Academic Development 4U

Workshops, Conferences and Activities 2016-17


Enhancing TeachingPage2-5

Digital U: Technology Supported learningPage5-13

Academy of Teaching Excellence Fellows Page 13-14

Academic Leadership Page 14-16

Quality Assurance and EnhancementPage16


Researcher DevelopmentPage 17-18

To book onto any of these events, please contact Ellen Lockett unless directed to IRIS, ext 4127,

Enhancing Teaching

Topic / Date and time / Tutor / Intended learning outcomes / Target audience / Room / Mapping to UKPSF
Pedagogy First / 6th Sept 10.00-12.00
9th Sept 10.00-12.00
19th Oct 2.00-4.00
16th Nov 2.00-4.00 / Duncan Hindmarch and Helen Walmsley / Identify and understand activity-based learning
Apply activity-based pedagogic approaches to own teaching contexts
Integrate new technologies to enhance activity-based approaches / All academic staff / B122
B122 / A1, A2, A4, K1, K2, K3, K6 V1
Advanced Coaching Skills for Personal Tutors / 2 options available:
7th September (am)
8th September (pm) / Louise Rutherford and Wendy Munroe / Explain the benefits of using a coaching using a coaching approach
Gain practice in using advanced coaching skills for tutorials
Understand the application of a range of coaching resources to personal tutoring situations
Reflect on own evolving practice aligned to the needs of their students / Personal tutors / L518 / A1, A2, A4, K3, V1, V2
Connect Through Personal Tutoring / On-line course
(BlackBoard) with the following core modules:
1)Creating the Staffordshire Graduate
2)Improving Academic Performance
3)Facilitating Pastoral Support and Meeting Student Needs / Marj Spiller, Andrea Bailey, Claire Gwinnett / Outline the key responsibilities of personal tutors
Develop confidence and competence in monitoring student performance
Identify links with cross-University services to support all tutees / Personal tutors / L518 / A1, A2, A4, K3, V1, V2
Observation of teaching / Dates to be confirmed by Faculties / Marj Spiller / Outline the changes to the observation process
Outline roles and responsibilities of staff within the observation process
Identify preferred actions in specific observation scenarios / Academic staff / tbc / A1, A2, A4, K1, K2, K3, K6 V1
HEA Fellowship:
Building your portfolio / Wednesday 14th September 2016
2.00-3.00 / Marj Spiller / Identify the appropriate level of Fellowship for own role
Select key pieces of evidence to collect for own portfolio
Rehearse responses to possible verbal reflective discussion questions / Prospective HEA applicants in BEL / LW107 Law School / A1-A5
HEA Fellowship; Building your portfolio / Wednesday 12th October 2016
10.00-11.00 / Marj Spiller / Identify the appropriate level of Fellowship for own role
Select key pieces of evidence to collect for own portfolio
Rehearse responses to possible verbal reflective discussion questions / Prospective HEA applicants in HS / LT011 Ashley / A1-A5
HEA Fellowship1:1 Coaching / (Date and time agreed with individuals) / Marj Spiller / To update applicant on process of gaining an HEA Fellowship/Senior Fellowship/Principal Fellowship / Prospective HEA Fellowship applicants / (Agreed on booking) / A1-A5
HEA Fellowship Assessor Training / Tuesday 1st November 2016 12.00-2.00 / Marj Spiller / Identify the key stages of an HEA assessment
Update on development issues around the process of assessment
 / HEA Fellowship Assessors / Cadman Conference Room / A1-A5
PgCHPE / Semester 1 and 2
Please follow the link for further information / Russell Spink / Enhance student learning by reflecting on the needs of individual learners
Consider the range of strategies we might use to meet the needs / New Teaching staff or experienced staff wishing to reflect and enhance their practice / / A1-A5
Teach Well / Wednesday 16th Nov (10.30-12.00)
Wednesday 25th January (9.00-4.00) / Marj Spiller/
Andrea Bailey / Understand essential principles for effective learning and teaching
Be able to make effective presentations
Understand how to communicate effectively with students
Be aware of the University’s assessment and feedbackprocedures / PhD students / To be advised on booking / A1-A4
K5, K6
Unconscious bias in the curriculum / TBC / External consultant / Understand the concept of unconscious bias
Recognise how unconscious bias can occur in teaching
Identify strategies to avoid unconscious bias / Faculty staff involved in student teaching and/or recruitment / Rooms to be confirmed on booking / A1,A2,, K3,K5, V1,V2, V4
(Learning and Teaching Theories in Contextual Explorations) / 12th October 2016
4.00 / Alke Groppel Wegener / Be part of a mutually supportive group that talks about all manner of Learning and Teaching / Staff involved in Learning and Teaching-please contact for the reading for the month / L512 Flaxman
(Learning and Teaching Theories in Contextual Explorations) / 9th November 2016
4.00 / Alke Groppel Wegener / Be part of a mutually supportive group that talks about all manner of Learning and Teaching / Staff involved in Learning and Teaching–please contact for the reading for the month / L512 Flaxman
(Learning and Teaching Theories in Contextual Explorations) / 7th December 2016
4.00 / Alke Groppel Wegener / Be part of a mutually supportive group that talks about all manner of Learning and Teaching / Staff involved in Learning and Teaching-please contact for the reading for the month / L512 Flaxman

Digital-U:Technology-supported learning

Workshops and drop-in sessions: Semester 1

The list of workshops below gives a snapshot of the types of activities which have already been planned and more will be added as the needs of staff become apparent

Date / Day / Time / Workshop facilitator / Room / Topic / Target audience / Content / Booking
Tues / 2-3 / HWS / B141 / Blackboard Induction / Beginners /
  • BB Overview
  • Adding and organizing content
  • Tips for an engaging course
  • Making course available for student enrolment
/ Please book through IRIS
24 Aug / Wed / 11.30-1.30 / HWS / B141 / Blackboard refresher / All /
  • Copying, uploading and organizing content
  • Setting up assessment points
  • Tips for an engaging course
  • Making course available for student enrolment
/ Please book through IRIS
24 Aug / Wed / 2.30-3 / HWS / Online / Quick guide to course copy / All /
  • New BB templates
  • Course copy
  • Tips for an engaging course
/ Please book through IRIS
30 Aug / Tues / 2-4 / HWS / B141 / Blackboard refresher / All /
  • Copying, uploading and organizing content
  • Setting up assessment points
  • Tips for an engaging course
  • Making course available for student enrolment
/ Please book through IRIS
31 Aug / Wed / 12-12.30 / HWS / Online / Best Practice in Blackboard – learning materials / All /
  • New BB templates
  • Uploading and organizing documents and video content
  • Tips for an engaging course
/ Please book through IRIS
5 Sept / Mon / 1-3 / CH / B141 Brindley / BB Basics and Processes / Beginners /
  • Request a BB course
  • Adding minimum content
  • Making course available for student enrolment
/ Please book through IRIS
5 Sept / Mon / 10-12 / SL CH / iLab / Beacon Induction / All staff booked to teach in new Beacon /
  • Demonstration of new classroom technologies
  • Examples of learning activities using the technologies
/ Please book through IRIS
6 Sept / Tues / 12-2 / JS SL / iLab / Beacon Induction / All staff booked to teach in new Beacon /
  • Demonstration of new classroom technologies
  • Examples of learning activities using the technologies
/ Please book through IRIS
7 Sept / Wed / 1-3 / CH / C101, Cadman / Feedback / Staff with some experience /
  • Setting up Tests and Surveys
  • Downloading results
/ Please book through IRIS
7th Sept / Wed / 2.30-3.30 / JFA and KG / ? / Mobile productivity / All /
  • Working collaboratively using portable devices
  • Useful apps for your own productivity
/ Please book through IRIS
7 Sept / Wed / 2-4 / JS HWS / iLab / Beacon Induction / All staff booked to teach in new Beacon /
  • Demonstration of new classroom technologies
  • Examples of learning activities using the technologies
/ Please book through IRIS
8 Sept / Thurs / 1-3 / CH / C101, Cadman / Creating Media
Storing Media Content / Staff with some experience /
  • Using Staffordshire Universities Media Library to store content
  • Adding Media to your Blackboard course
/ Please book through IRIS
8th Sept / Thurs / 3.30-4.30 / KG / i-lab / One Drive / Beginners /
  • Overview of the features
  • Managing documents, collaborating and sharing
/ Please book through IRIS
8th Sept / Thurs / 3.30-4.30 / JFA
KG / i-lab / Using the Document Cameras in Classrooms / All /
  • Creating videos using the Doc cam
/ Please book through IRIS
8 Sept / Thurs / 10-12 / SL CH / iLab / Beacon Induction / All staff booked to teach in new Beacon /
  • Demonstration of new classroom technologies
  • Examples of learning activities using the technologies
/ Please book through IRIS
9 Sept / Fri / 12-2 / GT HWS / iLab / Beacon Induction / All /
  • Demonstration of new classroom technologies
  • Examples of learning activities using the technologies
/ Please book through IRIS
12 Sept / Mon / 1-3 / CH / C101 Cadman / BB Basics and Processes / Beginners /
  • Request a BB course
  • Adding minimum content
  • Making course available for student enrolment
/ Please book through IRIS
13 Sept / Tues / 1-3 / CH / C101, Cadman / Working with Group Tools in Blackboard / Staff with some experience /
  • Setting up groups and group tools
  • Wikis, blogs, discussion boards
/ Please book through IRIS
14 Sept / Wed / 12-12.30 / HWS / Online / Introduction to web-conferencing / All /
  • Using Collaborate Ultra
  • Activities with the Whiteboard
  • Sharing files and applications
  • Polls
/ Please book through IRIS
14 Sept / Wed / 1-3 / CH / C101,
Cadman / Using Socrative and Padlet,
Please bring along mobile devices, laptops, tablets, mobile phone / Staff with some experience /
  • Creating and using an online response system
  • Embedding a Padlet into your Blackboard Course
/ Please book through IRIS
20 Sept / Tues / 10-11 / HWS / C101 / BB Assessment / Staff with some experience /
  • Setting up an assessment point in Turnitin
  • Online marking with Turnitin
  • Managing assessments
/ Please book through IRIS
21 Sept / Wed / 12-12.30 / HWS / Online / Best Practice in Blackboard – e-submission / All /
  • Setting up an assessment point in Turnitin
/ Please book through IRIS
28 Sept / Wed / 12-12.30 / HWS / Online / Best Practice in Blackboard – increasing engagement / Staff with some experience /
  • Setting up and engaging students in discussion forums
  • Using announcements to engage students
/ Please book through IRIS
28 Sept / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA
KG / iLab / Twitter for newbies / Beginners /
  • Overview of Twitter features and functionality making it work for you
/ Please book through IRIS
5th Oct / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA
KG / iLab / Capturing and manipulating images with smartphone / All /
  • BYOD event any smartphone using free online software
/ Please book through IRIS
12th Oct / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / KG / iLab / Getting to know your PC / All /
  • Gaining an understanding of the University standard desktop applications
/ Please book through IRIS
19th Oct / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA / iLab / Free media to enhance presentations / All /
  • How to find free to reuse multi-media and understanding licenses
/ Please book through IRIS
26th Oct / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA
KG / iLab / OneNote: Let’s work together / All /
  • How to use this for collaborative projects and activities
/ Please book through IRIS
2nd Nov / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA
KG / iLab / Writing for the web / All /
  • How to get your message across efficiently and effectively
/ Please book through IRIS
9thNov / Wed / 9.00-11.00 / JS / C101 Cadman / Embed Social Media in Learning / Teaching Staff /
  • How you can use Facebook to engage and support your students
  • How you can use Twitter to engage and support your students
  • How you can use WhatsApp to engage and support your students
  • How to create your Digital Footprint with Linkedin and encourage your students to do the same to enhance their employment opportunities
/ Please book through IRIS
9th Nov / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA
KG / iLab / Skype for Business / All /
  • Using Skype for Business effectively for collaborative meetings
/ Please book through IRIS
9th Nov / Wed / 12.00-1.00 / JS / C101 Cadman / Create and Interactive Classroom with Padlet / Teaching Staff /
  • Overview of Padlet collaborative technology
  • Embedding a Padlet into your Blackboard Course
/ Please book through IRIS
9th Nov / Wed / 1.00-2.00 / JS / C101 Cadman / Create an Interactive Classroom with Socrative / Teaching Staff /
  • Overview of Socrative online quizzes
  • Creating and using Socrative quizzes
/ Please book through IRIS
10th Nov / Thurs / 9.00-11.00 / JS / BL035 Stafford / Embed Social Media in Learning / Teaching Staff /
  • How you can use Facebook to engage and support your students
  • How you can use Twitter to engage and support your students
  • How you can use WhatsApp to engage and support your students
  • How to create your Digital Footprint with Linkedin and encourage your students to do the same to enhance their employment opportunities
/ Please book through IRIS
10th Nov / Thurs / 12.00-1.00 / JS / BL035 Stafford / Create an Interactive Classroom with Padlet / Teaching Staff /
  • See the TEL: Explorer page with Padlet for more information about Padlet and how you could use it to enhance learning
/ Please book through IRIS
10th Nov / Thurs / 1.00-2.00 / JS / BL035 Stafford / Create an Interactive Classroom with Socrative / Teaching Staff /
  • Overview of Socrative online quizzes
  • Creating and using Socrative quizzes
/ Please book through IRIS
15th Nov / Tues / 12.00-1.30 / JS / T205 Beacon / Blackboard Collaborative Tools / Teaching Staff /
  • How blogs, wikis,journals,discussion forums and group features can enhance your module and course
  • Creating activities with these tools
/ Please book through IRIS
16th Nov / Wed / 9.00-10.30 / JS / IT Training room Shrewsbury / Blackboard Collaborative Tools / Teaching Staff /
  • How blogs, wikis,journals,discussion forums and group features can enhance your module and course
  • Creating activities with these tools
/ Please book through IRIS
16th Nov / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / KG / iLab / Getting stylish in Word / All /
  • Understanding the importance of styles for easy document production and navigation
  • Creating and modifying styles in your documents
/ Please book through IRIS
16th Nov / Wed / 1.00-3.00 / DH HWS SL / B211 / Pedagogy FIRST / Teaching Staff /
  • What is Active Learning and do you do it?
  • What are the main pedagogic approaches and when would you use them?
  • How do you work with your students?
  • How would you like to work with your students?
  • Can the technology help?
  • How to do it?
/ Please book through IRIS
17th Nov / Thurs / 9.00-10.30 / JS / BL035 Stafford / Blackboard Collaborative Tools / Teaching Staff /
  • How blogs, wikis,journals,discussion forums and group features can enhance your module and course
  • Creating activities with these tools
/ Please book though IRIS
23rd Nov / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / KG / iLab / Presenting data using Infographics / All /
  • Overview of Infographics software
/ Please book through IRIS
29th Nov / Tues / 12.00-2.00 / HWS DH SL / A110 Blackheath Lane / Pedagogy FIRST / Teaching Staff /
  • What is Active Learning and do you do it?
  • What are the main pedagogic approaches and when would you use them?
  • How do you work with your students?
  • How would you like to work with your students?
  • Can the technology help?
  • How to do it?
/ Please book through IRIS
30th Nov / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA / iLab / Making best use of / All /
  • An overview of training materials and making best use
  • Accreditation and linking up to Linked-in
/ Please book through IRIS
7th Dec / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / EJ / iLab / Rebus Reading Lists / All /
  • Overview of Rebus reading lists software and integrating into learning materials
/ Please book through IRIS
14th Dec / Wed / 3.30-4.30 / JFA / iLab / Meet BOB / All /
  • Overview of BOB, its functionality and embedding
/ Please book through IRIS
18th Jan / 1.00-3.00 / HWS DH SL / AB Shrewsbury / Pedagogy FIRST / Teaching Staff /
  • What is Active Learning and do you do it?
  • What are the main pedagogic approaches and when would you use them?
  • How do you work with your students?
  • How would you like to work with your students?
  • Can the technology help?
  • How to do it?
/ Please book through IRIS

Additional workshops currently being developed:

  • Qualtrics
  • Media library
  • Flashback
  • Prezi

Potential generic training sessions (open to all staff) applicable for academics

  • Excel- pivot tables, managing data and working on large spreadsheets
  • Word-working on large documents
  • OneDrive- survey tool
  • Email management
  • Advanced Powerpoint: sound, video and animation
  • Managing your digital identity and security
  • Understanding Copyright

Academy of Teaching Excellence Fellows

Topic / Date and time / Intended learning outcomes / Target audience / Room / Mapping to UKPSF
New Fellows’ Projects / Friday
14th October
10.00-12.00 / Understand the scope of the new Fellows projects
Identify good practice which can be shared across disciplines / All Teaching Excellence Fellows / L518 / A1-A5
New Tricks / Friday
3rd February
10.00-12.00 / Recognise innovative teaching approaches to teaching
Consider the cross-disciplinary sharing of these new approaches / All Teaching Excellence Fellows / L518 / A1-A5
Engaging students / Friday
30th June
10.00-12.00 / Identify successful ways to engage students in learning
Examine engagement strategies that can be shared across disciplines / All Teaching Excellence Fellows / L518 / A1-A5

A conference is also being organised by the Teaching Excellence Fellows-please see conference section below(pages 12-13)

Academic leadership

Topic / Date and time / Tutor / Intended learning outcomes / Target audience / Room / Mapping to UKPSF
Academic Leaders’ Forums
Managing diversity: Understanding and Addressing Black and Minority Ethnic Attainment in HE / Wednesday 28th September / Dr Gurnam Singh – Principal Lecturer in Social Work, Chester University / Recognise the racial disparities in student attainment
Examine the under-representation of BAME staff within HE leadership roles / Any academic with leadership responsibilities / LT114/116 / A2-A5
Engaging academics / Wednesday 19th October / Peter Jackson
Marketing / Recognise own influence on how to engage academics in enhancement activities
Contribute ideas and suggestions for the positive engagement of academics in promoting Careers Fest to students / Any academic with leadership responsibilities / Cadman Executive Boardroom / A5
Managing Finances / Wednesday
9th November
12.00-2.00 / Margaret Monkton, Director of Finance and Chief Operating Officer / Explain the source of university finances
Understand institutionalFinance systems affecting academic teams
Recognise the responsibilities of an academic leader in managing finances / Any academic with leadership responsibilities / LT114/116 / A5
Digital Leadership / 7th December
12.00-2.00 / Mr. Howard Whitely, Director of Digital Transformation / Understand digital capabilities and you: identifying and mapping practice, preferences and opportunities
Recognise the anatomy of a digitally-capable organisation: how does ours shape up?
Explain the links between leadership, digital presence and creating credible narratives / Any academic with leadership responsibilities / LT114/116 / A5
Understanding and using learner analytics / January- date to be confirmed / Phil Hawley, Mike Hamlyn and Rachel Bolton-King / Identify the key elements in learner analytics within the student life-cycle
Understand own responsibilities for leading own team in monitoring and acting upon key aspects of learner analytics
Apply knowledge of learner analytics to own curriculum context / Any academic with leadership responsibilities / A5
Managing people: appraising academic staff to succeed / March - date to be confirmed / Paula Cottrell and Debra Tilbury / Any academic with leadership responsibilities / A5
Leading Academics
Day 1
Developing as an effective academic manager / Monday
12th December 2016
9.00-4.00 / Marj Spiller / Reflect on changes to own identity as an academic when taking on more management responsibilities
Identify strategies to positively approach own developing role
Recognise the importance of feedback as a way of highlighting own areas for development / Current or aspiring academic managers/leaders / Cadman Executive Boardroom / A5
Day 2
Building a high performance teaching team / Monday
13th March 2017
9.00-4.00 / Marj Spiller / Find workable solutions to a range of hypothetical management challenges
Identify preferred strategies to own team management issues / Current or aspiring academic managers/leaders / Cadman Executive Boardroom / A5
Day 3
Leading within Higher Education / Tuesday
27th June 2017
9.00-4.00 / Marj Spiller / Understand the wider context of own developing role as an academic leader/manager
Recognise the key challenges impacting on own role from within the University and/or beyond / Current or aspiring academic managers/leaders / Cadman Executive Boardroom / A5

Quality assurance and enhancement