What have the children learnt at school this week? / What can you do at home to support this learning?
  • We are revisingall of the following single phonemes and digraphs: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, z, zz, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, qu, ar, oo, oa, or, ur, ow, er, oi,
  • The children have also started learning the following trigraphs: igh, ear, air, ure
  • The children have continued to blend simple words to read and write and are writing simple sentences.
  • The children have been engaging in lots of different interactive games to secure their knowledge.
  • Practise chalking each grapheme in the garden or writing them in different things using fingers such as glitter, shaving foam or baked beans!
  • Can the children read simple words around them
  • Ask the children to write some of the simple words we have been learning. Can they make up their own simple caption?
  • Encourage the children to use the digraphs and trigraphs within their writing.

  • This week we have been continuing our learning of Jack and the Beanstalk and writing a bean diary.
  • We have also looked at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar to look at the format of a diary. i.e on Monday...
  • Can you write a diary of what you got up to each day in holidays?
  • Send it in or take a picture and upload it to Tapestry.

  • In Numeracy we have been continuing our learning of 2D and 3D shapes. Naming and describing their properties such as, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere.
  • Can the children recognise any 2D or 3D shapes in the environment?
  • Can the children describe their properties? (how many sides does it have? How many faces does it have? How many corners does it have?)
Take some photos or a video and upload them to tapestry or email us at

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