Bastrop, Louisiana

January 6, 2015

The Morehouse Parish School Board met in regular session January 6, 2015 at 5:30 P. M. at the Morehouse Parish Student Services Center with the following members present: Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy, and Rose Thompson. Absent: None.

Mrs. Carol Jones, Morehouse Parish Clerk of Court, conducted the swearing in of Board Members.

Dr. Noflin, the secretary to the board, called the meeting to order and Reverend Holmes, pastor of New Jerusalem #2 gave the invocation.

A moment of silence for the following who died recently:

Irma J. Degges – retired teacher

Helen J. Tilbury – retired teacher

Caleb Adcock, student at Morehouse Magnet School, led the pledge of allegiance.

The next item on the agenda was the election of President. Chastity Kennedy nominated Louis Melton for president. Chip Rawls nominated Karen Diel. Dr. Noflin declared that nominations closed. Karen Diel was elected based on the following vote:

Karen Diel – Karen Diel

Louis Melton – Louis Melton

Colby Daniels – Karen Diel

Rick Hixon – Karen Diel

Chip Rawls – Karen Diel

Chastity Kennedy – Louis Melton

Rose Thompson –Karen Diel

Ms. Diel took charge of the meeting and opened nominations forvice president. LouisMelton nominated Chastity Kennedy for vice president. Karen Diel declared that nominations closed. Chastity Kennedy was elected based on the following vote:

Karen Diel – Chastity Kennedy

Louis Melton – Chastity Kennedy

Colby Daniels – Chastity Kennedy

Rick Hixon – Chastity Kennedy

Chip Rawls – Chastity Kennedy

Chastity Kennedy – Chastity Kennedy

Rose Thompson – Chastity Kennedy

On a motion by Louis Melton, and seconded by Rose Thompson, and the following roll call vote, the agenda was amended to remove Item XV. C to consider entering into an interagency agreement with Louisiana Delta Community College-Bastrop;to remove Item XVI. A. Vicki Carpenter’s request to add a new agenda Item XVI.A. Mr. Henry Cotton’srequest to address the board regarding increase in Board Member’s salary.

Yeas:Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy

Rose Thompson



On a motion by Louis Melton, and seconded by Rick Hixon, the agenda was unanimously approved as amended.

The next item on the agenda was Recognitions and Awards. Dr. Noflin recognized high attendance recognitions for the month of November beginning with the high attendance award for students in descending order are as follows:

#5 - Pine Grove Elementary with 97.42 % attendance,

#4 - Oak Hill Elementary - 97.55% attendance,

#3 - Delta Magnet School of Fine Arts - 97.7% attendance,

#2 - H. V. Adams Elementary with 97.74% attendance,

#1High attendance award for students for the month of November is awarded to Morehouse Magnet School with 98.09% of their students in attendance for the month.

The top five schools with the high attendance for faculty and staff for the month of November beginning with the top five schools were in descending order are as follows:

#5 - Bastrop High School with 90.59% attendance,

#4 - H. V. Adams Elementary with 93.08%,

#3 - Pine Grove Elementary with 94.79% attendance,

#2 - Morehouse Jr. High with 96.79% attendance,

#1-The high attendance for faculty and staff for the month of November is awarded to Delta Magnet School of Fine Arts with 97.69% of their faculty and staff in attendance for the month.

Dr. Noflin and Ms. Kim Nelson, a representative of Gladney and Associates, recognized Wendy Coleman as the employee of the month for the month of January. Dr. Noflin stated that Ms. Coleman is punctual, has a great work ethic, is responsible, and loves the children. She is dedicated and does everything necessary to make sure the children receive the best care and education at both Pine Grove Elementary and Cherry Ridge Elementary as an Instructional Facilitator.

Dr. Noflin and Ms. Vickie Carpenter, a representative of Keep Morehouse Beautiful, recognizedthe winners of the Christmas Decorating Contest as follows:

3rd Place – Cherry Ridge Elementary

2nd Place – Beekman Charter

1st Place – Morehouse Magnet

Dr. Noflin gave an overview of the Superintendent Literacy Challenge. He stated that the purpose of the challenge was to increase interest in reading and to increase reading levels of the students. He stated that a goal of 50,000 books was set and the total number of books read parish wide was 58,594. The following results of the challenge were presented as follows: Top scoring schools were as follows:

#5 - Delta Magnet School of Fine Arts students read 4,156 books

#4 - Morehouse Magnet students read 7,761 books

#3 - Pine Grove students read 9,204 books

#2 - Cherry Ridge Elementary students read 13,752 books

#1 - H. V. Adams Elementary students read 19,586 books

The top-scoring students were:

Pre-K Olivia Bautista, student at Cherry Ridge Elementary,read 311 books

Grades K-2Alysa Philley, student at Cherry Ridge Elementary, read584 books

Grades 3-5Jeremiah Nash, student at Oak Hill Elementary, read172 books

Grades 6-8Delta Armstrong, student at Delta Magnet, read 219books

Grades 9-12Hannah Hawkins, student at Bastrop High School, read50 books

On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Rawls, the minutes of the Regular School Board meeting held on December 2, 2014 were unanimously approved.

On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy, the bus requests were unanimously approved.

Dr. Noflin presented the Monthly Travel Requests and recommended approval of those requests. This recommendation was unanimously approved on a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Ms. Thompson.

The following communications to the Board were presented:

A. Monthly Suspension/Expulsion Report presented by Mr. Davenport.

B.Board Retreat to be held on Saturday, January 10th beginning at 9:00 a.m.

C.Superintendent’s Board Updates as follows:

1.Bus Route Updated Information as requested by the Board.

2.Civil Rights Complaint Investigation and resolution.

3.Legal Update provided by Dr. Johnny Purvis regarding nationwide legal matters.

4.State Superintendent district visit.

5.Bus Requests and Travel Requests received late due to the early preparation of the agenda packets because of Christmas Break. Dr. Noflin requested board approval for these requests. On a motion by Rawls, and seconded by Melton, these requests were unanimously approved.

6.All A’s Breakfast for students who had all A’s for the first semester. Board members will be invited to the breakfast.

7.LSBA Convention information.

The next item on the agenda was to receive a report comparing costs for substitutes, utilities, transportation as a result of 4-day school week. Mr. Melton stated that he requested this item be added to agenda to receive the report to determine the feasibility of continuing with the 4-day school week for the 2015-2016 school year. Dr. Noflin and Ms. Flowers presented information regarding the financial comparison. Dr. Noflin was directed to conduct a survey to receive input from students, staff, and parents regarding the 4-day school week. An item will be placed on the agenda for the

February meeting to discuss the development of the 2015-2016 School Calendar which will allow time for the results of the survey to be available.

The next item on the agenda was to receive credit hours for School Board Members. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Rawls credit hours were unanimously approved. (See attachment #A)

The next item on the agenda was to consider approval of the Financial Statement for General Fund and Lunch Fund for November, 2014. Ms. Flowers presented the Financial Statement for General Fund and Lunch Fund for November, 2014. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Ms. Kennedy, the Financial Statement for General Fund and Lunch Fund for November, 2014 were unanimously approved.

The next item on the agenda was to authorize the Superintendent and his staff to begin the completion and submission process of the 2015-2016 E-rate Application. Mr. Winston and Mr. Lautigar presented information regarding the 2015-2016 E-rate Application. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Rawls and a unanimous vote, the superintendent was granted permission to begin the process.

The next item on the agenda was to receive an update regarding hand held metal detectors distributed to all principals. Dr. Noflin presented an update and reported that the principals that have used the detectors indicated that they did not find any weapons as a result of the search.

The next item on the agenda was to receive information regarding the students’ dress code policy. Dr. Noflin provided the Board members with the School Board Dress Code policies for students and employees. He also provided Board members with documentation that verifies that these policies were discussed as an item on the agenda for the administrators meeting held on October 9, 2014. Mr. Melton stated that he has visited schools and observed that there are students that are not wearing uniforms and other violations of the student dress code.

The next item of the agenda was to consider for a 1st Reading the revision to the Discipline, Separation and Dismissal Policy F-9.22. Mr. Katz presented information regarding concerns with the current policy that does not clarify that ancillary certificated employees do not qualify for tenure. On a motion by Mr. Melton, and seconded by Mr. Hixon the policy was unanimously approved for a 1st Reading.

The next item on the agenda wasto consider for a 2nd Reading policies and revisions.On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Hixon the following policies were approved for a 2nd Reading:



The superintendent, a Board secretary, shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of all minutes of regular and special meetings of the Board, and of all committee meetings, and for maintaining official copies at the School Board Office.

The minutes of each Board meeting shall be published in the official journal of the Board by the secretary.

The minutes of the preceding meeting(s) shall be corrected if necessary, then approved by the Board as the first act of the next meeting. If an error in the minutes is discovered at a later date; it may be corrected by approval of a majority of the membership of the Board.

A copy of all motions shall be carefully recorded. The names of those who make the motions, those who second them, yeas and nays shall be recorded.

The official minutes shall be bound and kept in the office of the superintendent as a permanent record of the Morehouse Parish School Board.

So long as the Morehouse Parish School Board maintains a website, a copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Board of the Morehouse Parish School Board shall be posted on the website for at least three (3) months after it posted. The minutes shall be posted on the website within ten (10) days after publication of the minutes in the official journal.




As a board member I shall comply with the mandatory ethics education requirements of Louisiana law.

Ethics Designee:

The Superintendent’s secretary/administrative assistant shall with the assistance of the Board, provide information, notices and updates to employees and officials of the Board and assist the Board in any way necessary to fulfill the requirements set out in Louisiana law regarding mandatory ethics education and mandatory education requirement.



  1. Parents of students enrolled in the Morehouse Parish School District shall have the following rights:

(1)To examine the textbooks, curriculum, and supplements material used in their child’s classroom.

(2)To inspect their child’s school records, including all of the following:

(a)Academic records.

(b)Medical or health records.

(c)Records of any mental health counseling.

(d)Records of any vocational counseling.

(3)To be notified when medical services are being offered to their child, except where emergency medical treatment is required. In cases where emergency medical treatment is required, the parent shall be notified as soon as practicable after the treatment is rendered.

(4)To be notified if a criminal action is deemed to have been committed against their child or by their child.

(5)To be notified if law enforcement personnel questions their child, except in cases where the parent has been accused of abusing or neglecting the child.

(6)To be notified if their child is taken or removed from the school campus without parental permission.

(7)That the school shall not discriminate against their child based upon the sincerely held religious beliefs of the child’s family.

(8)To receive written notice and the option to opt their child out of any surveys that include questions about any of the following:

(a)The student’s sexual experiences or attractions.

(b)The student’s family beliefs, morality, religion, or political affiliations.

(c)Any mental health or psychological problems of the student of a family member.

(9)To receive a written notice and have the option to opt their child out of instruction on topics associated with sexual activity.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, a public school shall not be required to release any records or information regarding a student’s medical or health records or mental health counseling records to a parent during the pendency of any investigation of child abuse or neglect conducted to any law enforcement agency or the Department of Children and Family Services where the parent is the target of the investigation, unless the parent has obtained a court order.


The next item on the agenda was to hear from Mr. Henry Cotton to discuss the need to increase Morehouse Parish School Board member pay to a minimum of $600.00 and a maximum of $800.00 per month per member which would align the school board compensation more closely to that of both the Morehouse Parish Police Jury and the Bastrop Board of Aldermen. Mr. Katz outlined the specific guidelines that are required according to state lawto increase the salary of Board members.

The Superintendent presented the following personnel report:

Report of New Hires

  1. Madelyn Breland, teacher, H. V. Adams, effective January 5, 2015
  2. Shonda McCoy, grants management coordinator, effective December 10, 2014

Report of Retirements

Debbie Buckley, transportation coordinator, effective 12/20/2014

Report of Resignation

Carey Jones, custodian, Cherry Ridge Elementary, effective 12/10/2014

Requests for Leave Report

FMLA Regular Sick Leave:

Dana Eugene Colvin10/18/2014 - 11/30/2014TeacherMorehouse Magnet

Mary Johns12/2/2014 – 12/10/2014TeacherCherry Ridge Elementary

Monica Jordan12/15/2014 – 1/26/2015TeacherBastrop High School

Jennifer Stokes12/21/2014 – 1/6/2015Teacher H. V. Adams Elementary

FMLA Extended Sick Leave:

Mary Johns12/11/2014 - 2/10/2015TeacherCherry Ridge Elementary

Jennifer Stokes1/7/2015 – 3/6/2015Teacher H. V. Adams Elementary

Extended Sick Leave not under Family Medical Leave:

John Banovic11/29/2014 – 12/8/2014TechnologyCentral Office

Jennifer Stokes3/10/2015 – 5/22/2015TeacherH. V. Adams Elementary

The next item on the agenda was to ratify the personnel actions taken by the Superintendent and stated on and/or attached to the agenda of January 6, 2015. Personnel actions were unanimously ratified on a motion by Ms. Thompson, and seconded by Mr. Hixon.

On a motion by Mr. Rawls, and seconded by Mr. Melton and the following roll call vote the Board entered into executive session to consider the Grievance/Complaint appeal to the Board by Patricia Thompson on behalf of C. T.

Yeas:Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy

Rose Thompson



On a motion by Mrs. Thompson, and seconded by Mr. Rawls and the following roll call vote, the Board came out of executive session.

Yeas:Karen Diel, Louis Melton, Colby Daniels, Rick Hixon, Chip Rawls, Chastity Kennedy

Rose Thompson



Ms. Diel stated thatthe Board heard the grievance/complaint of Patricia Thompson and no action was taken.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Karen Diel, President

George Noflin, Jr., Secretary