Hodag Little League Board Meeting Minutes for 2/8/16
Date: 2/8/16
Attendees: Brian McGinnis, Wendi Bixby, John Reinthaler, Scott Ridderbusch, Tracy Ridderbusch, Janet Jamison
Absent: Randy Beard
-Questions for Jeff Welk include asking for the username and password for the current LL Charter/insurance information. Should update board members on LL site to allow access to information. Also, we need to ask Jeff if he has been paying the city a fee for use of the LL fields.
-Brian spoke about asking Randy about the money used to move the fence for the softball diamond last year and whether or not the $6,300 that softball had raised specifically for a new field was used to cover the cost of moving the fence. John or Brian will follow up with Randy about this concern.
-There was some discussion about the general LL fund and the division of monies between the boys and girls’ programs and how this should be managed in the future.
-Members present then voted on board positions. New board is as follows:
President: John Reinthaler
VP of Baseball: Scott Ridderbusch
VP of Softball: Brian McGinnis
Treasurer: Randy Beard
Secretary: Janet Jamison
Player Agent: Wendi Bixby
Safety Agent Officer: Tracy Ridderbusch
-Discussed long term goal of having an overall baseball/softball board that was run by the high school coaches and involved all aspects of baseball/softball including Babe Ruth, Legion, Gems, LL, etc.
-Each committee designated at the last board meeting was assigned a board member or two to oversee the committee and provide communication back to the board. Board Members on each board include:
Sponsor and Uniform: Janet, Brian
Website: Janet (and Brad Kowieski)
Registration: Wendi
Rules/Code of Conduct: John
Player List/Coaches: Scott, Wendi, John
Equipment: Scott, Brian
Scheduling: Wendi (Janet to help if needed)
Concession Stand: Tracy
Umpire: Scott
Audio: still available
Long Term Fundraising: Brian
-Opening Day will be May 7th
-Some discussion about restructuring the way 8u-12u softball is run, given the small number of girls who play and the challenges of having girls ages 8-13 on one team. Scott and Brian are proposing teams at the 12u, 10u, and 8u level who may play teams of the same age groups from nearby towns. They are also working to add a few “travel” type tournaments to girls’ softball this season.
-Reviewed the advantages of using Sport Ngin to develop and run our new website. Costs would include a one-time fee of $500 for initial site set up (logos, banner, tabs, etc), a yearly fee of $595 to subscribe to Sport Ngin, and a $250 yearly fee to use DIBS (Sport Ngin’s online volunteer monitoring, field scheduling, etc. system).
-Motion was made and seconded to use Sport Ngin for our new website. Members felt that the web address should be: Rhinelanderhodaglittleleague.com
-Registration fees were decided to be $40 per child, with a $60 family maximum.
Action Needed: Please contact volunteers that may have signed up for any committee that you are in charge of to determine your next steps.
Next Meeting: Monday, Feb. 29th at 5:00 at Heck Capital
Submitted by Janet Jamison, Secretary