Frequently Asked Questions
How do I renew registration ?
Ø You can renew registration electronically. Select the link “Registration Renewal”. Modify the details, if any, and make online payment of renewal fee. Your renewal is done. You may produce the printed e-Chalan receipt before your Assessing Officer and obtain renewed Registration Certificate.
How do I take salesman permit ?
Ø You can apply for salesman permit online. Select the link online applications and select salesman permit. Fill in the commodity details and the number of permits required. Pay the required fees online. Produce the e-challan receipt obtained at the Assessing Office to get the Printed Certificate.
How do I file Returns ?
Ø To file Monthly / Quarterly /Annual return click File Return on the left side.
Ø Return can be submitted only after uploading invoice details and making e-payment of tax due if any.
How to identify Commodities Group
Ø The commodities are grouped. To see the details of commodities coming under a particular Group click the link Download Commodity Group List.
Purchase and Sales Invoice Statement
Ø Offline template is provided to upload Purchase & Sales Statement. To use the template pleas download the template here: Download Invoice Format.
Ø Purchase Statement requires the details of all purchases including import, interstate, local, stock transfer. Statutory Forms can be downloaded only from the invoices uploaded by you.
How to enter Purchase from Unregistered Dealers
Ø For uploading invoice details of purchase from unregistered dealers, use TIN as 88888888888.
How to enter Sales to Registered Dealers
Ø Sales Statement requires the invoice details of all dealer to dealer sales details. Fill in the TIN of the purchaser
How to enter Retail Sales (to ultimate customers)
Ø For retail sales only total amount of sales need to be shown. You need to use TIN as 77777777777 to indicate retail sales.
How to enter Sales to Unregistered Traders
Ø For sales to unregistered traders, only total amount need to be shown. Use 99999999999 in the TIN colum.
How do I make upload file from the offline template ?
Ø After filling the columns in the template for Sales statement, click validate button on the top right side of the spreadsheet. A file named ‘Sales.txt’ will be created in the folder ‘C:\KVATS’ after successful verification of sales invoice data. Similarly validate the purchases in the purchase sheet which will create file named ‘Purchases.txt’ in the ‘C:\KVATS’
How do I upload Sales Invoices?
Ø Go to the link ‘Upload Sales Invoice’ , select Assessment year from the list. Select the return period by clicking button on the right side. You will be requested to select file to upload on the bottom of the page. Click the ‘Browse” button and select the file ‘C:\KVATS\Sales.txt’. Now click the ‘Upload file’ Button.
How do I upload Purchases Invoices?
Ø Go to the link ‘Upload Purchase Invoice’, select Assessment year from the list. Select the return period by clicking button on the right side. You will be requested to select file to upload on the bottom of the page. Click the ‘Browse” button and select the file ‘C:\KVATS\Purchase.txt’. Now click the ‘Upload file’ Button.
How do I make Advance Tax Payment?
Ø All Advance tax payments should be made by e-Payment.
1. Select the ‘Advance Tax’ link on the left side of your home page.
2. Select ‘Payment Particulars’ link and choose Application type as Advance Tax and enter the amount to be paid and submit
3. Select ‘Make e-Payment’ link and choose assessment year. Select the entry made above and complete online payment.
How do I utilize Advance Tax at Credit?
Ø Utilization of advance tax can be made against each consignment transaction, if there is sufficient Advance Tax at credit. Select ‘Advance Tax’ link on the left side of your home page. Select ‘New Utilization’ link and submit the consignment details after filling the required information. Submit the Utilization and Print the utilization receipt to be carried along with the consignment.
My return is not showing eligible Advance Tax / Special Rebate / Reverse Tax / Input Tax Credit on Capital Goods etc…
Ø You have submitted the returns without verifying that all details are updated in your returns. Therefore, before submission of returns, you are required to click on the sections corresponding to Advance Tax, Special Rebate, Reverse Tax, IPT on Capital goods etc and cross verify that the details have actually coming before submission of the returns.
How do I know my tax due?
Ø Once you fill in various sections of periodic return, System automatically calculates VAT Summary and tax due for payment.
How do I pay my tax due?
Ø Once you complete the return details and uploaded the purchase and sales invoices, you are required to submit the returns. Select the print return link on the left side of your home page, accept the declaration and submit the return. The system leads you to the e-payment process for payment of tax due.
Do I need an Internet Banking Account for paying tax ?
Ø Yes, you are required to open a zero balance internet banking account for payment of tax. All dealers registered with the Commercial Taxes Department are permitted to open zero balance account from State Bank of Travancore / State Bank of India for the purpose of tax e-payment.
Ø To make e-Payment click Make ePayment. On selecting the Bank the user will be diverted to Bank’s sit for effecting payment. After making payment an option is available in the Bank’s site to take printout of Cyber receipt.
Ø During the course of e-payment, if payment is interrupted; click the link Payment Transactions to abort the previous transaction and to proceed with e-payment process again.
Ø After making e-payment return submission completed automatically and take the printout of the return from the link Print Return.
Ø e-challan can also be printed. Once treasury scroll is updated in KVATIS, e-challan bears the details of KVATIS, Bank & Treasury references.
Ø e-consignment declaration can be access from the Home Page. But consignments attracting Advance Tax payment shall proceed through the link Advance Tax.
Ø Statutory Forms like C, E, F, H Forms can be downloaded from the link Form Download.
Ø Registration Certificate can be renewed and make e-Payment through the link Registration Renewal.
Ø Closing Stock Inventory can be uploaded through the link Upload Closing Stock.
Ø Statutory Audit Report can be uploaded through the link Audit Statement.
o When I click to select from a list of values, I get an error message “500 - Internal Server Error”.
§ If you are using Internet Explorer, select menu. Tools -> Internet Options – choose ‘Security’ tab section, click on “Custom Level…” button. Scroll down to find “Enable XSS filter” settings and choose the option “Disable” and press OK.