1. Subcommittee report out
  2. PD subcommittee
  3. Hard copy of survey for PD, as exit ticket
  4. Met on Mon. and came up with agenda
  5. Forms subcommittee
  6. Working on SETT ppt
  7. TBD- form on repair procedure
  8. Website subcommittee
  9. Added info. on a couple apps
  10. Recommending KhanAcademy (K-12, supplemental instruction)
  11. Featured Device: Braille Note, seat cushions, and weighted lap pads
  12. Budget subcommittee
  13. Still have lots of money
  14. Keep submitting requests of items to buy
  15. Asked Website and Newsletter to put in a plug about requesting items for library/SNAP to purchase
  16. Newsletter subcommittee
  17. Meeting next week
  18. Covering mission, contacts, logo, etc.
  1. Additional Items
  2. Agreement forms (home/school) have been approved, need to get to Gary to include in device boxes and to Website committee to include in Forms section
  1. Take away from meeting: Very productive! Lots of excitement for our Feb. Conference!
  1. Next meeting:
  2. Our Playground Conference 2/12/16
  3. Next Meeting 2/19/16
  4. Add standing item to agendas: New Item Ideas (team members can bring new item ideas to discuss and possibly for purchase for SNAP)