Lyle Kirk, Greenock

Tasks of the ‘Duty Elder’

Before the 10.30am service

1.  Be at church at 9.45am and open the gates and front and back doors of the church

2.  Switch on electricity and lights

3.  Switch on the microphone system and check that it is working

4.  Have the radio mike available for the minister/preacher

5.  Put fresh glasses of water at the Prayer Desk and in the Pulpit

6.  Check that offering plates/bags are at the back of the church

7.  Switch on reredos lights – switch to the right of the organ

8.  Light the candle in front of the Bible on the Communion Table (matches on the Prayer Desk)

9.  Place a glass of water on each of the stands in the side aisles

10. Prepare hymn boards and hang up

11. Set the markers in the lectern Bible at the readings for the day

12. At the start of the service carry the Bible to the Communion Table and open it. Retire to place.

During the service

1.  In event of anyone becoming unwell, render whatever help is appropriate, if necessary calling for an ambulance. There are wheelchairs available in each building

2.  Inform Sunday School of start of last hymn

After the service

1.  Take the Bible from the Communion Table to the back of the church. Please keep the Bible open.

2.  Empty glasses of water

3.  Check that the sanctuary is tidy (orders of service, notices sheets not lying about)

4.  Switch off the microphone system

5.  Put the radio mike away

6.  There is no need to stay until after everyone else has left – the Welcome Team Banker will lock up


1.  Ensure that there is warm water in the font

2.  Put “Reserved” notices on front row for baptismal family

3.  Put white lectern fall and book-marks in place

4.  Lead parents into church to the reserved row when they arrive

5.  Escort parents out at the last verse of hymn after baptism

6.  After service, empty font and replace usual fall and book-marks.


1.  Check White Lectern Fall and Book-marks are in place.

2.  Move the portable communion table to the carpet at the foot of the steps, and place two chairs behind it