S.G. Chap 5, Bio2
5.1` Overview
1. What things does the blood do for us?
2. What does the lymphatic system do for us?
5.2 Types of Blood Vessels
3. How do you define an artery?
4. What is the inner most layer of an artery called?
5. What art arterioles?
6. When arterioles constrict, what happens to blood pressure?
7. The walls of capillaries are made only of an ______.
8. What controls the flow of blood through a capillary?
9. What do veins do?
10. Veins often have valves. What do these valves do?
5.3 Double Pump
11. The major portion of the heart wall is called the ______.
12. The heart sits in a sac called the ______.
13. The heart is separated into the right side and left side by the ______.
14. The heart has 4 chambers, the upper 2 are called the _____.
15. The valves that lie between thee atria and the ventricles are called ______.
16. What do the chordae tendineae do?
17. The right AV valve is also called the _____ valve and the left AV the ______.
18. Where do you find the semilunar valves?
19. How does the myocardium get nutrients and oxygen?
20. What is a myocardial infarction?
21. Review the passage of blood through the heart.
22. Define Systole and Diastole.
23. What is happening to cause the 1st and 2nd heart sounds?
24. A heart murmur results from a ______.
25. What does the SA Node do?
26. What is an ECG (EKG)?
27. What is happening during ventricular fibrillation?
5.4 Features
28. What is a pulse?
29. Why does blood flow from one place to another?
30. The highest arterial pressure is called the ______.
31. Chronic high blood pressure is called ______.
32. What are the 3 factors in venous return of blood to the heart?
33. What happens to the thoracic pressure upon inspiration?
5.5 Pathways
34. Describe the pulmonary and systemic circuits.
35. What is a portal system?
5.6 Exchange
36. What are the 2 forces involved in capillary fluid exchange?
37. Describe osmotic pressure.
38. What happens to the excess interstitial fluid?
5.7 Disorders
39. What is hypertension?
40. What is atherosclerosis?
41. What are a thrombus and an embolus?
42. What are some of the causes of atherosclerosis?
43. Are statins safe?
44. What is a CVA?
45. What is an MI?
46. What is angina pectoris?
47. What is an aneurysm?
48. How can a physician dissolve clots?