Join us for one of the Best Weekends of Your Life at

Young Life’s Timber Wolf Lake Camp!

What/Where: Timber Wolf Lake – A High School YL Camp experience close by in Lake City, MI

Visit for a closer look at this camp.

Housing: All campers will stay in cabins (luxurious dorm rooms) with their friends and leaders from our area. There is typically one adult leader for every 5 campers.

When: The evening of Friday, December 5th to the afternoon of Sunday, December 7th

Who: YOU! – and other high school students and adult leaders from Young Life Traverse City – along with hundreds of other students from around the USA!

How Much: $125 – this includes transportation, housing, meals, activities, and everything you need for camp to make it one of the most incredible weekends of your life!

(Balance must be paid in full by: Sunday, November 30th)

Register: Fill out the form below with your payment and mail to address below.

Fundraisers: To be announced, check your email for updates

Questions: Call Sherry Small by phone (231-935-4503) or e-mail

Please make checks payable to Young Life and return to Cristy or Erik Lindstrom

334 Birchwood, Traverse City, MI 49686


Registration Form

Name______Male_____ Female_____


City______State MI Zip______

Camp Dates Dec. 5th – Dec. 7th School______Present Grade______Age_____

Student E-mail______Student cell phone______

Name of Parent(s) or Guardian (please print)______

Parent E-mail______Parent cell phone______

Home Phone______Work Phone______

Amount Enclosed $______Balance Due $ ______

Signature of Parent or Guardian ______

Rules for acceptance and participation in the program are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington D.C. 20250.