Hao Wei, MD, Ph.D.VITA, 2002

HAO, Wei, MD., Ph.D.

Professor of Psychiatry

Director of WHO Collaborating Center for Drug Abuse and Health
Co-director of mental Health Institute

Central South University (Hunan Medical University)

Tel: +86-731-85292156

Fax: +86-731-85360160



Name: / Wei HAO
Gender: / Male
Place of Birth: / Anhui Province, P.R.CHINA.
Data of Birth: / May 25, 1957
Citizenship: / People's Republic of China
Marital Status: / Married


Medical Officer

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Control

Western Pacific Regional Office

World Health Organization

Manila, Philippines


1977.7-1982.8 / Medical Student, Faculty of Clinical Medicine, Anhui Medical College / Medical Doctor’s Degree granted
1984.8-1987.8 / Postgraduate Student, Mental Health Institute, Hunan Medical University. / Postdoctoral research certification granted
1990.8-1996.5 / Trainee, Japanese Extensive Training Course, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing
Visiting scholar, Dept of Psychiatry & Neurology, Hamamatsu Medical University (Japan)
Trainee, U.S. Drug Abuse Prevention Workshop by U.S. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
Trainee, Training Course of Drug Abuse Prevention Activities by Ministry of Health and Welfare and Drug Abuse Prevention Center, Japan. / Postdoctoral training certifications granted
1993.9-1996.7 / Institute of Mental Health, Central South University (Hunan Medical University) / Ph.D. granted


  1. Honorary President, Hunan Behavioral Medicine Association
  2. President, Chinese Psychiatrist Association
  3. Member, Standing Committee of Chinese Psychiatry Association, Chinese Neuroscience Association
  4. Director, Department of R & D, National Mental Health Center, CDC
  5. Vice President, Chinese Drug Abuse Treatment and Prevention Association
  6. Assistant Editor, Addiction
  7. Vice Chief editor, Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence.
  8. Vice Chief Editor, Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Treatment and Prevention
  9. Member of Editorial Board in fiver Chinese Journals (Referential Journal of Foreign Psychiatry, Journal of Practice Psychiatry, Journal of Physician, Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science, Medicine Section of Bulletin of Central South University)
  10. Founding and Active Member, The International Society of Addiction Medicine
  11. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee on Tobacco Production Regulation, World Health Organization
  12. Board Member, Administration Council of Medical Association of Hunan Province.
  13. Member, Expert Committee on Mental Health, Ministry of Health.
  14. Board Member, Chinese Association of Toxicology.
  15. Member, National Examination Committee on Qualification of Health Professionals, Ministry of Health.
  16. Member, Evaluation Committee on National Medical Scientific Research Reward and National Young Medical Professional Reward, Chinese Medical Association (2001-2006).
  17. Member, WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems
  18. National Focal Point for China for the implementation of Regional Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm in the Western Pacific Region, WHO.
  19. Chair, Education Committee of Asian-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research (APSAAR)


  1. Contributor, Drafting neurosis and psychoactive substance use related disorders in Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria on Mental Disorder.
  2. Participator, ICD-10 field trial in China
  3. Contributor, Women and Substance Abuse, 1993 Country Assessment Report, WHO/PSA
  4. Consultant: Rehabilitation and Relapse Prevention of Drug Abuse Program and Social Skills Training Program in Chinese Correctional Institutes
  5. Temporary consultant for WHO Consultation on Alcohol Epidemiology in Developing Societies
  6. Reviewer and Contributor, WHO/PAS Global Alcohol Database Project
  7. Reviewer, the Draft of Mental Health Legislation in China
  8. Project Reviewer, National Major Projects on Mental Health, National Scientific Committee
  9. Project Reviewer, Projects of National Nature Scientific Research Foundation
  10. Reviewer, Global Charter, International Center for Alcohol Policy
  11. Contributor, Drinking Problems in Developing Countries
  12. Project participants, Instrumental use of Amphetamine typed stimulants (ATSs), WHO/Substance Abuse Department.
  13. Short-term Consultant for WHO. Mental health status in Vietnam, Sept. 30-Oct. 21, 2003.
  14. Short-term Consultant for WHO. Invited lecturer of WHO training course on early recognition and intervention of psychosis. Hanoi, Vietnam. 14-16 Oct, 2003.
  15. Temporal Consultant for WHO. 4th WHO/CHINA Workshop on Addictive Behavior, Nov. 16-21, 2003.
  16. Medical Officer. First SPC/WHO Meeting on Alcohol and Health in Pacific Countries. New Caledonia, Sept. 28-30, 2004.
  17. Temporal Consultant for WHO. Consultative Meeting on Alcohol and Public Health. Geneva. Jun 7-9, 2005.
  18. Member of WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems


  1. Principal Investigator, Mental Health Okamoto Memorial Foundation, “Cross Culture Study on Neurotic Patients In Chinese And Japanese". 500,000 Japanese Yuan (5000 US$) 50%, 2/1990-2/1992.
  2. Principal Investigator, China Medical Board of New York Inc., "Prevention and Treatment of Drug Abuse in China", 120,000 US$, 20%, 6/1992-10/1996.
  3. Principal Investigator. China Education Committee, "Epidemiological Study on Opiate Use in China", 50,000 RMB (6000 US$) 100%, 10/1992-10/1993.
  4. Principal Investigator. World Health Organization. "Women and Substance Abuse in China (country report)". 2,000 US$, 100%, 6/1993-6/1994.
  5. Principal Investigator. National Natural Science Foundation. “QOL Questionnaire Development and QOL in General Population in China” 80,000 RMB (10000 US$), 20%, 6/1994-1997.
  6. Participator. National Natural Science Foundation. “The Chinese Taoism on the Treatment of Neurotic Patients: Principle and Mechanism” 80,000 RMB (10000 US$), 10%, 6/1995-1998.
  7. Principal Investigator. China Medical Board of New York Inc., “Substance Abuse in China””, 260,000 US$, 100%, 6/1996-6/2001.
  8. Principal Investigator. Mental Health Okamoto Memorial Foundation, “Comparison Study on Taoism Cognitive and Morita Therapy” 1,500,000 Japanese Yuan (14,000 US$), 50%, 8/1996-8/1997.
  9. Principal Investigator. PSA/WHO “Alcohol Data Bank (Country report)” 2,000 US$, 100%, 2/1997-8/1997.
  10. Principal Investigator. State Foundation for New Drug of Research and Development, “Research and Development of New Detoxification Chinese Herb Medicine for Opiate Abuse” 50,000 RMB (6,000 US$) 100%, 2/1998-12/2001.
  11. Principal Investigator. National Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau. “Screening Tests on Chinese Herbs on Detoxification Treatments of Opiate”, 80,000 RMB (6,400 US$), 100%, 8/1996-8/1997.
  12. Principal investigator. International Center for Alcohol Policy. “Chinese Translation and Peer Review of Global Charter on Alcohol”, 1200 US$, 100%, 1999.
  13. Principal Investigator. ‘95’ Major Project of State Science and Technology Committee of China. “The Effectiveness of Chinese Herb Medicine on Detoxification Treatment of Opiate Abuse: Clinical and Experiment Researches.” 420,000 (55,000 US$), 60%, 1996-2000.
  14. Principal Investigator. Substance Abuse Department/WHO. Rapid Assessment and Response of Amphetamine-typed Stimulants Use, 5,000US$, 100%, 2000-2002.
  15. Principal Investigator. Substance Abuse Department/WHO. 10,000US$, 100%, WHO Collaborative Study on Alcohol Involvement in Injuries. 2001-2002.
  16. Principal Investigator. WHO Project on Unrecorded Alcohol Consumption/WHO, 10,000 US$, 100%, 2001-2003.
  17. Principal Investigator. Consultation Meeting on Development and Adaptation of Guidelines and Curricula for Mental Health Education and Training/ WHO 40000 US$, 100%, 2002.
  18. Principal Investigator. Morphine dependence and relapse related neuroadaptation mechanism. National Science Foundation. 200,000 RMB, 100%, 2003-2005.
  19. Co- Investigator. Biological mechanism of psychoactive substance dependence and related prevention and treatment. National Basic Science Program, 22 million RMB, 10%, 2003-2008.
  20. Principal Investigator. National epidemiological survey on illicit drug, (Hunan area). National Narcotic Committee, 260,000 RMB, 100%, 2004-2006.
  21. Co-investigator. National 11.5 Program. Evaluation of national anti-drug work. Ministry of Science and Technology, 3,600,000 RMB, 10%, 2007-2010.
  22. Principal Investigator. National 11.5 Program. Development of community based, “seamlessly connected” and integrated model for drug abuse, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2,000,000 RMB, 100%, 2007-2010.
  23. Principal Investigator. Pilot study of an epidemiological survey on alcohol use and related harms in China, WHO, RMB 71,000 100%, 2009-2010.


  1. Science and Technology Progress Award: “Series of Behavioral Medicine Research” awarded by National Science and Technology Committee as an Excellent Project in 1994 (The Third Grade).
  2. Excellent Paper Award. “Effect of Clonidine on Cigarette Cessation and in the Alleviation of Withdrawal Symptoms” awarded by WHO and Chinese Mental Health Association for Young Professional in Mental Health, in 1989 (The Second Grade).
  3. Excellent Paper Award. “Psychoactive Substance Use in Three Sites of China: Gender Differences and Related Factors” awarded by Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Committee in 1996 (The First Grade).
  4. Science and Technology Progress Award: “Program of National Epidemiological Study on Substance Abuse” awarded by Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Committee in 1996 (The Second Grade).
  5. Leading Scientist in University Award. Awarded by Hunan University Working Committee, 1998.
  6. Excellent Paper Award. “Alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems: Chinese experience from six area samples”(Addiction 94:1567-1476, 1999), Hunan Medical Association.
  7. The State Counsel Special Contribution Award for Excellent Researcher in Medical Science, 1999, The State Counsel, China.

International Meeting Participated

  1. X World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain, 23-28 August 1996.
  2. Training Course of Drug Abuse Prevention Activities, 21 October –15 November 1996.
  3. XIV Congress of the World Association for Social Psychiatry, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 16-21, 1998
  4. World Health Organization Consultation on Alcohol Epidemiology in Developing Societies, Mexico City, Mexico, 13-15 August 1998.
  5. Second Regional Meeting on the Proposed Draft Global Charter on Alcohol, Bangalore, India, 8-9 June 1999.
  6. WHO Meeting on Amphetamines, MDMA, and other Psychostimulants, Phase II, Bangkok, Thailand, 22-26 November 1999.
  7. International Meeting on Draft Global Charter on Alcohol, Geneva, 10-12 May 2000.
  8. WHO Experts Meeting on Minimal Risk Distribution for Alcohol, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-11 May 2001.
  9. First Meeting of WHO Scientific Advisory Committee on Tobacco Product Regulation (SACtob), WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 October 2000.
  10. Second Meeting of WHO Scientific Advisory Committee on Tobacco Product Regulation (SACtob), Atlanta, USA, 31 January-2 February 2001.
  11. Third Meeting of WHO Scientific Advisory Committee on Tobacco Product Regulation (SACtob), Penang, Malaysia, 4-6 July 2001.
  12. Health Care, East and West, Moving into the 21st Century, Boston, USA, 24-29 June 2001.
  13. PRCP Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 5-11 Oct, 2001.
  14. WHO Workshop on Serial Training for Rehabilitation and Demand Reduction Program, Kunming, China, 9-16 Dec, 2001
  15. Fourth Meeting of WHO Scientific Advisory Committee on Tobacco Product Regulation (SACtob), Oslo, Norway, Feb, 4-9, 2002.
  16. Seminar on ATS Treatment, Rehabilitation and Research (hosted by Colombo Plan), Singapore, April 15-19, 2002.
  17. XII World Congress of Psychiatry, Yokohama, Japan, Aug 23-Sept 1. 2002.
  18. WHO/Beijing Workshop on Substance Abuse: Prevention, Treatment Rehabilitation. Beijing, Sept. 9-13, 2002.
  19. First China International Symposium on Alcohol and Health, Shanghai, Sept. 15-18, 2002.
  20. WHO Meeting on Mental Health Education and Training, Changsha, Nov., 21-26, 2002.(Organizer)
  21. The Forth WHO/China Workshop on Addictive Behavior, Changsha, China. Nov. 16-21 , 2003. (Organizer).
  22. First SPC/WHO Meeting on Alcohol and Health in the Pacific, Noumea, New Caledonia, 28-30th September 2004
  23. International Conference on Tackling Drug Abuse, Hong Kong, 23 to 25 February 2005.
  24. WHO Consultative Meeting on Alcohol and Public Health, Geneva, Jun 7-9, 2005.
  25. 48th Annual Conference on Neurochemistry Fukuoka, Japan, Sept 28-30, 2005.
  26. Sino-US Forum on Mental Health, Changsha, China. Oct. 17-19, 2005 (Organizer)
  27. 18th European Congress of European College of Neuropsychopharmacolgy, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 22-25, 2005.
  28. The Fourth Pan-Asia Pacific Conference on Mental Health, Shanghai, Nov. 14-17, 2005.
  29. The Fifth WHO/China Workshop and Training Course on Addictive Behavior, Changsha, China. Dec. 2-12, 2005. (Organizer).
  30. Temporary Advisor: Technical Consultation on the Development of a Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm. 15-17 March 2006, Manila, Philippines.
  31. Invited speaker: 17th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm. April 30-May 4, 2006, Vancouver, Canada.
  32. Temporary Advisor and Panel meeting Chare: WHO Collaborative Research Project on Drug Dependence Treatment and HIV/AIDS. 29 May-02 June 2006, Beijing.
  33. Chair: Symposium of Alcohol-related problems: international public health and policy issues, in ISBRA 2006 World Congress, Sydney, Australia, 10-13 September 2006.
  34. Invited discussant: ISBRA Satellite meeting, Alcohol Use Disorders: The Diagnostic Conundrum ISBRA Satellite Meeting, 14-15 September 2006, Sydney.
  35. Advisor: WHO Meeting with Stakeholders on Health Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption. Oct 9, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.
  36. Advisor: WHO Expert Committee on Problems Related to Alcohol consumption. Oct 10-13, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.
  37. Invited speaker: Drinking and drinking-related problem in China Asian-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research (APSAA), Sept. 28-30,2007. Ohtsu, Japan.
  38. Plenary speaker: Improving drug treatment in China. World Psychiatric Association Regional Conference, Sept 20-23, 2007. Shanghai, China.
  39. Symposium Chair: Co-morbidity of substance use and bipolar disorder. World Psychiatric Association Regional Conference, Sept 20-23, 2007. Shanghai, China.
  40. Symposium speaker: Alcohol dependence and drinking-related harms. World Psychiatric Association Regional Conference, Sept 20-23, 2007. Shanghai, China.
  41. Symposium Chair: Mental health service in general hospitals. World Psychiatric Association Regional Conference, Sept 20-23, 2007. Shanghai, China.
  42. Consultant. WHO Regional Technical consultation on the global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. Auckland, New Zealand. 24-26 March 2009.
  43. Consultant. WHO. Meetingfor International research on alcohol, health and development, Stockholm, 24-25 September 2009
  44. Invited participant. Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health, Sweden Government. The first Global Expert Meeting on Alcohol, Health and Social Development,Stockholm, Sweden,22 to 23 September 2009.


  1. Hao W, Young DS, Menstrual madness. In: Robert L. Spitzer et al (ED).DSM-III Case. Book. pp. 401-402. American Psychiatric Press Inc. Washington DC. 1989.
  2. Hao W. Neuroses: In Young, DS (Ed). Manual on Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders and Case Book, Hunan University Press. Changsha, 1989.
  3. Hao W, Young DS, Chen XY. Psychotherapy and counseling. In: Young, D (Ed). Textbook of Behavioral Medicine. pp. 248-271, Hunan University Press. Changsha, 1990.
  4. Hao W, Deng YL. Psychoactive substance abuse. In: Young DS.(Ed) Textbook of Behavioral Medicine. pp. 64-71, Hunan University Press. Changsha, 1990.
  5. Hao W, Cognitive therapy, psychoanalysis therapy, client center therapy, and Morita therapy. In Young D. (Ed). The Foundation of Psychiatry. pp. 650-681, 697-699 Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1995.
  6. Hao W (Chief editor). Substance abuse, pp. 75-90, Classification of Mental Disorders, pp. 15-30. In: Postgraduate Training of Psychiatry. Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1998.
  7. Hao W. Neurosis, Psychosis, and Alcohol and Drug Abuse. In: Wu ZQ (Ed) A Comprehensive Textbook of Medicine for General Practitioners in Countryside. pp. 652-682, People’s Health Press, Beijing, 1998.
  8. Hao W. Drug Abuse, and psychotherapy and life skills training. In: Young & Li (Eds.) Textbook ofBehavioral Medicine(2nd). pp. 231-257, 539-548, 563-601.Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1998.
  9. Hao W. Classification of neurosis, and psychotherapy. In: Zhang YL (Ed) Neurosis: Theory and Practice, 2000.
  10. Hao W (Ed in chief). Psychiatry training. Hunan Science & Technology Press, 1999.
  11. Hao W. Classification on mental health, psychoactive substance abuse and toxic psychosis. In Xu TY (Ed), Modern Psychiatry. PP. 69-74, 246-271, Shanghai University Press, Shanghai, 2000.
  12. Hao W. Psychotropic drugs. In; Wu ZQ (ed). Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology, PP. 622-638, Beijing, People’s Health Publishing House, 2001.
  13. Hao W. Substance intoxication and emergency treatment. In Li HD (ed) Drug Therapy. PP. 231-243, Beijing, People Health Publish House, 2001.
  14. Hao (Ed in chief)). Textbook of Psychiatry (4th edition)(the national unified textbook for all medical university student in China, assigned by authority of Health Ministry, China), People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2001.
  15. Hao W. Tobacco dependence. In; Shen YC (ed). Textbook of Psychiatry (4th edition). People Health Publish House, Beijing. PP 231-243, 2002.
  16. Hao W (Ed in chief). National Examination Series Books, Psychiatry. Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House, Beijing, 2002.
  17. Hao W., Young DS., Xiao SY et al. Drinking patterns and related problems in a large general population sample in China. In: Demers A. et al. (ed). Surveys of drinking patterns and problems in seven developing countries. Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence/WHO, PP 115-130, 2001.
  18. Hao W. Addictive behavior and related management. In National Expert Examination Committee on Medicine (Eds) Examination Guideline for Psychiatry and Psychology. Beijing, Knowledge Publishing Press. 2002.
  19. Hao W. Substance related disorders. In: Shen UC, Yu X (eds) Textbook of Psychiatry, PP 112-137, Beijing, Beijing Medical University Press, 2002.
  20. Liu TQ, Hao W. The outline and examination questions of textbook of psychiatry. People Health Publish House, Beijing. 2003.
  21. Hao W. Psychoactive substances and other toxic substances related mental disorders. In Chen YF, Li SW (eds) Diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Peking Union Medical College Publishing Press. PP 1090-1138, 2003.
  22. Hao W, Wang XP. Collection of medical examination test questions for psychiatry. People’s Military Medical Press. 2003.
  23. Hao (Ed in chief)). Textbook of Psychiatry (5th edition)(the national unified textbook for all medical university student in China, assigned by authority of Health Ministry, China), People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2004.
  24. Hao W. Reward and addiction. In: Ju G et al. (eds) Textbook of neurobiology for postgraduates. PP. 543-557, People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2004.
  25. Hao W. Substance related disorders. In Jiang KD. Textbook of Psychiatry, People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2005.
  26. Hao. W. Detoxification treatment. In. Zhang MY (ed) Clinical standard technique: psychiatry section, PP 61-64. PMMP Publication, Beijing,2006.
  27. Hao W. Psychoactive substance related disorders. In Zhang MY (ed) The Guidance of clinical diagnosis and treatment, Psychiatry section. PP 21-38. People’s Medical Publishing House, Beijing, 2006.
  28. Hao W (Ed in chief). Case file, Psychiatry (Bilingual textbook of psychiatry). People’s Medical Publishing House, Beijing, 2007.
  29. Hao W. Mental Disorders. In. Zou HJ et al. (eds) Textbook of Internal Medicine, PP. 703-737. People’s Medical Publishing House, Beijing 2007.
  30. Hao (Ed in chief)). Textbook of Psychiatry (6th edition)(the national unified textbook for all medical university student in China, assigned by authority of Health Ministry, China), People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2008.
  31. Liu TQ, Hao W, Yu X (ed in chief) . Collection of medical examination test questions and learning instruction for psychiatry. People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2008.
  32. Hao W. Behavioral Medicine (2 edition), Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, 2008.
  33. Hao W. Opiate and other substance us-related mental disorders. In Shen YC(Eds). Psychiatry, People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing,2009
  34. Hao W, Yu X, Xu YF (eds in chief). The textbook of standard diagnosis and treatment on mental disorders, Peking University Medical Press, Beijing, 2009.
  35. Hao W, Liu TQ (eds in chief) The selected problem set in psychiatry for national examination of health professionals, People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing,2009
  36. Cao D, Hao W. Addiction, learning and memory, In: Ch JP (ed) New development in Psychiatry, People’s Military Medical Press, Beijing, 2009.
  37. Wang CS, Hao W. Dopamine system and susceptibility of addiction. Addiction, learning and memory, In: Ch JP (ed) New development in Psychiatry, People’s Military Medical Press, Beijing, 2009.
  38. Hao W. Psychiatric epidemiology, In Jiang KD (ed). Textbook of Psychiatry for Postgraduates. People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing,2009.
  39. Hao W. Substance use. In Jiang KD (ed). Textbook of Psychiatry for Postgraduates. People’s Medical Publishing House,Beijing, 2009.
International Publications

Journal papers