CoScan in Helsinki

20th – 22nd April 2018

As you may know the 2018 CoScan AGM will be held in Helsinki, linked with a dinner and a programme of local visits. Details of our plans to date are set out below, and we now need to ask you forfirm applications for next April, on theattached form.

HOTEL: Holiday Inn, City Centre, Helsinki

Double/twin rooms booked for two nights with bed and breakfast.


·  Friday 20th April, early evening – arrival and welcome.

·  Saturday 21st, morning – guided tour (bus or walking) of Helsinki centre. (approx 1½/2 hours)

·  Saturday 21st, afternoon - Free time to re-visit any sites or just to relax.

·  Saturday 21st, evening – CoScan Dinner at a Finnish restaurant about 15 mins. walk from the hotel.

·  Sunday 22nd, morning – CoScan AGM at venue (to be confirmed.)

·  Sunday 22nd, afternoon – farewells and return home.

The booking form below is limited to the two days of the Conference itself. It includes a request for a non-refundable deposit of £50.00 per person, and needs to be returned by 30 November to:
Wendy Howell

Committee Member,

10 Exeter Way,


SE14 6LL


CoScan Executive Committee

November 2017

CoScan in Helsinki 2018



Telephone ______




·  Twin/double room 2 nights B & B + Conference dinner+ city tour:

£200 per person if sharing twin room □ £300 per person if single occupancy

·  If sharing a twin room, name of person sharing with ______

·  If you would like to stay extra nights @ £107 per room per night, please indicate below.

No of extra nights ______Dates required ______

No of people______No of rooms ______

Guided City Tour preference

£ Walking Tour (state number) £ Bus Tour (state number)

PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM AND CHEQUE FOR NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT (£50 PER PERSON) by 30th November 2017 to : Wendy Howell, 10 Exeter Way, London, SE14 6LL

Cheques payable to CoScan please
If paying by BACS, CoScan’s bank account details are as follows:

Name of account: Confederation of Scandinavian Societies of Great Britain and Ireland; Branch: NatWest, Dolgellau, Bridge Street, Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 1AU; Branch sort code: 52-30-32; Account no: 37008692. Please also remember to forward this form to Wendy Howell at the address above or email address if you pay by this method so accurate records can be maintained.


Please note that the responsibility for paying in full on time is yours;
a letter of reminder is not to be expected.