IST 321NAME ______
Networks II
Spring, 2017
Items needed:
1.External hard drive with USB 3.0 interface.
2.Computer with VirtualBox software installed. All computers in Lab 306 have the VirtuaalBox software installed. You may use your own computer but you will have to download and install the VirtualBox software. You may install VirtualBoxfrom:
- Insert your external hard drive connector into a USB 3.0 port on the computer you are using.
- Make a new folder on your external hard drive called IST321.
- The ISO file that is needed to create the virtual Windows 8.1 operating system is found at:Blackhawk\David Cozart\IST 221 Fall 2016\VMs. To speed things up, we will have the ISO file available on external hard drives that we will pass around the room. Copy the ISO file and put it in your IST321folder on your external hard drive.
- Start VirtualBox using the Shortcuts. Look for the program under Oracle.
- In VirtualBox, make a few changes in the settings:
- Under File/Preferences/General, set the Default Machine Folder to point to your IST321 folder on your hard drive
- Under File/Preferences/Network, add a NAT Network called NatNetwork2 and set the IP to and enable SupportsDHCP.
- Select OK a couple of times.
- You are now ready to install a virtual instance of Windows 8.1 workstation.
- In VirtualBox, select New. Set the Name to WIN8A. The Type should automatically change to Windows 8.
- Set the Memory Size to 2048 MB.
- Select Create a virtual hard disk now
- Select VDI
- Select Dynamically Allocated
- Set the virtual hard disk size at 25 GB and select Create.
- You are now ready to install the Windows ISO on your virtual hard drive.
- Power on the Windows Workstation by selecting Start in VirtualBox.
- Select where ISO file (Windows_8.1-Enterprise) is located.
- Continue to follow the prompts and accept the default settings.
- Do not create a Microsoft account
- Do create a local user account for yourself. Set the user name to: YourLastName_initial. Set the password so that you can remember it.
As feedback for Lab#2, specify in your document that you submit:
Your Name
Host computer you used
Date that you completed this installation of Windows 8
Time of day that you completed this lab