Nhi Ngo
PhD Candidate
Department of Psychology, Northeastern University
2011-2016 PhD Social Psychology (expected)
Northeastern University, Boston, M.A., U.S.
2005-2010 B.A.,Psychology
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, U.S.
2008-2009 Associated Kyoto Program
Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
2015 Travel Award, Emotion Pre-conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference - $300
2014 National Science Foundation East Asia Pacific Summer Institute Fellowship, in partnership with Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Summer Program Grant - $10,000
2010 R. H. Stetson Award for Best Research in Psychology and Psychobiology, Oberlin College- $500
2008 Young Alumni Fund Award for Summer Internship, Oberlin College - $1000
Journal articles
Ngo, N., & Isaacowitz, D. M. (2015). Use of context in emotion perception: The role of top-down control, cue type, and perceiver’s age.Emotion,15(3), 292.
Zhao, J., Ngo, N., McKendrick, R., & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2011). Mutual interference between statistical summary perception and statistical learning.Psychological Science, 22,1212-1219.
Book chapters
Ngo, N, Sanders-Cannon, Isaacowitz, D. Emotion-Cognition Interface in Aging: Theories and Evidence. Handbook of Theories of Aging.
Cannon, M., Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. Motivation-Emotion Links in Adulthood and Old Age (in press). Handbook of Emotions. Lewis, M., Haviland-Jones, J.M., Barrett, L.F. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Conference papers
Nguyen, T., Carstensdóttir, E.,Ngo, N., Seif El-Nasr, M., Gray, M., Isaacowitz, D., DeSteno, D.. Modeling warmth and competence in virtual characters. The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Delft, the Netherlands.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2015, February). Culture and contextual influence on emotion perception: disposition or situation? Selected data blitz at the Emotion Pre-conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2014, November). Aging and emotion perception competence: the role of context. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Gerontology Society of America, Washington D.C.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2014, February). Relevance matters: Effect of supposed scene context relevance on facial expression perception. Selected data blitz at the Emotion Pre-conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2013, February). Age difference in the influence of context on emotion recognition. Invited talk: Harvard University Vision Sciences Lab – Prosopagnosia Group Meeting, Boston, MA.
Conference presentations
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2015, November). Cultural and age differences in implicit beliefs about trait consistency: a comparison between Japanese and American samples. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontology Society of America. Orlando, FL.
Chan, M., Fung, H., Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2015, November). Development of a picture inventory for cross-cultural research in aging. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontology Society of America. Orlando, FL.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2014, April). Attention to context in emotion recognition is modulated by relevance instruction. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Affective Science. Washington D.C.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2013, November). Not worse, just different: Older adults’ use of context in emotion recognition. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontology Society of America. New Orleans, LA.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2013, January). Contextual influence on emotion recognition across the lifespan. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.
Ngo, N., Isaacowitz, D. (2013, January). Age differences in automatic context bias depend on the type of context. Poster presented at the Emotion pre-conference of the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. New Orleans, LA.
Zhao, J., Ngo, N., McKendrick, R. & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2011, May). Statistical summary perception interferes with statistical learning and vice versa. Poster presented at the Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. Naples, FL.
9/2011-presentLifespan Emotional Development Lab, Northeastern University
Advisor: Dr.Derek Isaacowitz
Graduate Student Researcher
6/2014-8/2014 Kokoro Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Advisor: Dr.Sakiko Yoshikawa
Visiting Graduate Student Researcher
9/2010-5/2011 Vision Lab, Psychology Department, Princeton University
Principal Researcher: Dr. Nick Turk-Browne
Post-graduate researcher
6/2010-9/2010 Vision Science Lab, Psychology Department, Harvard University
Principal Researcher: Dr. Ken Nakayama
Post-graduate researcher
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
The Gerontology Society of America
Society for Affective Science
2011 – present Teaching Assistant, Northeastern University
Research Methods (Fall 2012)
Statistical Methods for Psychological Research (Spring 2013 – present)
2011 – present Laboratory Supervisor for Lifespan Emotional Development lab course students, Directed Study students and volunteers
2012 - 2013 Senior Thesis supervisor for Heather Stolof, Brandeis University
(Advised by Derek Isaacowitz)
2011 – present Graduate Student Mentor for the Mentorship Program for Undergraduate Students in Psychology
4/2015 Teaching Workshop for Psychology Graduate Students
Matlab, SPSS, Photoshop, Eye-tracking, EEG, peripheral physiological measures (EKG, skin conductance, RSA), basic VBA scripting, multilevel modelling, categorical data analysis (logistic regression and log linear analysis)
English (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Vietnamese (native)