Computer Applications

Keyboarding Day 2

Keyboarding Basics – home row & keys h, e, i, r, t, n and g

Learner Profile/Contextual Factors

Holmen High School is located in Holmen Wisconsin. There are 1,039 students enrolled at Holmen High School. The student body is made up of: 85.3% Caucasian, 10.8% Asian, 1.4% Black and 1.3% Hispanic. There are a reported 13% of students who have disabilities. This lesson is designed as a required course for all freshman. There are 15 students in the class. One student has an IEP.

** Students have had prior keyboard training. Each student was required to take a 7-9 week keyboarding course in middle school, 45 minute class sessions.

Goal(s)In this lesson students will be concentrating on keystroking, proper positings, rythmic keying and conscientious practicing. Students will also be keying a description about themselves in Microsoft Word.


A.4.1 Use common media and technology terminology and equipment

* identify and explain the functions of a keyboard

* demonstrate proper care and correct use of equipment

* demonstrate the correct use of input device (keyboard)

ObjectivesContent objective: Time Frame90 minutes

TSW review home keys and keys h,e,i, r, t, n and g

TSW review the proper posture and positioning for keyboarding.

TSW demonstrate safe and cooperative use of technology.



MS Word access Mrs K. Johnson

MS PowerPoint presentation

Keyboarding Technique Evaluations

Cortez typing program




PowerPoint presentation

Edmodo topics entered


Microsoft Word access

Introduction to Class-15 Minutes

Each day – students will come in, log into Edmodo and read “Today’s Agenda”.

Students will be required to start working immediatley on whatever task is assigned for the beginning warm-up.

Today – the warm-up will be to open the attached MS word document – read the directions (write a 1 page, double –spaced essay about yourself). Once students are finished, they will save their document.


Computers are not just for business anymore- they are for everyone, everywhere!

In our world of fast-paced communication, almost everything we see on TV and the Internet, hear at rap concerts and Broadway musicals, or read in books and newspapers began as keystrokes entered into a computer by a keyboard operator.

To get the most value from high-speed computers, you must be competent at the input end – the keyboard. A computer processes data and text at the same speed for everyone. But a person who keys 50 words a minute produces twice as much work as a person who keys 25 words a minute for the same amout of time.

Developmental Lesson/Tier I– 65minutes


Verbal Drill Sets –

Homerow keys

Keys H, E, I, R, T, N and G


Introduction to ATRT

Key in ATRT


Complete 2 -5 minute timed writings in Cortez. (STW #1 and STW #2)

Record your progress.

Have students open the MS word document that they completed at the beginning of class about themselves. Ask the students to insert pictures, borders etc. throughout their essay to make them more appealing.

  • This will enable me to see how advanced they are at the basic drawing tools in MS word.

Students will need to save their documents and upload them to EDMODO for grading.

The students will not be graded on the ability to use MS word drawing/picture tools.

While in Edmodo, show the student around. Explore the areas of Edmodo and explain that if they are absent, they will be able to easily find the work that needs to be completed.

ClosureReview-10 minutes

Hand back their technique sheets (while keying, I will be going around and critiquing them on their keyboarding technique). Review the proper techniques and explain what I saw today – good or bad.

RTI (Response To Intervention) – determined after reviewing class description and any IEP’s