Are You Smarter Than…?

Series of Events

·  MC will explain rules/procedures of the game (including explanation of CPS for adults)

·  All students will sing the theme song from the mats

·  MC will provide brief background information about the contestant

·  Contestant will pick a team from the student panel **team changes every 2 questions

·  Contestant will choose a category and point value

·  MC will read the question (remind the audience and student teams to answer the question)

·  Contestant will talk through the question – contestant may choose to use one of the cheats (peek at the student panel answers, copy from the selected team, poll audience)

·  After all student teams have been selected, the MC will conclude the episode by stating the score and having the contestant say, “I am NOT smarter than a ___ grader!”

·  During the transition between episodes:

o  Next grade level sings

o  Contestant changes

o  Student panel changes

o  CPS audience changes

o  New Cheats written on board


·  A point system will be used to determine the winner – the contestant is still in the game if he/she misses a question – whoever has the most points at the end of 20 questions (or after each student team is selected) is the winner.

·  There are 5 questions per category.

·  The student team changes every 2 questions.

·  There are 3 cheats for the contestant to use:

o  Peek – The contestant can peek at the student panel answers. The contestant may decide if he/she wants to go with that answer or not.

o  Copy – The contestant can copy the answer from the selected team. The contestant MUST use the answer provided by the team.

o  Poll Audience – The contestant can poll the audience. The contestant may decide if he/she wants to go with that answer or not.

·  The audience will be polled for every question.