Gaming/App Rubric
(Game and App Creation)
PerformanceCategories / 5
Exceeding Expectation / 4 / 3
Meeting Expectation / 2 / 1
Approaching Expectation
Curriculum Connection / There is a clear connection between the curriculum and the game or app. The entry form states multiple curriculum connection clearly, and evidence of those connections can be found throughout the game or app. / There is a clear connection between the curriculum and the game or app. The entry form states the curriculum connection clearly, and evidence of the curriculum connection can be found throughout the game or app. / The connection between the curriculum and the game or app may not be clear. The entry form does not state the curriculum connection clearly, and/or evidence of the curriculum connection is not found within the game or app.
Content Knowledge /
Organization / The finished game or app demonstrates a superior understanding of the content by the student(s). It is presented in an organized logical manner that engages viewer interest and understanding. / The finished game or app demonstrates clear understanding of the content by the student(s). It is presented in an organized, logical manner that maintains viewer interest and understanding. / The finished game or app demonstrates a partial understanding of the content by the student(s). The presentation is unorganized, illogical and / or does not maintain viewer interest and understanding.
Look for:
Proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Narration / Text:
(if present) is clear with proper pacing and is synchronized with the visual content to augment the viewer’s understanding
factual information contained in the presentation has proper citation based on the developmental level of the student. / There are no spelling or grammar mistakes present in the game or app or supporting documentation. All presented parts (verbal and / or written) are grammatically correct, clearly spoken, and easy to understand. Titles, credits, and other supporting text within the game or app are correct. / Overall mechanics are grade level appropriate. There may be spelling or grammar mistakes within the project. Small text or speech errors within the game or app, titles, credits, and supporting documentation do not detract from the overall understanding of the project. / Overall mechanics are below grade level expectatiions. There are many spelling and/or grammar mistakes throughout the game or app. There are multiple text and/or audio or speech errors within the game or app Errors in titles, credits, other speech and text and/or supporting documents make the project difficult to read and / or understand.
(if present) flows throughout the game or app with the viewer being able to easily return to any other portion of the game or app. / Navigation from one action to another flows through the game or app easily allowing the end user access to all portions of the game/app. / Navigation from one action to another mostly flows but there may be some navigation issues. The end user has access to most portions of the game/app but may get lost or have trouble moving from level to level. / Navigation from one action to another is confusing and doesn’t flow through the game or app logically or easily. It is difficult for the end user to access all portions of the game/app or return to the start screen.
Look for:
Multimedia elements are used creatively and add to the presentation of the project. / The use of multiple multimedia elements such as, but not limited, audio, video, transitions, music, 3D and voice over narration to enhance the game or app show complete and full understanding of the content by the viewer. If included, any background music, sound effects or images are copyright free and noted on the entry form or in credits. / The use of multimedia elements such as, but not limited, audio, video, transitions, music, 3D and voice over narration to enhance the game or app supports and increases the understanding of the content by the viewer and does not detract or distract from the game or apps message. If included, any background music, sound effects or images are copyright free and noted on the entry form or in credits. / The use of multimedia elements such as, but not limited, audio, video, transitions, music, 3D and voice over narration to enhance the game or app supports and increases the understanding of the content by the viewer.
Titles and transitions may detract from the finished product. Background music or sound effects may be in violation of copyright law.
Supporting Documentation
Look for:
A script, storyboard, and/or plan is provided that shows prior planning for the project) / A script or storyboard is provided that shows exemplary planning for the project. Multiple connections between the game or app and the supporting document can be seen. / A script or storyboard is provided that shows prior planning for the project. A clear connection between the game or app and the supporting document can be seen. / A script or storyboard is not provided OR does not match the game or app submitted.
Entrant Name ______Folder # ______Points Earned ______/ 30 points
*the winning entrant must earn a minimum score of meeting expectation in each category
Judge’s Notes: