August 7, 2013

The weekly selectmen’s meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Selectman Duane Vigue with Selectmen Donald Grinnell also present. Selectman Wesley Daniel was absent.

The summary of the July 31, 2013, selectmen’s meeting was approved as written.

The selectmen voted unanimously to approve a payroll warrant of $11,025.25 and an accounts payable warrant of $11,392.23. An online review of accounts at Machias Savings Bank showed $100,000 in the operating account and $380,529.55 in the interest bearing sweep account.

Jonathan Daniel, Road Commissioner, was absent but submitted a report of his activities July 28 – Aug 3. The selectmen voted unanimously to approve his report.

Robert Temple, Code Enforcement Officer, was present and briefed the selectmen on the following open issues:

1)  Bob has mailed a letter to Tim Jackson, with a copy to a complainant, reminding Mr. Jackson that his permit for a salvage operation does not allow Sunday operations.

2)  Bob has determined that in his opinion the application for the J.C. Stone variance is complete and has been forwarded to the Board of Appeals for action.

3)  Bob has reviewed the property on Nelson Ridge Road North and has determined that it has been cleaned to satisfaction. He made contact with the complainant who is also satisfied. Case is closed.

4)  Bob has determined that the Reed and Steinmeyer properties have not been cleared of junk and by direction of the selectmen has sent documents to the town attorney for filing with the court.

The interim superintendent of RSU 40 will visit the selectmen to introduce himself on August 14.

Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector Denise Hylton verbally informed the selectmen that she has submitted her resignation to Town Clerk Ann Dean and is working her two week notice. The selectmen thanked Denise for all her hard work, congeniality, and dedication to her job. They wished her best of luck in her new job as Deputy City Clerk and Tax Collector for the City of Belfast.

Upon the resignation of Denise, the selectmen voted unanimously to appoint Ann Dean as Registrar of Voters.

Duane gave a summary as to why the flags were removed from the utility poles in the village. The action came after a vote by the selectmen to remove the flags so that they would not get frayed and become unsuitable for flying as happened in 2012. Those frayed flags generated numerous complaints to the selectmen. Duane removed the flags, and they are currently bagged stored in the firehouse for use another year. Robert Marks and David Williams both commented on the actions and thought that the flags should have been left up as they looked nice and that other towns still have their flags in place.

With no further business to come before the board, the selectmen adjourned at 7:35 pm.