Mellis CEVC Primary Art Long Term Plan

(All in reference to Suffolk Scheme of Art and New National Primary Curriculum)

Key Stage 1

Class / Autumn / Spring / Summer
R / See EYFS Plan
Year 1
Cycle A / Subject: Drawing
Drawing self portrait, friends, teachers (share ideas, experiences and imagination)
Explore colour, line and shape looking at the face, skin, mix paints, hair colour e.c.t
Create pictures of the creation of the world. (Share ideas and imagination)
(develop techniques in using colour, line and shape)
Artist: Picasso: portraits. (Making links to their own work). Self portrait in the style of Picasso (explore colour and line)
Cross Curricular Links
History: Ourselves living memory/Victorians
Science: humans internal and external staying healthy.
Literacy: several texts linked to theme ourselves
Numeracy: data handling measure height, hands, feet, amout of people with same eye colour e.t.c. ICT links to data pictograms.
P.E staying healthy
R.E creation pictures (line and colour draw, paint) / Subject: Drawing and Textiles
Observational drawing of a range of shells. (explore line, colour, shadow)
Collage pictures of the seaside using a range of paper materials and sand
Collage pictures under the sea using paper materials.
(use materials creatively to design and make products)
Create seaside pictures using wool and weaving, colour and texture
Easter Art: Symbols of easter, wool pom poms chicks and bunnies, decorate eggs marbling with ink (share ideas, experiences and imagination) ( develop techniques in using colour, line, texture, pattern and form)
Artist: None
Cross Curricular Links
Geog: map work, seasides
Science: observe changes of day and season changing state how seasides are formed
Literacy: several texts linked to theme seasides
R.E wonderful world natural beauty seasides and under the sea.
P.E dance under the sea
Numeracy: pictograms weather charts ICT linked weather recordings / Subject:Painting, Drawing and Sculpture
Painting and drawing a range of plants. (use drawing and painting to share ideas and imagination)
Leaf and petal prints. (Develop techniques in using colour, texture, line and form)
Sculpture: create minibeasts with clay, using natural resources from their imaginary habitat. (use clay creatively to design and make products) (Use sculpture to develop their imagination)
Artist: Van Gogh
Sunflowers (making links to their own work) paint Sunflowers in the style of Van Gogh (explore colour and form)
Cross Curricular Links
Geog: local area study (plants and minibeasts.)
Science: Plants
Literacy: range of texts linked with theme habitats
Numeracy: division, finding half, finding quarter, doubling calculation linked with minibeast legs, habitats and plants.
I.C.T word processing linked with theme
Year 1 Cycle B / Subject: Collage
Collage seasonal pictures using a range of resources. (share ideas, experiences and imagination)
Explore colour, line and shape looking at rainbow different shapes of weather symbols. Create Noah’s Ark pictures (Share ideas and imagination)
(develop techniques in using colour, line and shape)
Kandinsky: Circles. (Making links to their own work). Create shape paintings in the style of Kandinsky (explore colour and shape)
Cross Curricular Links
Geog: identify seasonal/daily weather patterns in the UK.
Science: Observe changes of day and season (weather)
Literacy: several texts linked to theme Weather
Numeracy: data handling measure rain fall and temperature outside the classroom Time, hours in the day, months in the year e.c.t. ICT links to data pictograms.
P.E Dance (fireworks)
R.E Noah’s Ak pictures (line and colour draw, paint) / Subject: Drawing
Observational (according to ability) drawing of a range of animals. (explore line, colour, shadow)
Paint and create prints of animal paws/feet
(use materials creatively to design and make products)
Create animal pictures using wool and weaving, colour and texture
Easter Art: Symbols of easter, wool pom poms chicks and bunnies, decorate eggs marbling with ink (share ideas, experiences and imagination) ( develop techniques in using colour, line, texture, pattern and form)
Artist: None
Cross Curricular Links
Geog: map work, location of Kenya hot countries ( African animals)
Science: Materials classify and properties (materials for hot and cold and wet weather)
Literacy: several texts linked to theme animals/ Kenya
R.E: Easter
Numeracy: multiples of 2, doubling animal babies and parents. / Subject: Printing
Painting and drawing a range of plants. (use drawing and painting to share ideas and imagination)
Leaf and petal prints. (Develop techniques in using colour, texture, line and form)
Sculpture: using natural resources from woodland, common and field. (creatively design and make products) (Use sculpture to develop their imagination)
Artist: Andy Goldsworthy (making links to their own work) sculpt with natural resources in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. (explore line and form)
Cross Curricular Links
Geog: local area study (plants and minibeasts.)
Science: Plants ( linked with local area)
Literacy: range of texts linked with theme Our Village/ Plants
Numeracy: division, finding half, finding quarter, doubling calculation linked with minibeast legs and plants.
I.C.T word processing linked with theme
Year 2 Cycle A / Drawing
Mark making
Marks in response
Represent shade and texture
Close observation
Links to ourselves- self portraits / Printmaking
Demonstrate understanding of light/dark
Evaluate and modify prints
Techniques to duplicate print
Positive and negative stencils
Linked to using leaves, feathers cones etc to create relief stencils to print. / Paint
Brush control
Pattern making
Colour mixing
Links to ICT- control technology
Literacy- fantasy and mayhem.
Year 2 Cycle B / Textile
Tie dye
Dip Dye
Rubbings / Sculpture
Nick Mackman
Clay work linked to Geog and Science topic animals / Collage
Large scale
Use of line
use of colour and collage to create seaside pictures from junk

Key Stage 2

Class / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Year 3 Cycle A / Subject 3d/ textiles
Bowl for a famous artist, clay slab dish/tile
  • moulding
  • colour relationships.
  • Comparison with artists
  • Working with clay
  • Decorating techniques on a three-dimensional form.
  • To collect visual and other information, using a sketchbook, and explore different types of patterning from different times and cultures
To compare ideas and approaches
  • To use knowledge of dip dye technique to produce backgrounds for further printed work 2a
Cross Curricular links:- Possible link the Romans and mosaics. Literacy- following instructions, instructional text, Writing instructions
P.S.H.E. – working with a partner. .I.C.T.- paint, paint- shop pro – circles.
Numeracy- concentric circles. D and T- decorated container making. / Subject Printing/
Animal prints and plasticine stamps
  • Exploring designs based on animal skin patterning.
  • Realising how nature has given a starting point to designers.
  • Exploring opportunities offered by working with positive and negative shapes
  • Careful cutting of ‘stencil type’ shapes.
Artist:- Henri Matisse (where applicable)
Cross Curricular links ;-Brazil, and the animals that are found there. Science
Literacy- annotated designs. Research skills
Science –animal skin patterning and camouflage
ICT – research skills Numeracy – repeated patterns
I.C.T.- multiples
Literacy- speaking and listening, story of Icarus
PSHE – working collaboratively with others.
Science/Geography – seasons. / Subject Painting/ drawing
Castle Landscapes
Plant and flower paintings
  • Exploring ways of making and creating a range of light and dark colours from the primary range.
  • Identifying specific painting techniques in the work of John Constable
  • Investigating and exploring a range of visual mark making in local landscape pictures
  • Exploration of different pencil positions in producing a range of different light and dark tones.
  • Developing pencil control.
Artist John Constable and other artists of local landscapes.(where applicable)
Cross Curricular links
Literacy- discussing the names given to colours in commercial paint charts.
Literacy-link to descriptive text.
History and Geography focus on castles and looking at local landscapes.
Science:- topic on plants.
Literacy – biography
ICT – research skills
Year 3 Cycle B / Subject Textiles
Skills:-Creating their own dip-dyed fabric
  • colour relationships.
  • Comparison with artists
  • Working with dyes, materials
  • Decorating techniques on a different canvas.
  • To collect visual and other information, using a sketchbook, and explore different types of patterning from different times and cultures
To compare ideas and approaches
  • To use knowledge of dip dye technique to produce backgrounds for further printed work 2a
Cross-curricular links:- Possible link to stone age and cave paintings, for looking at patterns
. Literacy- following instructions, instructional text, Writing instructions
P.S.H.E. – working with a partner. .I.C.T.- paint, paint- shop pro – circles.
Numeracy- concentric circles. D and T- decorated cushion covers using the designs. / Subject collage
Patterns created by light. (Kaleidoscope)
  • Exploring designs based patterns made by light.
  • Realising how nature has given a starting point to designers.
  • Exploring opportunities offered by working with positive and negative shapes
  • Careful cutting of ‘stencil type’ shapes.
Artist:- Henri Matisse
Cross Curricular links ;-Science:- Light
Literacy- annotated designs. Research skills
ICT – research skills Numeracy – repeated patterns
I.C.T.- multiples
PSHE – working collaboratively with others.
Science/Geography – seasons, light patterns created in the environment. / Subject Painting/ drawing
Plant and flower paintings
  • Exploring ways of making and creating a range of light and dark colours from the primary range.
  • Identifying specific painting techniques in the work of John Constable
  • Investigating and exploring a range of visual mark making in local landscape pictures
  • Exploration of different pencil positions in producing a range of different light and dark tones.
  • Developing pencil control.
Artist John Constable, Van Gough
Cross Curricular links
Literacy- discussing the names given to colours in commercial paint charts.
Literacy-link to descriptive text.
Geography focus on looking at local landscapes, and areas containing different types of plants.
Science:- topic on plants.
Literacy – biography
ICT – research skills
4 Year Cycle A / Collage
  • To use photographic images as a starting point to develop work
  • To explore cutting and sticking techniques
  • Transposing imaging
  • To use a variety of media to create images
Artists: Matisse, Bacon, Warhol
XCurricular links: / Painting
  • To explore use of different textures when painting
  • To develop fine brush skills
  • To explore colour application
  • To develop the skill of observation when creating images.
Artist- O’Keefe, Turner
XCurricular links: / Drawing
  • To respond through drawing to something they have heard
  • To develop analytical looking skills
  • To experiment with the technique of overlaying.
  • Producing thick and thin lines and a variety of tonal qualities
Artist - Kansdinsky
XCurricular links:
Geography- local area, Science- living things
4 Year Cycle B / Printmaking
  • Examine print techniques from anotherculture
  • Mono printing techniques
  • Collograph printing techniques
  • Repeat printing techniques
Cross Curricular links:
Geography- Rainforests / 3D
  • To understand the importance of design related to purpose.
  • To apply experiences of materials and processes to develop work.
  • To be able to evaluate created work
  • To modify work for purpose
Cross Curricular links:
History: Ancient Egyptians / Fabric/ Weaving
  • To develop dip dye and resist techniques
  • To combine printing and textile techniques
  • Explore techniques of wrapping, knotting and binding
  • Selecting materials and processes and organise and combine these in their work
Michael Brennand- Wood
Cross Curricular links:
Science- Living Things
History- Vikings
Year 5 Cycle A / 3D Art
  • Sketching shape and form.
  • Looking at the work of a famous artist and discussing similarities between this and what they have produced.
  • Using knowledge to position joints as points of movement and understanding how this will affect the finished piece.
  • Using modroc to produce a 3D figure in the style of a famous artist.
  • Recording techniques used in art work in the sketchbook and commenting on the work of a famous artist.
  • Reviewing own work and that of others.
Artist Alberto Giacometti.
Cross Curricular links
Science – points of movement of the body
P.E. and movement.- positions of the body, points of balance. / Collage
  • Exploring collage techniques in sketchbooks to be used as reference in later work.
  • Layering and overworking materials with different media.
  • Using the sketchbook and a viewfinder to select and make small preliminary studies for future work.
  • Exploring own individual ideas within a given context.
  • Making close observations and drawing what they have seen showing an understanding of line, shape, texture, pattern and tone
Artist Dale Devereaux-Barker
Cross Curricular links
Literacy – annotation and explanatory text.
Science – properties of materials.
P.S.H.E. - lifestyles
R.E.- use of symbols / Drawing
  • Producing observational drawings and selecting and using a range of media.
  • Knowing the skills of blending and interpretation of image
  • Developing drawing further using colours and blending techniques.
  • Employingof different tonal qualities to create the illusion of a 3D object onto a 2D surface
  • Using imagination and experience to draw what they think is inside the seed head
  • Developing the awareness of working from imagination within the context of observation
  • Producing a large drawing of a seed head, selecting from ideas in sketchbooks.
  • Comparing ideas, methods and approaches to their own and others work.
Artist Hundertwasser.
Cross Curricular links
Literacy – Use if descriptive language.
Year 5 Cycle B / Painting
  • Making a multi- layered piece with a variety of media.
  • Responding to the work of a contemporary artist.
  • Using different techniques and materials to produce acetate overlay.
  • Reflecting the style of Chris Ofili
  • Recording and collecting visual information to inform ideas.
  • Understanding the use of contrasting , adjacent colours.
Artist Chris Ofili
Cross Curricular links
ICT – using mouse as a drawing tool, repeated patterns.
Literacy –following instructions / Printing
  • Producing first prints from press-print reduction block.
  • Learning the technique of reduction printing using press-print.
  • Producing second prints from press-print reduction block
  • Continuing application of the principle of working from light to dark colours.
  • Recording technique of reduction printing and annotating own work.
  • Make comments on the results of their printing and how they would like to develop their work in the future.
Artist John Brunsden , Escher
Cross Curricular links / Textiles
Experimenting with pieces of fabric to show the effects of different ideas and techniques to alter its appearance
  • Developing skills and knowledge of colouring, layering, construction and destruction of textile material
Develop recording skills
  • Creating an interesting multiple unit hanging employing a range of fixing techniques
Making a raised fabric surface using folding and scrunching techniques.
  • Decorating the raised surface with paints and dyes.
  • Exploring and experimenting with new techniques and processes to develop an understanding of the batik process.
Changing work where they feel it is needed as the images progress.
Arranging materials to make visually interesting textile collages.
  • Develop knowledge of the multiple layering techniques used by Jean Davywinter
Artist Jean Davywinter
Cross Curricular links
D and T – manipulation of fabrics.
Literacy – speaking and listening and following instructions.
PSHE – safety instructions.
Year 6 Cycle A / Painting (Cubism)
  • Understand how Cubists depicted 3d on a 2d surface
  • Use ‘windscreen’ technique to develop abstract image
  • Use collage techniques to produce raised Cubist image
  • Discuss and adapt work using a variety of media
Artist: Patrick Caulfield, Picasso
Cross Curricular Links:
Literacy – discussing images.
ICT – research life and work of Cubists.
Music – use instruments for still life work / Drawing
  • Produce detailed drawings and enlarge
  • Understanding and investigating the variety of methods and different media used by artists for portrait work.
  • Develop awareness of emotional responses linked to facial expressions
Artist: Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon
Cross Curricular links:
RE – Iconography and art in Christianity / Collage
  • Examine work of Gustav Klimt or Chris Ofili
  • To produce images by layering materials and the use of different media
  • Work in response to images of Pablo Picasso or Chris Ofili
Artist: Gustav Klimt, Pablo Picasso or Chris Ofili
Cross Curricular Links
Numeracy – geometric shapes.
PHSE - Diversity
Year 6 Cycle B / Textiles
  • Develop Linear patterned press prints
  • Dip dyeing techniques
  • Batik and punchinella weaving
Artist : Hunderwasser
Cross Curricular Links
ICT- repeated patterns
Literacy – instructions and explanations / 3d Sculpture
  • To draw preliminary sketches of people
  • To study and describe sculpture, and understand different inspirations
  • To produce clay maquettes
Artist: Henry Moore
Cross Curricular Links
Literacy -Instructions/Explanations
Science – changing states / Printing
  • To use natural forms to produce sketches for print designs
  • Produce ‘unique state prints;
  • To investigate art, craft and design in the locality and the work of printmakers from different times and cultures, and adapt for own designs
Artist: Andy Warhol
Cross Curricular Links
History/Geography - artist from relevant time period or geographical location