Dr. James C. Seferis

Detailed Publication List

Books and Edited Volumes

1.  Seferis, J.C. and Gaylord, R.J., Eds., “Amorphous Control of Solid State Properties - Introductory-Remarks,” Polymer Engineering and Science Special Issue, 19 14, 953-954 (1979).

2.  Seferis, J.C., Ed., "Industry/University Cooperative Programs," Workshop Proceedings, Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D. C. (1980).

3.  Seferis, J.C. and Nicolais, L., Eds.,”The Role of the Polymeric Matrix in the Processing and Structural Properties of Composite Materials,” Plenum Press (1983).

4.  Seferis, J.C., Theocaris, P.S., Eds., Pure and Applied Chemistry Special Symposium, Elsevier (1983).

5.  Seferis, J.C., Theocaris, P.S., Eds., International Symposium on Interrelations Between Processing, Structure, and Properties of Polymeric Materials, Elsevier (1984).

6.  Salmen, L., de Ruvo, A., Seferis, J.C., and Stark, E.B., Eds., "Composite Systems from Natural and Synthetic Polymers," Elsevier (1986).

7.  Seferis, J.C. and Quinlivan, J.T., Eds., "Composite Structures: From Molecular to Load Bearing,” Polym. Eng. and Sci. 28 9 (1988).

8. Seferis, J.C. and Quinlivan, J.T., Eds., "Integrated Composites Technology,” Proceedings American Society for Composites, Third Technical Conference, Technomic (1988).

Publications in Journals, Proceedings and Periodicals

1.  Seferis, J.C., McCullough, R.L. and Samuels, R.J. "Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Polypropylene Films,” Applied Polymer Symposia, 27 205-28 (1975).

2.  Seferis, J.C., McCullough, R.L. and Samuels, R.J. “Relationships between the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Polypropylene Films and Molecular Orientation,” ACS Plast. And Coat. Prepr. 35 2 210-14 (1975).

3.  Seferis, J.C., McCullough, R.L. and Samuels, R.J. “Constitutive Relationships for the Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Crystalline Polymers,” Polym. Eng. and Sci. 16 334-343 (1976).

4.  McCullough, R.L., Wu, C.T., Seferis, J.C. and Lindenmeyer, P. H. "Predictions of Limiting Mechanical Performance of Anisotropic Crystalline Polymers,” Polym. Eng. and Sci. 16 5 371-387 (1976); ACS Delaware Section, Runner-Up Best Paper Award (1977).

5.  Seferis, J.C. and Samuels, R.J., “Examination of Oriented Crystalline Polymers by Mechanical and Optical Techniques,” Proc. AIChE 70th Annual Meeting, Paper 100b, Symposium on Structural Development During Polymer Processing, New York, New York, November (1977).

6.  Seferis, J.C., McCullough, R.L. and Samuels, R.J. “Influence of Structure on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Polymers,” J. Macro. Sci.- Phys. B13 3 357-80 (1977); ACS Delaware Section, Runner-Up Best Paper Award (1978).

7.  Keenan, J.D., Seferis, J.C. and Quinlivan, J.T. "The Effects of Moisture and Stoichiometry on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Carbon Reinforced Epoxy Composites,” ACS Polym. Prep.40 700 (1979).

8.  Seferis, J.C. and Samuels, R.J. “Coupling of Optical and Mechanical Properties in Crystalline Polymers,” Polym. Eng. and Sci. 19 14 975-994 (1979).

9.  Seferis, J.C. “The Determination of Amorphous Orientation in Crystalline Polymers from Anisotropic Mechanical and Optical Experiments,” AIChE 87th National Meeting, Paper 36c, Symposium on Structural Influences on the Deformation Behavior of Polymeric Solids and Melts II, Boston, Massachusetts (1979).

10.  Mikols, W.J. and Seferis, J.C. “Environmental and Chemical Effects on the Properties of Carbon Fiber Composites,” AIChE 72nd Annual Meeting, Paper 49c, Symp on Advances in Carbon Fiber Composites Technology, San Francisco, CA, November, (1979).

11.  Keenan, J.D., Seferis, J.C. and Quinlivan, J.T. "The Effects of Moisture and Stoichiometry on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of a High Performance Structural Epoxy,” J. of Appl. Poly. Sci. 24 12 2375-2387 (1979).

12.  Seferis, J. C. and Gaylord, R. J. "Amorphous Control of Solid State Properties," Polym. Eng. and Sci. 19 953 (1979).

13.  Mikols, W. J. and Seferis, J.C. “Anisotropic Measurements on Single-Ply Lamina Composites,” Resins for Aerospace, C. A. May, Ed., ACS Symp. Series 132 293 (1980).

14.  Cooper, C.A., McCullough, R.L., Gates, B.C. and Seferis, J.C. “Structure-Property Relations of Solid Polymeric Catalysts: Isopropyl Alcohol Dehydration in Semicrystalline, Sulfonated Polyethylene-Grated Styrene,” J. of Catalysis 63 2 372-382 (1980).

15.  Thomson, B.J. and Seferis, J.C., "Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Biaxially-Oriented Balanced Crystalline Polymers,” Proc. AIChE 73rd Annual Meeting, Paper 99f, Symp. on Processing and Engineering Properties of Polymeric Materials, Chicago, IL, November (1980).

16.  Wedgewood, A.R. and Seferis, J.C., "Error Analysis and Modeling of Non-Linear Stress-Strain Behavior in Measuring Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Polymers with the Rheovibron,” Polymer 22 7 966-991 (1981).

17.  Seferis, J.C. “Composites and Thermosets,” Polymer News 7 226 (1981).

18.  Chu, H.S. and Seferis, J.C. “Network Structure Description and Analysis of Amine-Cured Epoxy Matrices", The Role of the Polymeric Matrix in the Processing and Structural Properties of Composite Materials, Seferis, J.C. and Nicolais, L. Eds., Plenum Press (1983).

19.  Mikols, W.J., Seferis, J.C., Apicella, A., and Nicolais, L. "Evaluation of Structural Changes in Epoxy Systems by Moisture Sorption-Desorption and Dynamic Mechanical Studies,” Polymer Composites 3 3 118-124 (1982).

20.  Wedgewood, A.R., Seferis, J.C. and Beck, T. R. "Transport and Related Properties of Paint Films: Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Humidity Effects,” J. of Appl. Poly. Sci. 30 1 111-133 (1985).

21.  Cooper, C.A., Gates, B.C., McCullough, R.L. and Seferis, J.C., “The Influence of Draw-Induced Structural Changes on the Activity of a Semicrystalline Polymer-Supported Catalyst.” J. of Poly. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. 20 2 173-189 (1982).

22.  Dusi, M. R., May, C. A. and Seferis, J.C., “Predictive Models as an Aid to Thermoset Resin Processing,” ACS Organic Coat. and Appl. Polym. Sci. Proc. 47 635 (1982).

23.  Mikols, W.J. and Seferis, J.C. “Moisture-Temperature Effects on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Polymers", in Chemorheology of Thermosetting Polymers, ACS Symposium Series, 227, 95-112 (1983).

24.  Munns, T.E. and Seferis, J.C. “High Performance Epoxy Resins Cured in the Presence of BF3 Catalysts”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 28 (7), 2227-2233 (1983).

25.  Stark, E.B., Ibrahim, A. M. and Seferis, J.C. "Experimental Analysis of the Network Structure for High Performance TGDDM-Novalac-DDS Epoxy Matrix System", Proc. 28th Int’l SAMPE Symp., 581-589 (1983).

26.  Bayer, R.K., Elia, A.E. and Seferis, J.C. “Structural Characterization of Polyethylene Injection Molded by Elongational Flow”, Polym. Eng. Reviews, 4 No. 3 201-220 (1984).


Apicella, A., Nicolais, L., Mikols, W.J. and Seferis, J.C. “Sorption Mechanisms in Glassy Thermosets", Proc. IUPAC Symp. on Interrelations between Processing, Structure, and Properties of Polymeric Materials,” Seferis, J.C. and Theocaris, P. S. Eds,, Elsevier, (1984).

28.  Seferis, J.C. “Perspectives on University/Industry Cooperative Programs and Research", Proc. Council of Graduate Schools Conference on Recent Developments in Graduate Programs (1984).

29.  Ibrahim, A.M. and Seferis, J.C. “Solution Processing of Epoxy Resins”, Proc. IUPAC Symp. on Interrelations between Processing Structure and Properties of Polymeric Materials,: J. C. Seferis and P. S. Theocaris, Eds., Elsevier (1984).

30.  Wedgewood, A.R. and Seferis, J.C. "Structural Characterization of Linear Polyethylene by Infrared Spectroscopy", J. Pure and Appl. Chem., 55 5 873-892 (1983).

31.  Dusi, M.R., May, C.A. and Seferis, J.C. “Predictive Models as Aids to Thermoset Resin Processing” in Chemorheology of Thermosetting Polymers, May, C. A. Ed., ACS Symp. Series 227 301-318 (1983).

32.  Munns, T. E. and Seferis, J.C. “Coupling of DSC and Dynamic Mechanical Experiments for Probing Processing-Structure-Property Relationships of Catalyst Modified High Performance Epoxy Matrices”, Analytical Calorimetry, 5, Plenum (1984).

33.  Warbington, R.H., Crowe, W.C., Seferis, J.C., deVries, A. J., Gehrke, R. and Zachmann, H. G. "The Effect of a Magnetic Tape Coating Process on the Structure and Properties of a Semi-Crystalline Polymer,” Colloid and Polym. Sci. 264 8 683-690 (1986).

34.  Seferis, J.C., Elia, A. E., and Wedgewood A. R. “Generalized Anisotropic Descriptions for the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Polymers", Proc. European Meeting on Polymer Processing and Properties, Astarita G. and Nicolais, L. Eds., Plenum (1984).

35.  Stark, E.B., Ibrahim, A.M. and Seferis, J.C. "The Effect of Bisphenol-A Novalac on High Performance Epoxy Formulations", Proc. IUPAC Symp. on Interrelations between Processing Structure and Properties of Polymeric Materials, J. C. Seferis and P. S. Theocaris, Eds., Elsevier (1984).

36.  Wedgewood, A.R. and Seferis, J.C. "A Quantitative Description for the Optical Properties of Crystalline Polymers Applied to Polyethylene", Polym. Eng. and Sci., Special Vol. Honoring Prof. R. S. Stein’s ACS Award, G. L. Wilkes, Ed., 24 5 328-344 (1984).

37.  Chu, H.S. and Seferis, J.C. “Dynamic Mechanical Experiments for Probing Process-Structure-Property Relations in Amine-Cured Epoxies", Polymer Composites, 5 2 124-140 (1984).

38.  Ibrahim, A.M., Wedgewood, A.R. and Seferis, J.C. “Characterization of Uniaxially Oriented Isotactic Polypropylene Films Using Sonic Velocity Measurements”, Polym. Eng. and Sci., 26 9 593-599 (1986).

39.  Stark, E.B., Seferis, J.C., Apicella, A. and Nicolais, L. "Stoichiometric and Heating Rate Effects on DSC-Evaluated Kinetics for a High Performance Epoxy System", Thermochimica Acta, 77 1-3 19-33 (1984).

40.  Stober, E.J., Seferis, J.C. and Keenan, J.D. "Characterization and Exposure of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) to Fluid Environments", Polymer 25 12 1845-1852 (1984).

41.  Ibrahim, A.M. and Seferis, J.C. “Salicylic Acid Modified High Performance Amine-Cured Epoxy Matrices”, Proc. 29th SAMPE Symp 29, 1405-1410 (1984).

42.  Stark, E.B., Ibrahim, A.M., Munns, T. E. and Seferis, J.C. "Moisture Effects During Cure of High-Performance Epoxy Matrices", J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 30 4 1717-1731 (1985).

43.  Ibrahim, A.M. and Seferis, J.C. “Salicylic Acid Modified High Performance Epoxy Matrices”, Polymer Composites 6 1 47-53 (1985).

44.  Seferis, J.C. “Cure Kinetics from Interrelating Several Thermal Analysis Techniques", Proc. 13th North America Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Conference, 213 (1984).

45.  Lane, J.W., Seferis, J.C. and Bachmann, M.A. "Dielectric Studies of the Cure of Epoxy Matrix Systems”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 31 5 1155-1167 (1986).

46.  Stark, E. B. and Seferis, J.C. "Kinetic Information from Multiple Thermal Analysis Techniques", ACS Polym, Prep. 26 1 23-25 (1985).

47.  Ibrahim, A.M., Quinlivan, T. and Seferis, J.C. “Processing of Polyethersulfone Reinforced High Performance Epoxy Blends”, ACS Polym, Prep. 26 1 277-278 (1985).

48.  Seferis, J.C. “Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) - Processing-Structure and Properties Studies for a Matrix in High Performance Composites", Polymer Composites 7 3 158-169 (1986).

49.  Lane, J.W., Bachmann, M.A. and Seferis, J.C. “Monitoring of Matrix Property Changes during Composite Processing”, Proc. SPE Antec '85, 318 (1985).

50.  Velisaris, C.N. and Seferis, J.C. "Thermal Processing and Characterization of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Matrices”, Proc. SPE Antec ’85 401-403 (1985).

51.  Lane, J.W., Seferis, J.C. and M.A. Bachmann, "Dielectric Modeling of the Curing Process,” Polym. Eng. And Sci. 26 346-353 (1986).

52.  Lee, W.J., Seferis, J.C. and Bonner, D.C. "Prepreg Processing Science”, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering SAMPE Qrtrly 17 2 58-68 (1986).

53.  Woo, E.M. and Seferis, J.C. "Thermal Sonic Analysis of Polymer Matrices and Composites", J. Composites Materials 21 3 262-279 (1987).

54.  Dillman, S.H. and Seferis, J.C. “Kinetic Viscoelasticity for the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Systems", J. Macro. Sci. Chemistry, A26 (1), 227-247 (1989).

55.  Velisaris, C.N. and Seferis, J.C. "Crystallization Kinetics of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Matrices", Polym. Eng. & Sci. 26 22 1574-1581 (1986).

56.  Velisaris, C.N. and Seferis, J.C. "Heat Transfer Effects on the Processing-Structure Relationships of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Based Composites", Polym. Eng. & Sci. 28 9 583-591 (1988).

57.  Seferis, J.C. and Velisaris, C.N. “Modeling-Processing-Structure Relationships of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Based Composites”, Proc. 31st Nat’l SAMPE Symp. 31 1236-1252 (1986).

58.  Woo, E M. and Seferis, J.C. "Acoustic Cure Monitoring of Epoxy Matrices and Composites”, Proc. SPE ANTEC ’86 375-380 (1986).

59.  Pournoor, K., Seferis, J.C. and Vassilatos, G. "A Composite Approach to the Characterization of High Speed Spun Fibers", Proc. SPE ANTEC ’86 428 (1986).

60.  Ostberg, G.M.K. and Seferis, J.C. “Annealing Effects on the Crystallinity of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and Its Carbon Fiber Composite", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 33 1 29-39 (1987).

61.  Lopez, P. R. and Seferis, J.C. “Characterization and Processing of Polyimide Matrix Composites,” Composites (1986).

62.  Prime, R.B. and Seferis, J.C. “Thermo-Oxidative Decomposition of Poly (Ether Ether Ketone)," J. Polym. Sci.-Polymer Letters 24 12 641-644 (1986).

63.  Seferis, J.C. and Wedgewood, A.R. “The Material Index Formulation for the Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Polymers" in Composite Systems from Natural and Synthetic Polymers, L. Salmen, A. De Ruvo, J. C. Seferis, and E. B. Stark, Eds., Elsevier (1986).

64.  Seferis, J.C., Ahlstrom, C, and Dillman, S. H. "Cooling Rate and Annealing as Processing Parameters for Semicrystalline Thermoplastic-Based Composites", Proc. SPE ANTEC ‘87 1467 (1987).

65.  Seferis, J.C. "Morphological Developments in Bismaleimide Matrix Composites during Processing", Proc. Academy of Athens, 303 (1986).

66.  Stober, E.J. and Seferis, J.C. "Penetrant Durability of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in Relation to Processing and Structure", Proc. Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Fall Conf. 222-228 (1986).

67.  Pournoor, K., Seferis, J.C. and Vassilatos, G. "A Composite Characterization of High Speed Spun Semicrystalline Fibers", Polymer Composites 8 4 271-284 (1987).

68.  Lee, W.J., Berg, J.C. and Seferis, J.C. “Characterizing High Performance Composite Processability with Dynamic Fiber Wettability Measurements”, Polymer Composites 9 1 36-41 (1988).

69.  Viot, J.F. and Seferis, J.C. "Process Resolved Morphology of Bismaleimide Matrix Composites", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 34 4 1459-1475 (1987).

70.  Woo, E.M., Chen, L.B. and Seferis, J.C. "Characterization of Epoxy/Bismaleimide Network Matrices", J. Mat’ls Sci., 22 10 3665-3671 (1987).

71.  Woo, E.M., Seferis, J.C. and Bravenec, L.D. "Characterization of Network Structures of Multi-Phase Epoxy Resins by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis”, Proc. 2nd Annual Tech. Conf. Am/ Soc. For Composites 569-582 (1987).

72.  Lee, W.J., Fukai, B.K., Seferis, J.C., and Chang, I. Y. "Thermal Processing and Characterization of a Kevlar Reinforced Polyamide”, Proc. SPE ANTEC ’87, 942-945 (1987).

73.  Nass, K.A., Seferis, J.C. and Bachmann, M.A. “Non-Isothermal Dielectric Response of Thermosets During Cure”, Proc. (SPE) ANTEC '87, 1047 (1987).

74.  Manson, J.-A. and Seferis, J.C. “Process Analysis and Properties of High Performance Thermoplastic Composites”, Proc. Eng. Applications of New Composites-Comp '86, S. A. Paipetis and G. C. Papanicolaou, Eds., Omega Scientific, 448 (1988).

75.  Manson, J.-A. and Seferis, J.C. “Internal Stress Determination by Process Simulated Laminates”, Proc. SPE ANTEC '87, 1446 (1987).

76.  Dillman, S.H., Seferis, J.C. and Prime, R. B. “Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Polymeric Systems Supported by Stainless Steel Mesh", Proc. 16th North America Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Conference, Washington, DC, 429 (1987).

77.  Loechelt, C.L. and Seferis, J.C. “Thermal Analysis of Multi-Phase Resin Matrices for Composites”, Proc. 16th North America Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Conference, 276 (1987).